

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 1 Part 3

The boy woke up, with irregular amounts of sweat coming out and tears breaking out of his eyes. Even from the moment he woke up, he seemed like he was having a panic attack. His bleeding still seemed to not have healed much, with his body still being weak and heavily bruised up. However, he seemed to be able to walk at the very least, so he limped back up the stairway he fell down, and ignored what happened, believing it was all just a bad dream…

He limped back up the stairway, and then began walking the morning kingdom like a bag of garbage being dragged to the garbage can only to be thrown away. The boy wore a black long sleeve with a high neck and a white-gray coat, despite it being a hot season. He then saw the bright light shining across the kingdom of Lefin, with his eyes turned gray and his pupils fading away. The bell of the clock tower rang, the hand hitting the quarter, showing that it was morning.

There were people in the kingdom walking outside peacefully, with kids playing in the fountains, crowding near the ice cream store, waiting in line to buy some sweets and people, both young and elderly taking a walk in the park full of nature and breeze. A wind blew throughout the kingdom, and a paper airplane floating in the air flew to the other side of the kingdom, far out into the endless horizon. The kingdom was peaceful, with several mages protecting the civilians from the most miniscule harm, to accidents that can cost one's life. There was severe diversity, of all races from this kingdom. This kingdom had several important people, who had ruled and maintained this grand peace they have achieved.

Those important people were regarded as heroes of the kingdom, whether it was a magician, warrior, entertainer, mathematician, psychologist, anything you can possibly list. The normal civilians all learnt several things, and got educated about the wonderful world they have been gifted to have been born in. Everyone here seemed thankful. In the center of this kingdom was the Grand Sanatorium.

The Grand Sanatorium was a mystical and magical place in the kingdom, and people frequently visited the place, as it apparently would purify one's essence, bringing it closer to the "Absolute Fantasy". The boy never understood what it meant by, "Bringing One's Essence closer to The Absolute Fantasy" but he did somewhat feel that The Grand Sanatorium did have something that made him feel better. However, people glare at him everytime he goes there, so that ends up killing his mood. The boy sighs, as people that walk past him look at him with either a disgusted look in their face, or laughs at him. Some people spat at him, saying he looked like a delinquent, and that he shouldn't be allowed to walk around in the place.

Someone that walked past the boy whispered to his friend, "Don't go near that guy, interacting with any of those kind of people is always bad news." The boy got pissed, and then shouted at the people, "You shut the fuck up!" 'He's not wrong, misfortune is always brought upon me, and now it has taken away everything from me…' the boy thought, though what the guy said still made the boy severely mad. He then pondered, 'How did everything end up like this? Why did she have to leave me alone in this cruel world?' His eyes were still dead, not reflecting even a single ray of light, completely dull with almost no pupils visible, but was still sharp, and looked like he was constantly glaring.