

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 4 Part 13

The 'Demon' then replied, "I was found and caught when I got near this town. I was roaming around the mountain ranges, because my mom died. Eventually, I got to this place, and as I was walking around the forest, some guards saw me. I waved at them, and tried to ask for help. They ran away. I waited and waited. Until one guy came up, and then before I knew it, I was engulfed in flames… I tried to damage him, but any attack I attempted burnt in his sheer presence. And I lost consciousness…" Clarista then pointed towards Hristov, who was completely frozen in the ice, and asked, "Oh you mean him, I froze him so don't worry about that guy."

The person was left completely open mouthed. Codarius then spoke up once again, "Ok, now can you tell us your name, the only thing we can refer to you is literally either 'Demon' or The guy who was being burnt at the city." Then the 'Demon' scratched its head, and then replied reluctantly, "My name is Batin." Lux commented, "Hey, that's a cool name." As they were talking, suddenly, a huge cracking noise arose from behind them. The ice that engulfed the forest immediately shattered, and disappeared. There, Hristov rose into the air. He then looked at Clarista.

He screamed at her with burning vexation, "What the hell are you doing you bitch?! YOU TRAITOR!" Clarista then sharply replied looking at him with a cold side eye, "Traitor? I don't remember executing that poor demi-human being a part of our orders?" Hristov then began ranting, "Demi-human?! Those filthy creatures are bad enough, but that thing is a DEMON! You think we can have something like that wandering around this town? No… NO… That is UNACCEPTABLE.

Creatures like those don't get rights. They don't get rights to live. The only right they get is the right to die. Now move out of the way, and I'll make YOUR death painless." Clarista giggled, and made fun of Hristov, "Did you say my death? Your flames aren't going to reach me, a dog can lick off your flames, and extinguish it along with your ego!" Hristov then went completely silent. The moment of silence, he mumbled something, and then immediately Clarista surrounded everyone with a spherical bubble. Everyone wondered what this spherical bubble was, and then Lux realized, it was ice. Or that's what he thought it was. Lux then realized something he found unbelievable.

Clarista's spells were now not just physical ice. In fact, from the beginning, what seemed to be creating ice, was perhaps wrong. This barrier Clarista formed around everyone was something unexplainable. It was as if, this sphere was disconnecting the rest of everyone from reality itself, or preserving the remaining reality from chaos. The chaos that was happening outside the barrier. Clarista was clearly struggling. What was going on outside? Clarista then whispered, "Absolute Magic Mode…" Codarius couldn't keep up with anything that was going on. In fact, not even Lux, Batin, or Rick could tell what was even going on. Why was Clarista trying so hard to protect them? Wouldn't it be significantly easier to just let them die?