

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 1 Part 2

The darkness has expanded far, even the horizon seemed to have sunk into the other side of the horizon. The moment the remaining shattered pieces of the boy's consciousness came to an end, suddenly, the darkness it joined shattered too, with a chain reaction happening throughout the entire place.

Everything shattered at once instantly, opening a gate to somewhere. Everything began swirling into the gaps of the shattered space. Within this place, few particles defied the movement of nature occurring. The particles went not the opposite, or symmetrical, but in their own way, forming a spherical shape in front of everything being sucked into nowhere. This spherical form, indescribable to any extent, took its throne to the end of the world. Its sheer presence showed agony to all. This somewhere in nowhere, as the where would not be perceivable as anywhere, began to close once again.

It had layers and layers, with each one being indescribably further apart, with each being incomparable and inacessable, repeating until you reach what contains the world, now like a picture in a book that was dropped in a bucket of burning ink. With all of this, within the insanity, formed the boy's hatred. For the boy's loss constantly making sadness, eventually will contribute to his downfall, making more madness. This madness has to release. The boy's disgust to this world became his will and wish. Then, the boy's will, regenerated from beyond nothing, pierced through the madness.

The will, and wish, spreading as none with the darkness. Then, suddenly everything feels like it paused, the stirring of madness passing through his unconscious mind, the growth of chaos, the shattered world scattering everywhere, it all paused in an instant. His wish was reached by something. Then everything seemed to unpause itself.

Then everything became turning white, or what seemed like white, and then the light began taking the boy somewhere. The boy's consciousness faintly returns, then he is approached by a voice, coming out of nowhere. The boy, being surrounded in shattered pieces of pure nothingness, feels the voice vibrate through him, despite having no body at the moment, similar to what you would see of yourself and the world if you were completely blind, except that is the reality of the world.

The voice then simply states,

"Your wish is now granted."

The boy couldn't speak, as he had no mouth to speak with. The voice felt far away, so far away. Oh, how empty the boy felt, oh how everyone talks to him like that. No one cared. Before the boy knew it, his mind seemed to have lost its path again, and then everything reverted back to normal…