
Infinity X Infinity

Perfection. It seems that every human strives for it, but what about when a person actually achieves it? Boredom. The only feeling Kazu Crital felt after doing everything thought impossible. So what is one thing that is know for being inevitable? Death. Kazu Crital tried to break the cycle of life and death... He succeeded in a way. Now reborn as a new person, as the champion of a god. But his master isn't some unknown god. His master is the god of gods, Herrescher of life and death, a being who spans universes with her influence. Infinity isn't the concept of a universe that will never end, but it is instead Concept of birth and renewal, the concept of life and death. Oh? What should you call me? I go by many names. But you can call me Ophis, my pet~. NO HAREM!!! The only character the mc will have a romantic relationship will be ouroboros herself. Also please make sure to correct me on any mistakes, and give me criticism on things I can improve. This book will also be very slow moving. This is also my first time writing an actual book with fleshed out characters. I might feel really robotic at first until I get my writing better. Also I'm on mobile sometimes so yeah. that too. I sometimes write on my computer.

Void_Eagle1230 · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

- Let's Dance

"Okay, training is done for today, go back into the house and wash up." Ophis says, dropping her sword, I seem to have progressed enough to have her switch to a metal sword instead of the stick from before.

"I'm going to stay out and train a bit more, I want to try and experiment with some of the basic spells Merlin taught me. I'll go back in once you're done with cooking." Ophis just nods and walks back inside, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

'The spells so far have been fairly simple. Casting a spell is simple, with 4 types of casts. Chanting, Silent, Passive, and Automated. Chanting offers more power but slower, Silent is Faster but has less power, Passive is used for more protection and healing spells, and also spells for everyday activity and Automated is mostly for defensive spells, and for certain situations. Currently I've been taught 1 of each: Mana ball, Chanting. Magic pebble, Silent. World Translation, Passive. Automated, Heal. 

But what if I do certain things. Testing equipment, Glaive; check, voice recorder Ophis made; check, A thick rock; check. Okay, let's start.'

"July 3rd, 541 ACE. Group Test # 1, What happens when you add a spin onto a Magic ball. Commencing test." I then start the chant "Earth grant me thine strength, Magic Ball." But before it launches, I make my mana spin clockwise around the physical ball of mana. 

When It leaves my hands it makes a screeching sound, piercing through the rock.

"Test # 1 for Magic Ball, the spin makes it have better piercing, but the ball loses its strength, leaving a hole close to half a foot wide. More useful for piercing weak spots or against smaller enemies. Group Test # 1, Part 2. What happens when you add more range to Magic pebble. Commencing test."

I then close my fist, leaving only my index finger out. I then launch a small little line of mana through the air, until it dissipates around 100 feet away from me.

"Test # 1 Part 2 is a success, the pebble managed to reach 100 feet before dissipating, although the power doesn't decrease, its speed does. Moving on to part 3, What happens when you use heal on a plant, a rock, and anything inanimate. Commencing test." I then walk up to a plant and sharpen my nails, cutting off a leaf from its stem. Then I use heal on it, making it regrow the leaf. I go up to a rock and crack it, then I use heal on it, causing the crack to close, but very slowly, taking 2 minutes to close.

"Test #1 Part 3 is a strange one. The plant healed like I expected, but the rock also healed, meaning that the spell is not just healing life. It seems to be the concept of fixing or restoring, Making even inanimate objects and things heal, though the living thing takes a much shorter time. The plant took 2 seconds, while the rock with a small crack took over 2 minutes. This concludes Test #1."

"OI! Dinners ready you nerd! Come and eat!" Ophis yells, popping her head out the door to yell at me, then scurrying back inside… She seems to have gotten more comfortable around everybody, she has started being a weirdo and making jokes. But that's good, I'd rather have her be weird than a loner. I walk inside to see everybody at the table, with one chair empty for me, right next to Ophis.

"Okay since we are all here I am going to go over what is happening on sunday. So since you and Arthur have been growing at an exponential rate in the past month, I have decided to sign us up for a Demon expedition!" Ophis says loudly, exclaiming her plan expecting a reaction from me and Arthur…. "What in the hell is a 'Demon Expedition'?"

"Sigh… Of course you don't know what a Demon expedition is, I should've expected this. Basically every sunday crusaders will go out on an expedition to slaughter any demons in the nearby area, and to inspect any leads to demon activity, usually they will bring people along with them to help, with a commander of the in-town hunter guild. 1 of which happens to be Merlin, so with his support you 2 will be hunting down demons. While you 2 are doing that, I have some… Business to attend too. Did you get that?"

"Okay I get it now. Should be easy enough, unless we somehow encounter a greater demon, but those guys are pretty rare so we're good, plus I think we could take one of those anyway if we work together"

"Good. Get ready. You guys will go out tomorrow."


"Mordred." "Yes, your majesty?" "It's time to start plan Grail. They have gotten stronger than I thought, although I don't think they will be able to beat you, you will still need to try. This will be very entertaining though, since the Grail behind you holds a very surprising world. Once Kazu touches it, I will show him what I promised. A world of Gods, heros and villian. A world of war. Hehe… Oh how beautiful his expression will be, will it be despair or excitement? Maybe it will be happiness!? Oh it gives me shivers!" Ophis yells, shaking and writhing in excitement and ecstasy.

