

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 5 Part 7

Clarista continued, "Heck, who knows how much more there is to that place, that Book of Reality could be containing anything. And you just pop in like it's nothing… You certainly aren't powerless as you see yourself or others may see you." Codarius then put his hands behind his head, and then the materialization seemed to have completed. A flash of light occurred before his eyes, and he felt himself falling from somewhere, and before he knew it, he had woken back up.

Though he couldn't register it at first, he saw that the blur he saw was no one other than Lux. Lux shook Codarius continuously, and kept on yelling at him. Codarius at first couldn't get his senses together, but they gradually seemed to be returning, and little by little, he heard Lux calling out his name. Codarius then spoke gently, "Don't worry, I'm ok." Codarius then tried to stand up, but it seemed to be a bit of a struggle for him, so he decided to just sit down on the floor.

He then saw Clarista standing next to Lux, who was crouched on the floor, worried about Codarius. Codarius then asked Lux, "Are you okay?" Lux then replied, "Yeah, it was pretty scary though. I actually went around, and asked people if they were okay, but they don't have a single memory about it." That's odd, Codarius thought. Clarista then explained, "Since Codarius restored the Book of Reality, everything went back to normal, as if nothing had happened.

The only reason why you guys remember anything is because you were surrounded by my Absolute Magic, which probably kept your guyses reality intact enough that the Book of Reality had made some small alterations, and was rewritten when Codarius restored it. " Lux then joyfully went up to Codarius and exclaimed, "Woah, that's cool! I didn't know you could do that!" Codarius then said reluctantly, "I didn't know either, I think it was purely because of this sword though." Codarius showed the sword he got at the Grand Sanatorium. Lux then took a good look, and said, "Well, you know what they say in every story, the sword chooses its user.

That's an interesting sword though, I've never seen anything like it." As they were having their conversations, they heard screaming from behind them. The 3 looked back, only to see Rick chasing Batin. Codarius then asked, "What the hell are you guys doing?" Batin then screamed at Codarius, "Hey help me! This creep's trying to fucking molest me!" Rick then added, "I must marry him." Codarius caught on to the word, 'Him' but that wasn't the proper priority as of now. Codarius then told Rick, "Ayo, leave that guy alone, you can find someone else to marry."

Rick then stopped, and then looked at Batin. Though Codarius didn't see anything strange about the way Rick looked at Batin, everyone else seemed to have caught on to something. The moment Rick looked at Batin at that time, Batin's expression changed. Batin then went towards Rick, and then asked, "Well, maybe it's not too bad-" Codarius then walked up to Batin, and slapped him approximately 39 times. Had Rick just subconsciously charmed Batin? It was completely random, and odd, but it appears that Rick had successfully done so. However, the 39 times worth of slaps from Codarius managed to bring Batin back to his senses, and Batin immediately shrieked and backed off.