
information of character and species of tvshow and movies that I watch

Information of tv show character that I watch mostly tvd/to Xmen/marvel, problem more this information come straight off of the internet, this contained some boys that has been with boys and girls that has been with girls so no homophobic comments this is high key just for fun

WiccanDemiurge · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
99 Chs

Spells and Rituals I’ve been waiting for this one

Powerful spells are bound by something even more powerful... the moon, a comet, a doppelgänger. The Other Side was made 2,000 years ago, and it still exists. That means she must have bound it to something that could exist just as long.


One of the defining characteristics of a witch is their ability to cast spells; a "spell" being the word used to signify the means employed to carry out a magical action. A spell could consist of ritual action, a set of words, a verse, or any combination of these, many of which are archived in books known as Grimoires. Spells are bound by Nature and can range from simple to complex, depending on the need of the casting witch. Nature demands balance and as such, every spell has a loophole, no matter what magic is used to cast the spell.

For reasons unknown, the majority of spells used by practitioners of Traditional Magic and Spirit Magic are spoken in an ancient language very similar to Latin. However, witches who practice other forms of magic have been known to use spells in different languages; for example, the Nine Covens of New Orleans, which practices Ancestral Magic, performs their spells in French or French Creole, while the Travelers, practicing Traveler Magic, typically perform their spells in a language similar to Czech. Dahlia and Freya Mikaelson have shown to perform spells using a yet to be identified ancient magic in Old Norse, similar to modern-day Norwegian, Icelandic, Faroese, Danish and Swedish.

Biological Spells

Biological spells allow witches to affect the organic tissue of a living being by changing the state of a body and its natural processes. Although it is most commonly used for healing, other spells can be used to paralyze the body or preserve the recently deceased. Under extremely rare circumstances, it can be utilized to rapidly advance the age or completely alter the state of life.

Pain Reduction Spell: A spell that can be used to reduce the physical pain of another person. While the pain diminishes, the spell, however, does not have any real healing properties.

Incantation: Asinta Mulaf Hinto, Sho Bala.

Used by: In Masquerade, Bonnie Bennett performed this spell on Elena, to reduce the pain of the injuries the latter suffered because of the spell that linked her to her doppelgänger, Katherine.

Healing Spell: Typically an advanced spell that is used to heal the injuries and recover from non-fatal wounds. Such spells are capable of healing injuries at different proficiency levels, speed, and effectiveness. For some, the tedious nature of such spells takes years to learn.

Incantation: Unknown

Used by: In The Return, Damon states that Emily practiced healing spells although it took her years to learn to use them. In Pictures of You, Bonnie, using Expression, rapidly recovered from Elena's vampire's bite; her wound healed within seconds. Similarly, in The Walking Dead, she was burned on her face after Elena attacked Katherine, who she was linked to. After Bonnie unlinked herself from Katherine, she recovered near instantly. In Sanctuary, Freya showed her penchant for healing spells with Rebekah who was possessing the witch body of Eva Sinclair. Freya healed her broken hand after saving her from the Kindred. Uniquelly, in I Love You, Goodbye and Ashes to Ashes, she used a similar spell to completely restore the corpses of Vincent Griffith and Eva, respectively, so that she could place Finn and Rebekah's spirits back into their vessels. Finn's spirit, and subsequently Vincent's, was spared from death by Freya's talisman despite Vincent's body having been severely burned and charred in an explosion while Rebekah had stabbed her vessel in the throat so that her spirit would return to her Original vampire body. In both instances, Freya was able to restore the bodies of both individuals so that possession was possible. In Night Has A Thousand Eyes, Dahlia performed a similar spell on the then Regent, Josephine LaRue. Dahlia simply blew onto her hands, breaking the curse that her mother cast that ultimately crippled her hands, making them swollen and arthritic. In Haunter of Ruins, Hope healed the broken wing of a butterfly after having removed the bracelet that suppressed her magic. Hayley also mentions that she knew of Hope's tendencies to heal injured fireflies. In Goodbyes Sure Do Suck, as Rafael began dying after the Necromancer severed his connections with his former acolytes, the witches of the Salvatore school magic began various magical analyses and healing spells to save Rafael. Though spells, however, did not did not work as intended.

