

After drifting off to sleep, Jakron wakes again in the star-filled space he visited previously. Immediately Jakron notices a difference in his perception of this mysterious space. He is now able to move slightly easier. When Jakron moves, he can feel the space around him shift with his movements.

Still, Jakron has no real control of his situation. Slowly gliding through the star-filled space, Jakron drifts aimlessly. After an unknown length of time, Jakron feels a gentle pull. Slowly he begins to move towards one of the stars in the magical space.

While being drawn to the star, Jakron can sense the connection between spacetime and the pulling dimension. Sinking into this feeling, Jakron uses this time to develop a better understanding of his internal powers.

Finally, Jakron enters the starlight that he now knows is another person in the infinite worlds. This time during Jakron journey through the soul, he experiences the life of a baker in a large city. Luckily, Jakron doesn't have to endure the tragic circumstances like last time. These encounters do seem to have an effect on Jakron's soul.

Jakron's soul escapes from the light. While Jakron's experience was different last time, he could feel his soul siphoning off pieces of the baker's soul. Unlike previously Jakron is a much more stable state. Last time he had exhausted his mental strength helping Mekal, but this time he was able to feel the effects of this siphoning process.

He could feel his soul strengthen at a drastic pace. Unfortunately, the sudden increase in strength also introduced chaotic elements into his soul. Jakron could feel these elements affecting mood. As his soul continued to get strengthened, Jakron can feel emotions like anxiety, anger, depression, love, compassion, and excitement subtlety flow through his consciousness.

These changes to his soul terrify Jakron. He doesn't know how this will affect his future state. Since he doesn't have any control over when he comes to this mysterious space and even when he is here he can't control his surroundings. This feeling is debilitating for Jakron as he forces himself to calm down.

Jakron determines that he needs to speed up his cultivation. Until he has control of himself and this mysterious space he believes that he will continue to introduce chaotic elements into his soul. These could have adverse effects on his personality and actions if it gets any worse.

As Jakron is coming to grips with his current predicament, his soul fades from the mysterious space. When Jakron feels himself in his body again he gauges his current state. It feels weird to Jakron. He can feel all the foreign emotions affecting him, but with his more powerful soul, he can all repress all of them. Unfortunately, the second that he stops the suppression then his emotions become chaotic again.

Slightly defeated, but also happy about this constant increase in strength to his soul, Jakron is able to fall into normal sleep.


In the morning, Jakron and his roommates eat breakfast, proceed to class with Professor Lamont. After the Professor goes over more theoretical knowledge about how to proceed with improving the efficiency, we head to our next class which covers knowledge about the Kasper Academy, the Kasper Sect, the country of Sherka, and the world of Jakar. This call is taught by Professor Tolane. Professor Tolane is the same man that greeted Jakron when he first arrived at the academy for the entrance exam. Much like when Jakron first met him he represents himself with a noble and scholarly aura. