

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 2 Part 2

The boy noticed he was in a similar situation as he was in his dreams, bodiless, formless, just simply nothing. However, within this complete nothingness stirring chaos and madness, the person smiled gracefully. Then finally, it spoke to the consciousness, "How hopeless of a person you are. You couldn't learn till you lost everything.

Not even just the thing that was yours, but even the things that belonged far beyond yours. Pathetic." Silence filled Codarius, having to face his guilt unbearable to anyone, despite that it was what finished him beforehand. However, something prevented him from fading away again, into the transcendent void. Then the consciousness asked, "What are you going to do about this?

Are you just simply going to let it be, and make all of the creators, its creations, its absence, its dreams, its concepts, and its forms all just be left to have no meaning?" Then Codarius asked enraged, "What could've I done? What can I do now, I have no body, I have no nothing. I couldn't protect one poor little cat, nor my own dreams. I lost it all. I lost it all… And plus, why should I do anything for that shitty thing, that only brought me nothing but pure shit to my life?

NOTHING. The world got what it deserved, and so did everything that was higher than me, or lower then me." Then the light sliced through the abstract form of the consciousness, then replied, "You… You call the vast beautiful world, the entirety of it, despite your foolish mere human mind can't even COMPREHEND the mere thought of the beauty of the entirety, a "Shitty thing?" How selfish is that? To say just because your life has been partially ruined, everyone else deserves that? You think your life is soooooo significant huh? Well guess what, no one cares." Codarius gets pissed and replies, "Well I don't care that no one cares! It's none of my damn business.

I heard the voices of everything, though I can't remember every single one, I know that all of them had one similarity. Hatred. Hatred towards me, for being such an insignificant person who did a HUGE and SIGNIFICANT thing, of ending everything. EVEN THE GODS DIDN'T STAND A SINGLE CHANCE AGAINST ME." The moment he said that, the light of his consciousness split in half. The person sighed with a bit of anger, and then reconnected the consciousness. "Well, maybe no 'god' stood a chance against 'your' destruction, but you don't stand a chance against me." Codarius then asked, "Who are you? WHAT ARE YOU? IF YOU HADN'T EXISTED, THEN NONE OF THIS EXTRA SCUM WOULDN'T BE A THING!! It all would've been over, over. Over… OVER!!!"

As the returned Codarius slammed his emotions to the person, she looked at Codarius and replied, "Well how rude of you. If I hadn't existed? Unfortunately, you're wrong. I don't exist, as I am the origin of all. More to say, existing and not existing really isn't a thing you know, especially here. Always remember, there's always an above of an above. There's more than just everything. Unfortunately, this isn't some extra material added to the end of the story. You did end it." Codarius then screams, "And?! Stop doing your rants, and tell me already, WHO ARE YOU?!" Then the person, which was just another light of consciousness, began to materialize from the several lights, all appearing from nothing, into the form of an adult female. The person then answered, "You can call me Abstrelia. I am the god that rules the Exoharmony." She then snapped her fingers, and then the form of Codarius appeared.