Paralysis Spell: A spell used to paralyze a target's body, including even those of vampires, which has the effect of preventing them from moving at all.

Incantation: Unknown

Used by: In Disturbing Behavior, Gloria performed this spell on Stefan Salvatore to prevent him from moving so that she could extract information from him about Elena, whom she saw in a vision with Esther's Talisman.

Preservation Spell: A powerful spell that allows a witch to preserve their own or the body of another being. Such a spell protects the deceased's body from any form of decay indefinitely.

Incantation: Unknown

Requirements: Unknown

Used by: In Dangerous Liaisons, Esther tells Elena that the witch Ayana performed this spell on her at the point of the latter's death so that she may one day return to her body and undo the vampire plague she created. In Live Through This, it was revealed that a similar spell was used on Julian's body. Presumably cast by the Heretics, they hoped to one day reunite his trapped spirit, within the phoenix stone, with his body.

Sleeping Beauty Spell: A spell that allows a witch to induce a mystical coma onto a target whose waking time is tied to another's death. The target's body is kept at perfect health and preserved until they wake up. The spell ensured that with the caster's death, became irreversible and that should the spell be tampered with, as to exploit a loophole, both linked targets shall die.

Incantation: Unknown

Requirements: Target, Blood of linked individual

Used by: In I'm Thinking Of You All The While, Kai performed this spell, which was suggested by Lily Salvatore; sending Elena into a preserved sleep, linking both her life and that of Bonnie's. So long a Bonnie was alive, Elena would stay asleep. Kai wanted, in part, to make Damon suffer by making him choose between his best friend and his girlfriend.

Blood Gathering Spell: A simple spell that enables a witch to telekinetically gather and collect the blood of a specific target to one point, whether it is the witch's blood or that of another.

Davina's Incantation: Venez sanguis. Venez sanguis, Venez sanguis la force de la bête à moi.

Finn's Incantation: Unknown

Vincent's Incantation: Venez sanguinem au moi

Requirements: Ancestral Magic (Davina/Vincent), Target's blood

Used by: In From a Cradle to a Grave, Davina used this spell to gather what was left of Klaus's blood that splattered on a car not too far from the Abattoir. She did this in an attempt to save as many vampires as she can from the poison of the werewolf bite, but what she collected was only enough for a single vampire, who was given to Josh. In Heart Shaped Box, Finn, to save his sister's life, used his magic, while trapped within her pendant, to draw the blood from her wound upwards through the coffin and the ground so that she could be detected by Klaus. In No More Heartbreaks, Vincent performs a similar spell to collect what remains of Lucien's blood in an attempt to heal the poisoned Cami.

Fertility Spell: An unknown ritual related to fertility.

Incantation: In Unum Edito, Dominus Sae Domina. Cuplas Sino Liberos.

Requirements: A witch's talisman

Used by: In Wheel Inside the Wheel, Dahlia performed this unknown spell over a fire in her cottage while she was holding her necklace.

Metamorphosis Spell: An extremely rare and unique spell that can only be accomplished with comparable magical strength. At the most complex form of this spell, complete transmogrification can be performed. This is considered the most advanced form of all biologically-related spells.

Incantation: Non-verbal

Requirements: Extremely powerful and advanced magic

Used by: To date, this spell has only been accomplished twice, in two variations, with the latter at the most complex stage. The witch that performed the magic to accomplish such feats was Freya while she was linked to Dahlia through her unique form of connective magic and while her magic was augmented through Dahlia's immortality slumber spell. In The Devil is Damned, Freya accelerated the growth of a caterpillar causing it to undergo complete metamorphosis into a butterfly in mere seconds. In Exquisite Corpse, at the most complex level seen, Freya transmogrified or completely altered the form of the former witch Lenore, who was possessed by Esther, into a flock of starlings. Once altered the birds continued to live on and fly away for a few seconds, then each began to die one by one. Whether the death of the starlings was caused by Freya or through the transmogrification process, it remains to be seen. With the body destroyed in the process, Lenore was unable to be consecrated while Esther's spirit returned to the Ancestral plane. To date, no other witch has been able to perform such spells including Freya, as Dahlia's connective magic and magical augmentations have been removed.

