

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 4 Part 12

It was a girl, very short and slim, and had short blonde hair. She then looked towards Codarius, and gently waved. Codarius then jumped out of the platform of the Grand Sanatorium, and then landed on the ice. He then ran towards the girl, and asked her, "Hey, there should be some people down there in the ice you just froze! Can you go get them?" Then the girl laughed, and pointed somewhere. Where she pointed, there was Rick, Lux, and the 'Demon.' They all seemed to be perfectly fine, and they weren't hurt a single bit.

Codarius asked absolutely astonished, "Did you save them?" The girl responded with some pride, "Of course I did, they would've been completely gone if I hadn't, though the huge guy seemed to be fine without it. He was just standing in the flames." Codarius said a brief, "Oh." as the girl immediately added, "In fact, he tried to touch me, such a gross and unthankful guy!" Codarius added another brief, "Oh…" He then walked up to Lux, and then asked, "How did you guys survive that?" Lux then pointed towards the girl, and replied, "Well, she saved our asses, when Hristov used one of his ridiculous spells, she came from no where, and then protected us completely with her ice spell. It was really cool," Codarius then asked her, "Who are you?"

Lux began to explain, "She's one of the greatest mage of th-," but then the girl interrupted and spun around as she proudly replied, "I'm Clarista, one of the greatest mages in this kingdom! Don't compare me with that burnt out dick gobbler though, he's a piece of shit!" The way that she cheerfully said all of that moderately sent chills down the 3 guys' spines. Then Clarista looked at the 'Demon', and then gasped, "Oh my, he's terribly injured."

Then, Rick walked up to the 'Demon'. He then whispered, "In the name of the God of Love…" Everyone looked at Rick and wondered what he was about to do. Then Rick shrugged down, and then put his head extremely close to the Demon's head, certainly out of the normal person's comfort zone. Everyone was quite concerned about what Rick was about to do, and then Rick did what everyone hoped would not happen. Rick simply kissed the 'Demon' straight into the lips. Codarius felt puke come out within his mouth, and held his hands in front of his mouth. Despite how gross it seemed, somehow, the scars and burns on the Demon's body went away, and healed completely, as if nothing had happened.

Everyone was genuinely surprised by the unnatural abnormal occurrences with Rick. Then Clarista gave the 'Demon' a sharp flick in the head, and yelled, "Wake up!" Of course it wasn't in a mean or rude way, however, it still startled Codarius and Lux. Then the 'Demon' finally woke up. Codarius really wondered why people called it a 'Demon', it was nothing like what a demon would be. The 'Demon' then rubbed its eyes and shook its head, looking at the surroundings. It then reacted to people being nearby, and went immediately into a defensive position. Codarius and Lux had a mutual thought to themselves, 'Rick's actions would certainly creep that guy out…'

Then Codarius walked up with his hands in the air, "Hey, hey, don't worry, we're not trying to hurt you at all. Literally." The 'Demon' then asked Codarius, "How can you prove that to me?" Codarius then explained, "Well we wouldn't heal you if we were trying to hurt you, and I doubt I'm strong enough to even attack you, why would we even want to hurt you in the first place, we don't have a reason." Then Lux added, "Well what's your name?" The 'Demon' seemed to not want to answer. Lux then sighed, and wondered how they could gain the person's trust. Codarius walked up to the person and sat down. He asked, "Why were you being burnt at the town?"