

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 5 Part 10

Codarius then asked Batin, "Hey, you know how to fight right?" Batin then remarked, "Of course, I've had to live in the harsh environments of the Great Mountain Ranges of Tindalos after all. I can tell you all the dangers there!" Codarius went on, "Well that'll be a lot of help, I'll be relying on that a lot!" and he shook Batin's hands. "Ow, you grip people's hands way too hard!", Batin commented, and Codarius simply smiled. Now that Batin was also traveling with them, the situation was significantly more convincing than previously.

Though knowing that ridiculous fighters like Hristov and Clarista exist was intimidating, especially considering none of them stood a single chance. Without Clarista, they probably would've gotten completely exterminated without any question. Codarius then asked Batin, "Why did you come down here for?"

Batin replied, "I had a family… My mom died due to an illness she got, and then my little brother began to start acting odd, and claimed to have started to see things, and started talking as if he was someone else… I was scared, and I knew I had to find something to help him with. But then one day, my brother just disappeared before I noticed, and I couldn't find him anywhere. Not only that, I felt like I was seeing some memories that I don't recognize… It kept on coming back and coming back… After exploring in desperation and in search of my brother, I somehow ended up finding a border-like place. The place was a complete void, that looked like it went nowhere, but beyond that, I saw another side. I squinted my eyes, and the more I tried to look towards the other side, the more I felt myself get drawn towards and towards. Before I kenw it, a spiral formed, and I got swallowed into it. Everything went dark, and then I got shot from somewhere, and then before I knew it, I was now in front of the forest. Then couple of guards found me, and Hristov caught me… I don't know how it took me here."

Codarius then wrapped his arms around Batin's shoulder, and tapped it lightly. Codarius then replied, "Well, I guess we might find out if we get to the Mountain of Tindalos." Batin then exclaimed suddenly, "Please, help me find my brother! I can't find him on my own… And he's truthfully the only family i have left…" Codarius replied calmly, "Of course, like I said, I'll help you with anything, it's only the right thing to do." Batin the grabbed onto Codarius' clothes and thanked him, "Thank you… Thank you so much…" Codarius then smiled and then he asked, "Well, I guess to kill time, can you teach me how to fight better?"

Batin then looked at Codarius with confusion, and asked, "You don't know how to fight?" Codarius sighed and explained casually, "Yeah, I lived an entire life just learning an instrument, I don't have much I can do at all." Batin replied, "Oh, ok." Batin then stood up, and then alleged, "Ok, I can teach you some." Then Codarius did a extremely odd fighting stance, and then said, "Ok." Batin then looked at Codarius' stance, and was quite concerned.

Batin then said, "Try landing a punch." Batin wasn't very tall, it surely was hard for Codarius to believe that he would miss his punch. Codarius ran, and the moment he tried to land a punch, Batin grabbed his arm, and then swung him backwards, sending Codarius flying. Codarius landed on his face. Codarius then stood back up, and then asked, "What did you just do?" Batin swiped his hands together and then replied, "I just grabbed your arm and changed the direction of your momentum." Codarius, "Bruh."