Corruption Detection Spell: A spell that allows a witch to test for magic infused in a target's body.

Incantation: Unknown

Requirements: Blood of the Target

Used by: In Behind the Black Horizon, Davina, fearing for Kol, performed this spell on his blood and found that the Ancestors corrupted her resurrection spell and infused him with their magic.

Substance Concentration Spell: A spell that allows the casting witch to concentrate a substance, in this case, the Beast Serum, to a localized point within a biological system, specifically, Aurora's heart.

Incantation: Unknown

Requirements: Target

Used by: In Where Nothing Stays Buried, Vincent performed this spell on Aurora to concentrate the Beast serum into her heart. Once localized, he'd be able to extract the serum from her. He also claimed that for the spell to work it would take a "little while", at least less than a day, to concentrate the serum. Eventually, he was successful in removing the serum from Aurora, only in turn to give it to Marcel, who became the Beast of prophecy.

Sleeping Beauty Reversal Spell: A direct reversal spell to break the mystically induced coma and life-link between two individuals without triggering the curse's secondary effect; to immediately cause death to the linked individuals.

Incantation: Unknown

Requirements: Linked Target(s), Various Herbs, Candles, Grimoires

Used by: In I Was Feeling Epic, Bonnie broke Kai's sleeping spell by reverse engineering his original spell and woke Elena from her mystical slumber. Bonnie admits it took some time to break the spell, though the exact explanation as to how she circumvented the original spell's "loophole-free" nature and not to cause instant death to her or Elena, is unknown.

Confirmation Spell: A spell that utilizes blood of a target to confirm whether or not if other individuals are linked to them.

Incantation: Unknown

Requirements: Blood of the Target

Used by: In Gather Up the Killers, Marcel asked Vincent to confirm whether or not Elijah had died since his sireline had not been killed off. Upon doing so, he confirmed that Elijah and his siblings were anchored to Klaus' life.

Beast Anti-Venom Spell: A direct cure to the lethal strain of engineered werewolf venom that was included in the magical concoction to create the Beast's enhanced bite.

Incantation: La candidat au somme la toxique cantus

Requirements: The Seven individual strains of Werewolf venom, five dark objects, chalk seven-pointed star, seven candles, linked target's blood

Instructions: A seven-pointed star is drawn on the ground and seven candles are placed just within each point of the star. Each of the seven strains of werewolf venom is placed at each point outside of the star. The witch infuses the linked target's blood with their magic, of which she amplifies by using unknown dark objects.

Used by: In Gather Up the Killers, Freya reversed engineered a cure by combining the seven strains of werewolf toxin and Klaus' blood into a mystical anti-venom to rub over the bites of Elijah and Kol. With all of the ingredients, she had enough for a small bowl of anti-venom; a single dose, each, and no more.

Liquid Gathering Spell: A spell that allows the casting witch to gather and concentrate a liquid, such as tears, into a small vial.

Incantation: Les lames colligo. Ad me gluttuli.

Requirements: Target liquid

Used by: In Til the Day I Die, Davina performed this spell to collect Hope's tears as an ingredient to another spell.

Lineage Spell: A spell that tests the blood to determine whether magic is present in any form. Variations in this spell reveal ancestors.

Incantation: Unknown

Requirements: Target's blood

Used by: In Malivore, Emma left this spell with Hope so that she could perform the spell on Landon to determine if he was supernatural in some way. After performing the spell, she concludes that Landon has zero magic in his bloodline. Emma points out that most humans have at least some trace of magical blood in their veins from a far-flung ancestor, but by all accounts of Alaric's tests, Landon does not. In This Christmas Was Surprisingly Violent, Landon reveals that he had Josie perform a lineage spell on Rafael while he was trapped in wolf-form. He wanted to see if he had any ancestors who might know how to turn him back into his human form.

Ailment Resistance Spell: A spell that directly affects the constitution of the casting witch, enabling them to resist certain physical ailments.

Incantation: Resistus maledi.

