

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 3 Part 5

He then explained Lux, "I have to prevent the world from ending." He said it. Honestly one of the most dumbest statements to say, Codarius was cringing at how he probably looked and sounded when he said that. He felt hideous. This feeling gave him a bit of nostalgia. People heard what Codarius said, and looked at him. The group of guys sitting at the table Codarius was laughed at him. The feeling of being laughed at, the feeling of disbelief, the feeling of shallowness that spread across the table made Codarius anxious. Codarius didn't have a way to prove what he said, and the fact he was powerless didn't help either.

Lux looked at Codarius, and stated, "Well, your expression certainly doesn't seem to be telling a lie. How do you know this?" Codarius then thought. He remembered, he was able to enter the Grand Sanatorium. Codarius then spoke up to Lux, "I can't really explain to you how I can explain this, but if I go to the Grand Sanatorium, I think I can show you something." Lux then looked at Codarius and asked, "The Grand Sanatorium? You do know that no one is capable of entering the place right?" Codarius remembered, the mage with black and white hair telling him, not everyone is capable of entering. But Lux mentioned that no one can?

Then how was Codarius, and the other mage capable of entering there? Codarius wasn't sure, but maybe if he can show and take him somehow inside the Grand Sanatorium, he can possibly prove that he is capable of doing something, and people might believe him a little bit more. Lux then asked, once more, "You haven't mentioned your name by the way." Codarius didn't notice that he forgot to mention his name, and hurriedly told Lux, "My name is Codarius." Lux commented, "That's a nice name."

Codarius definitely needed some people to work with. Codarius then asked the people around him, "Hey, does anyone want to come with me to the Grand Sanatorium!" Nothing he said seemed to catch anyone's attention. Codarius gritted his teeth. But then someone appeared out of the crowd. Everyone's attention immediately went to him with his sheer presence. He was half naked, with only jeans on, and had eyes just like sunglasses. Codarius noticed who this was.

It was the guy who got chased by the guards while he was walking around. He was slightly concerned, but didn't put much thought on why he was here. But then he kept on walking towards Codarius. He then approached Codarius, and looked straight into his eyes. He was extremely tall, and had an extremely built body, with his skin shining. Codarius then looked up, and asked, "Hey, what do you want?" Then the guy spoke, "I heard that you wanted people to come with you right?" Codarius then replied with a simple, "Yes."

The guy stated, "Well, I'm Rick. I was wondering if I can come with you." Codarius then looked at Rick, and thought, 'Well, this guy definitely looks tough, I think he'd definitely be some help as of now.' But then people at the table then looked at Codarius considering Rick to come with him, and shrieked. One of the guys said, "Don't put that guy in your party bro, he's some bad news. He's wanted by all law enforcement for some reason, he's gonna pull your frail ass legs bruh."

Codarius heard that, but despite what the guy said, that didn't faze Codarius' decision. Codarius looked at Rick, and reached out to shake his hands. "Hey, I'm Codarius, and I'm short on people right now, you're more than welcome to come with me." Rick, with his extremely deep and low voice looked at Codarius, and replied, "Thanks." He always seemed to have a serious face. Codarius thought of that as a good sign, he probably takes most things seriously. And plus, it would make Codarius a hypocrite if he didn't, as he was once in a similar position as Rick.