

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 5 Part 6

They landed on the floor, and Clarista woke up. She seemed speechless. The skies were gleaming, with this 'serenity' seemingly healing both Codarius and Clarista, restoring everything that had been lost. The Grand Sheet Music then began to reform itself, as if nothing had happened. Clarista, after being silent for a decent bit of time, asked Codarius, "What… What did you just do?" Codarius then looked at Clarista, completely exhausted, "I don't know…"

Clarista then looked towards Codarius, with her emotions accelerating and accelerating, and hugged him in joy. She screamed, "We did it! We beat Hristov! Not only that, the world's been completely restored again!" Codarius, surprised, asked Clarista, "How do you know?" Clarista pointed at the Grand Sheet Music, and then yelled, "Look, the Book of Reality is still there! With absolutely no damage, no nothing! That means the world is in perfect condition!"

Codarius was again, clueless of the logic of this odd and heavily complicated place, but it seemed like everything was now back to normal… Codarius sighed in relief, and looked at the Grand Sheet Music, as he likes to call it, and treasured the feeling of accomplishment in his heart. Then Codarius yelled at Clarista, "Let's get out of here, we can't have the others waiting, right?" Clarista nodded, and then the two went towards the corridors.

The corridors led back to the physical plane, with dimensionality returning to them. As Codarius continued, he felt his body materializing once again… Codarius wondered, 'What's with my body always having to materialize and stuff, can't I just go back there?' Codarius then asked Clarista, "So what exactly is the Grand Sanatorium?" Clarista then shook her head, and gave a small lecture, "The Grand Sanatorium is an extremely sacred place. It's the border and connection between the physical plane and the True Side of the Infinite Plane, it works like a gate. But what we saw wasn't the entire True Side of the Infinite Plane.

In order to go deeper, you need to gain access to the Book of Reality, but even I don't know how to do that. But leaving that beside, how did you gain access to the Grand Sanatorium? Not to mention you didn't even know the place that well." Codarius then asked, "What limits someone from getting there?" Clarista abruptly answered, "Everything! It is the center of all creation of the physical world! The only reason why I can gain access was because I unlocked my Absolute Magic. It requires complete transcendence over the world to get there!" Codarius thought, 'That sounds a bit ridiculous…'