Requirements: None

Used by: In There's a Mummy on Main Street, Josie, Lizzie, and Hope confronted a mummy. The mummy attacked first with a plague of hornets but the witches cast a bubble boundary spell to protect themselves. The mummy retaliated with another attack to cause Hope and Lizzie to vomit up beetles, effectively incapacitating the two and preventing them from casting more spells. Josie, however, was quick on her feet and performed this spell to resist the mummy's 'curse' and remained unaffected, allowing her to defeat the mummy with a fire spell.

Heartbeat Control Spell: A spell that allows the casting witch to control the rate of another person's heartbeat, as to keep them calm. Another similar spell helps one to regular their breath.

First Incantation: Tardus pulsatio.

Second Incantation: Corum spiritus

Requirements: Target

Used by: In The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do, Emma performed this first spell on Rafael, who was experiencing "lunar psychosis", to keep him calm. She indicated that Rafael's mind was in flux, between his wolf and human state, which made it difficult to access his memories due to a premature revision back into his human form. What Rafael needed most was for his mind to be surrounded by things that are familiar to him and connect him to his humanity and not his lycanthropy. Emma performed this second spell while placing her hand over his heart which caused him to take a deep, calming breath.

Strength Augmentation Spell: A spell that allows the casting witch to alter the strength of another person.

Incantation: Viribus.

Requirements: Target

Used by: In You Remind Me of Someone I Used to Know, Josie siphoned magic from Landon and performed this spell on him to help him with his self-confidence before they stated their annual charity football game. Questioning what she had done, Josie hands him a football and has him see for himself. He throws the ball clear across the field and strikes the Mystic Fall High School bus, cracking the glass panels of the door.

Pigmentation Spell: A spell that changes the pigmentation of one's skin.

Incantation: Pellis tinctura.

Requirements: Target

Used by: In This is Why We Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies, a young Alyssa Chang turned Lizzie and Josie's skin pastel purple when they wouldn't give her a flower that Caroline gave them.

Moratorium Spell: A spell that alters the perception of time while delaying one's activities, so that the targets will move in slow motion.

Incantation: Morator

Requirements: Target(s)

Used by: In What Cupid Problem?, Alyssa performed this spell on MG and Kaleb, seemingly and effectively slowing them down in time to make them move in slow motion. This spell was enough to defy physics as when MG jumped the banister railings, he did so in slow motion. The spell was stopped when Kym knocked Alyssa unconscious.

Humanity Spell: A spell that restores a vampire's humanity, should they have switched it off.

Incantation: Non-verbal

Requirements: Vampire

Used by: In You Can't Save Them All, Josie, corrupted by dark magic, forcefully restores Jade's humanity.

Boundary and Sealing Spells

Boundary spells allow witches to erect invisible barriers surrounding a set space for a set amount of time, preventing beings from entering or leaving the said location. However, they do not affect inanimate objects. Several Boundary Spells are tied to astrological events such as lunar or solar phases.

Sealing spells are a more potent form of boundary spells, especially when coupled with the casting witch's blood. When this is done, the spells are nearly impossible to break unless they are from the same bloodline.

Tomb Sealing Spell: A powerful spell used to entrap vampires within a certain area. Furthermore, the spell would seal the door to prevent anyone from opening the door to the tomb.

Requirements: Emily's Talisman, a Comet (original); two descendant witches, Pentagram, 5 Torches

Used by: On September 25, 1864, Emily Bennett performed this spell upon Fell's church to save the tomb vampires from burning. In History Repeating, Damon revealed this information to Stefan, telling him that Katherine and the other vampires had been spared. In Fool Me Once, Sheila and Bonnie Bennett performed this spell to both lower and raise the seal that bound vampires to the tomb. Given the powerful nature of the spell, it proved to be exhausting to perform and Sheila claimed there was no guarantee that they could get the spell back up again after they lowered it. While the vampires did escape the tomb, it was later proven in Masquerade that they were, in fact, able to raise the seal that was capable of binding vampires within the tomb. However, it should be noted that the spell was considerably weakened as it would allow vampires to enter. Unlike Emily's original spell, this spell was also performed without the aid of a comet.

Tomb Sealing Counter Spell: A spell that can reverse the effects of the Tomb Spell. When performing the spell, the boundary can be lowered. In doing so, it can allow vampires to enter, but not leave. With enough magic, the seal can be lifted, breaking the boundary completely allowing vampires to enter and leave freely.