"Okay your majesty. I will leave you to do… whatever it is you're doing. Time to slaughter a whole village~."


"Merlin! How many demons is that now!" I yell out, standing atop a pile of malformed demons. "You're about 70 deep, all those kills should give a hefty sum. Then there's Arthur." "HYA!.... That's number 125!" "Fuck off with your goddamn demon killing cheats! I call bullshit!" "Maybe just get better!" "Say's the guy who's been using only holy magic for the past hour." "Cope and Seeth Jack!" "You little shit! It's Kazu ya fuck!" 

"JESUS CHRIST BOTH OF YOU SHUT IT!" Merlin says, slamming down his staff. "This is serious business. People's lives are at risk if we don't kill all the demons in the area. Now lets…" Merlin then cuts himself off and looks up at the sky, then a Black flare launches into the air. "FUCK! That's the Maximum demon threat flare, that means there's a greater demon or above threat! Hurry, let's go!" Merlin yells before running towards the flare.


"Holy shit…" "Jesus fucking christ." "Oh lord."  The 3 say separately. The town the flare came from was massacred, in not even 20 seconds. The houses are ripped apart like a train went through them. "Be prepared. The demons that did this could still be around." Merlin says in a quiet voice, trying not to warn any monster in our vicinity.


"Well so much for being sneaky!" I yell out as a giant ape comes into view. "It must be a parasite type demon, that is a giant species of ape we have around here. Use fire, holy energy won't work on him!" "Got it. Arthur! Formation Phoenix!" I yell out as me and Arthur get into one of the formations we decided to use in case of a greater demon.

I crouch in front of Arthur with my Glaive in their Kama form, while Arthur is in a stance with his sword above his head.

I carve a Ansuz rune into my Glaive to imbue it with fire then start running towards the beast. 

*GRAAAAGH* The ape yells as he slam his hand down towards me, I jump on top of it and run towards his face. 

Quickly I write a fire and wind rune in the air and start spinning my Galive Kamas, making the temperature rise and letting fire surround me.

"FIRE TORRENT!" I scream before stabbing the ape in the forehead, making fire burst out his skull. "Arthur!"

"I Beseech thee, Give me a heart of fire and a sword of death! FLAMES OF APOLLO!" He yells out, slashing his sword down, cutting the ape in half, incinerating the parasite along with it. "Good job you too, I still can feel another demon nearby, it seems to be a weak one. Let's follow it and see if it will bring us to the demon camp."

We then silently walked up to where Merlin was mentioning. It was a dog type demon, limping somewhere.


After 3 hours of following the dog, it showed up at a cave with a small entrance, barely big enough for us to crawl into. After walking down a slope for about a mile we end up at something I could only call, Horrifying.

A giant golden cup, with a woman wearing black and red armor, standing before a throne

"Oh.. My poor little demon. Do you want me to fix your leg for you?" *Whimper* "Aw… You do, do you? FUCKING USELESS SHIT!" She screeches, before kicking the dog, launching its headless corpse towards the wall next to us.

"Well, Well, Well. Who brought the jester party here, a Grand wizard that's dressed like a princess, a Dragon who wears a human suit, and a father that doesn't know how to raise a child properly. My mistress told me you were coming, but to think you would look this pathetic. Wittle Pwincess over there is the only one of you I'm actively scared of. But my mistress should take care of you." 

"What do you mea-" Merlin tries to say, before he's grabbed by a black tentacle coming from the throne. "Oh Merlin. You should already know what she meant, or does your clairvoyance not work here~?" Says the person on the throne, the shadow of the massive cup behind her blocking my view of her. "You! What are you- AURGH!" Merlin says as he spits out saliva from getting punched in the abdomen.

"Oh you little shit. You don't know how much I've wanted to do that. But sadly I must let you go, bye bye now." She says, before moving her hand, making Merlin disappear.

"Where did Merlin go!" "Oh I just sent him on a trip to Yggdrasill. I'm sure the Nordic god's will welcome him with open arms. But you two.. I have a different plan with you two. Arthur, you should have a little Father, daughter bonding moment. But you, Kazu. Why don't you come give your goddess a little hug~." 

"N-no it can't be. Ophis what are you doing here?!" Ophis doesn't respond to my question and only walks down the steps to her throne. "You should know what I'm doing here. I told you a couple weeks ago, no? This is the REAL test, if you pass this test I will give you what I promised you when you died. A world of Gods, Heroes, and Villains. All you have to do is defeat the woman in front of you." Ophis says, walking and behind me, laying her chin on my shoulders. "You… Once I'm done with her we're gonna have a talk." I say, reluctantly listening to her. "Ok honey~." "The fuck?" But when I look back, Ophis is already gone.

"Now that the lovers' quarrel is done, let's fight already. I am Mordred! I am the Son of King Arthur, and Anne Pendragon! I AM THE USURPER OF THE THRONE. NOW GIVE ME A WORTHY FIGHT!"  Mordred says, swinging her sword around, then landing her sword onto her shoulder. Leaving her in a crouching position, with her arm dangling down and her leaning forward.

Mimicking her I take out my glaive and swing it around, crouching and holding it out to the right, with my left hand on the floor. "Fine Mordred… I shall give you what you want, but don't expect to live after this battle is finished. Come on, Let's Dance!"