

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 4 The Arrogant Mage

So then, they walked outside of the guild. Codarius was already exhausted from walking up the steps, it was twice as hard as it would be to walk it down. Codarius looked back at Rick and Lux, and they seemed to be perfectly fine. Codarius asked to himself, 'What the hell, how are they so full of stamina.." As he continued walking towards the Grand Sanatorium, he saw smoke coming from approximately the center of the place.

He felt a sharp feeling of disgust, but can't remember what it quite was. Codarius then asked Lux, "Hey, do you know what that smoke is about?" Lux then said, "I'm not sure, I might have an idea if we get closer to it. It doesn't look like the sort of fire that broke out in a house, it must be some event." Codarius, out of his curiosity, decided to head over to where the smoke was rising from. Somewhere in Codarius' mind, was there a feeling that made him want to rush.

There were feelings of deja vu, and he felt like he had memories of the similar view. Codarius then began running towards the destination. He knew whatever it was, it certainly wasn't good. He was nearly out of breath, but he made it to the destination. He certainly made it barely in time. The scenery of what was going on took Codarius from beyond surprise. Codarius was devastated to see what was truly going on. There were crowds of people, standing around a creature being tied up on a tall stick, that was being burnt with black fire.

There was a figure standing lazily next to the stake, yawning and almost sleeping in the chair. He wore clothes that seemed to represent one of the upper class mages. He seemed bored out of his mind, and quite apathetic for the creature that was being burnt. The black flames were basically coming in contact every now in then with the person, and the person remained unfazed, still yawning and trying to not sleep. There were people who were cheering, and a few that were seemingly looking with disgust in their face, unable to speak up. Then the mage looking guy snapped his fingers, and the flame exploded, and rose high into the air.

Codarius, without putting much thought, panicked and attempted to run towards the person being burnt. Lux then grabbed Codarius' arm tightly, "Hey, what are you doing? Don't you see the guards and that mage?" Codarius did see the guards and the mages, especially the one that seemed to be the one controlling the fire. However, in Codarius' mind, he had something that he regretted deeply.