Incantation: Phasmatos Salves Nas Ex Malon, Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, Et Vasa Quo Ero Signos.

Requirements: Pentagram drawn on the ground, Four torches representing Earth, Air, Fire, Water, A bottle of water; A full moon,

Used by: In Fool Me Once, Sheila and Bonnie Bennett performed this spell to "open" the tomb since the Bennett Talisman, the tomb's "key", was destroyed. The original spell was impossible to break unless one knew exactly how it was created 145 years prior by Emily Bennett. This proved true as Sheila stated that opening the door didn't remove the seal that bound vampires within the tomb. However, as descendants of Emily, she and Bonnie were able to use this spell to lower and temporarily remove the seal though it proved to be an exhausting and powerful spell to put the seal back up. In Rose, Bonnie confirmed that it took both Sheila and herself to undo Emily's spell. Despite this, and the weakened spell freeing the tomb vampires, over time the spell remained intact after Sheila and Bonnie resealed the tomb. This proved to be true in Masquerade when Stefan and Damon used the tomb to imprison Katherine. After Jeremy was taken hostage by Katherine in the tomb after a failed attempt to retrieve the moonstone, Bonnie attempted to perform this spell again in The Sacrifice. To have enough power to perform the spell, she channeled Luka Martin. However, after Luka started to suffer from Bonnie's spell, Jonas broke her connection to his son, preventing Bonnie from lowering the seal. In By the Light of the Moon, Elijah and Elena reached a peaceful agreement to which she requested Stefan's release from the tomb. Elijah tasked Jonas with lifting the spell. At the time, as a more skilled witch than Bonnie, he and Luka both channeled the full moon and they were able to lift the seal, a full day after Bonnie's attempt. However, it should be noted that the original spell had been greatly weakened as this was the third attempt at lowering the spell. Furthermore, it currently remains unknown whether or not the original spell remains in effect as direct descendants of Emily could not completely remove the spell, even though the Martin witches were able to lift the spell to release Stefan.

Bennett Sealing Spell: A unique spell of the Bennett witch bloodline that utilizes their magic (or blood) to make a potent sealing spell near impossible to break without the specific ingredients.

Incantation: Phasmatos veras nos ex malom. Terra mora vantis quo incandis per vasa quo errum signos

Requirements: A Bennett Witch

Used by: In Masquerade, Bonnie Bennett cast this spell on a room in the Lockwood Mansion that would trap Katherine, Stefan, and Damon so that none of the guests are aware of the fight to kill her. She later adapted the spell again to prevent humans, Elena and Alaric, from leaving the location in By the Light of the Moon and The Sun Also Rises, respectively. In Bringing Out The Dead, it is revealed that Abby Bennett Wilson performed this, or a similar spell on Mikael's tomb after desiccating him. It is unknown how the spell was lifted for Katherine to locate and free Mikael. In Graduation, Bonnie sealed the boiler room under the High School to prevent Kol, recently released Ghost from the Other Side while the veil was down, from stopping her from putting the veil back up. In I'm Thinking Of You All The While Bonnie performed this spell on the Salvatore crypt, which housed Elena's coffin so that her body would be protected from vampires seeking the cure. This spell was destroyed when the Heretics siphoned away the spell. In Somebody That I Used to Know, it is revealed that Virginia had Lucy Bennett perform the same spell on the The Armory's Vault, sealing it shut so that no other witch except a Bennett could unseal. In Kill 'Em All, Bonnie, after unsealing the vault, performed this spell on the Armory itself, sealing the entire building, so that whatever was released from the vault could not escape. The spell was later siphoned away by Lizzie and Josie. Note: In all known uses, the incantation was only ever performed on screen once, performed by Bonnie in Kill 'Em All.

Bennett Unsealing Spell: A direct counterspell to undo the Bennett Sealing spell, of which only a Bennett witch is capable of performing.

Incantation: Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, per Vasa Quo Errum Signos. Phasmatos selvus Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis, per Vasa Errum Quo Signos. Phasmatos selvus nos ex malom terra mora Vantis Quo Incandis per Vasa Quo Errum Signos. Terra Mora Vantis Quo Incandis.

