

Madness engulfs one, disconnecting from all. Granting the one’s wish, it is uncontrolled, lurking in the beyond, bringing its dissonance, for the one’s wish wanted. Bringing it, all will shatter like glass, as if everything was nothing but just a bad dream…

Gucciman17 · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

Chapter 1 Part 11

The mage then exclaimed, "Do not go anywhere other than this flat plateau, as it is extremely dangerous, and anything that happens could lead to immediate death, or even worse."

Then someone weakly replied, "Aren't we all still gonna die? What's taking us all the way here gonna do?" The boy didn't want to think about it, but it seemed likely that it would be the case for all of them. The boy then realized that the cats were still in his bag, and then immediately opened the bag up and checked on them. The 4 kittens and the white cat immediately jumped out of the bag the moment he opened it, and then they all seemed to be fine. The boy sighed in relief.

The mage with blonde hair then walked up to the boy, and then said, "You sure are an interesting person, still caring about those cats despite the world possibly being in a crucial situation,"

The boy also replied, "So are you, smiling in this WPE (world-possibly-ending) situation." The mage with blonde hair then laughed for a little bit.

He then asked, "Now to think of it, I haven't even asked for your name yet, my name is Lux Orbis, the 5th General of the Mages in this Kingdom. What is yours?"

The boy looked up, and then replied, "My name is Codarius, just Codarius."

Then Codarius asked, "If you're the 5th General, where's the other 4? Shouldn't they be here helping too?"

Lux shrugged and said, "They must be doing their own thing, I have no clue what any are doing all the time, especially our 1st General, I'm not even sure if he even actually exists."

Codarius then realized, the sky's darkness wasn't forming, it was rather the opposite, the clouds that were hiding them were going away, revealing the darkness that perhaps was always there.

Lux then exclaimed, "I guess some of those theories were right, this maybe isn't the matter of the sky falling on us, whatever's coming must be coming from somewhere else..."

Suddenly, everyone shrieked all at once, as the darkness in the sky began cracking like glass, and the clouds were all moving down to the mountains. The clouds had several stars and other sources of light within them, some people even theorized they contained galaxies and universes, as their sizes are completely massive, with their dimensions being theorized as being infinite, and separating the land mass we live in, the Infinite Plane from the other side. Everyone's anxiety passed through one and another. Within the far and far distance, unseeable to anyone, the dark sky kept on revealing inaccessibly.

Lux's facial expression suddenly changed, with his smile becoming a pale, cold face. He then got a signal from the king of the Kingdom. Lux picked it up, and asked, "What is it?" The king then replied, "Lux, I need you to do a favor. I have contacted the kingdom from beyond the Mountain Ranges of Tindalos, and they responded. It appears that this is happening across the entire Infinite Plane. It may be that we are about to face an inevitable end." Lux tried to keep a calm face, and asked "What can I do?" The king then signed and replied, "I know that with your immense power, you can travel far. Do you think you can cross the Mountain Ranges, and beyond that, and try to get to the other side of the plane? Maybe there might be something you can find, though I doubt it'll matter. This is your last order, if you want to take it that is." Lux then replied, "Yes sir, I will." He then cut the signal.

His eyes stayed strong. He then looked at Codarius, and then said, "Well, I think I'm gonna have to go really quick, gotta do my possibly last duty. But who knows, maybe what I find may come handy later on." Codarius then looked at him. He looked at him with envy. It was because Lux was smiling. Codarius then asked him, with a low and soft voice. "How can you smile in a time like this? How?" Lux then went up to Codarius, and then replied, "Welp, one day buddy, even at the worst of all times, you gotta learn to keep a smile on your face, and deal with it. Trust me, it'll make you feel better actually. And plus, you gotta show the cruel world that you ain't losing to it yet." After saying that, he then looked at Codarius, and waved a good bye. "Welp, maybe I'll see you again. If I don't though, it was nice meeting ya." He then immediately casted a spell without even speaking it, and then he went off, into the endless horizon.