

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 3 Part 6

Codarius didn't really know what made Rick needed to be chased down by law enforcement, but he certainly did seem like he was special. Then Codarius looked at Lux, and then asked, "Well are you still down to follow me to the Grand Sanatorium?" Lux looked at Rick with sweat coming out of his head, as apparently Rick's presence intimidated everyone around him, and then Lux hesitantly replied, "Sure…" Codarius did a guts pose, and then smiled. Codarius then looked at Rick, and asked a question before he could go anywhere, "Why do you want to come with me? No one at that table took anything I said seriously." Rick then looked at Codarius, with his usual serious face, "I have my own goals too, that no one would believe in."

Codarius reacted with a curious face, and asked, "What's your goals?" Rick replied, "My goal is to fulfill the duties of the God of Lust. I'm the profit of the God of Lust. I'm looking to sleep with some lads and guys." Somewhere in Codarius' mind, a screw fell off the moment he heard that, but he then decided not to judge. After all, Rick still hasn't lost his serious face. Though it was questionable if it was less concerning if he had been joking.

Codarius wondered, 'Does such a god even exist?' He turned over to look at Lux, and Lux clearly had the 'Dude, that guy is not sane' face. But then Codarius laughed, not in a way that was making fun of Rick, but in the manner that he felt like he was having some fun for once. He then looked at Rick, and apologized, "Sorry, I'm not laughing at you at all," and then added with a straight face, "Well, I guess you can follow me, and we can browse through this guild before we go." Lux then whispered into Codarius' ears, "Are you sure about that guy? He seems suspicious as hell…"

Codarius then looked at Lux with a smile, "Of course, and plus the worst comes the worst, you can stop whatever bad happens, right?" Lux did the 'Bruh' facial expression, and shook his head. Lux replied, "I'm not that strong you know, you haven't even seen me, or him fight at all." The three then continued walking towards the shops in the guild. There were several weapons, armors, and items that they could buy. Codarius looked in his bag, and realized that he didn't have much money. He brought the coins to the counter, and asked what he could buy.

The person at the counter then looked at the amount he had, and said, "Woah, you have quite the amount there kid." Codarius looked at him with a confused face, "Really?" The counter guy looked at him and nodded. Codarius realized that perhaps the coins were worth more in this time. He asked, "How much can I buy with this much?" The counter guy explained, "Well, you probably could buy a pretty good sword, some equipment, and few emergency or medical kits." Though it wasn't that much realistically, it was certainly more then Codarius expected.