Requirements: Bennett Witch

Used by: In Masquerade, Lucy Bennett cast this or a variant counterspell to remove Bonnie's boundary spell in the Lockwood Mansion. In Kill 'Em All, Bonnie performed this spell on the Armory's Vault, opening it for Alex.

Unsealing Spell: A spell that enables an enchanted door, or something that has been magically sealed, to open.

Bonnie's First Incantation: Phasmatos Siprum, Emnis Abortum, Fasila Quisa Exilum San.

Bonnie's Second Incantation: Phasmatos Tribum, Melan Veras, Et Vasa Quisa, Exu Quisa.

Used by: In Our Town and The Ties That Bind, respectively, Bonnie Bennett performed these spells upon Esther's magically sealed coffin to try and unseal them, though the spells failed. In Bag of Cobras, Freya used a non-verbal form of this spell to unseal a storage unit that contained stuff from Hayley's childhood and parents.

Doorway Sealing Spell: A spell used to lock and seal the doors of a room.

Davina's Incantation: Unknown

Bonnie's Incantation: Vis porta.

Hope's Incantation: Claudo te.

Hope's Second Incantation: Vis sera portus

Emma's Incantation: Vis sera portus

Alyssa's Incantation: Unknown

Used by: In Alive and Kicking, Davina kept Mikael locked away in the attic of St. Anne's Church locked behind what Kol described as a rather complex spell. No one could enter nor could Mikael leave unless Davina summoned him with the Bracelet of Obedience. Once he was summoned, the spell that locked him within would be undone and the door would open, allowing entry to others. In Live Through This, Bonnie Bennett used this spell to seal a doorway when she and Enzo were running from Oscar. It is also possible that she used the same spell to seal the Salvatore Crypt in which Elena's body was placed. Both spells were eventually siphoned away. In Death Keeps Knocking On My Door, Hope, upset with Alaric, performed this spell to lock him inside his office so that she could confront the Necromancer. In We're Gonna Need A Spotlight, Hope performed her second incantation on the Salvatore school's auditorium doors when the mind-controlling slugs infected the majority of the students and began to chase after her and Landon. She stated that the spell would hold the 'pod people' for now and when the temporary effects of the spell began to wear off, Emma reinforced the spell with the added chains that Dorian applied to hold back the infected students. In This is Why We Don't Entrust Plans to Muppet Babies, Alyssa spelled the doorknob to "do not disturb" so she could make out with Jed.

Room Isolation Spell: A minor boundary spell to seal a room. The spell erects an invisible barrier to prevent specified targets from leaving or to enable certain ones to enter.

Incantation: Unknown

Freya's Incantation: Apné sà mene

Used by: Liv Parker would perform a similar spell, in While You Were Sleeping and The Day I Tried To Live, so that Elena could not feed on innocents and again so that Damon and Elena could not stop her from taking revenge on Kai, respectively. Nora performed a similar spell within the Salvatore house to prevent Caroline from leaving the room they tortured her in. She would later give the spell 'slack' telling Caroline that she could use some space to stretch her legs, in Never Let Me Go. While the previous spells have been used to entrap vampires specifically, it is not exclusive. In I Was Feeling Epic, Katherine reveals that Kai Parker was kind enough to set that trap, crafting the spell to prevent Elena, a human, from leaving the boiler room. The spell, however, was bound specifically to Elena as Stefan, the recently cured vampire, could come and go as he pleased. Katherine also mentions that Kai could not reverse the spell as he was permanently indisposed (trapped in his new prison world). It is likely, however, that Bonnie broke his spell and freed Elena. In Voodoo Child Freya, using sage, performed her spell on a room in the Abattoir so that Keelin would be safe from the Hollow. Freya claimed that the spell would only allow her entry into the room. In The Feast of All Sinners, Dominic performed this spell within St. Anne's Church, restricting Marcel and Sofya's advances towards him and his master, the Hollow. After they spoke, coming to a truce, he released the spell and allowed them to come forth so that he could bow to the Hollow, who was still possessing Hope. In All's Well That Ends Well, Hope spelled Landon within his room to protect him from what the banshee claimed would happen; that he would die if Cleo stayed at the school.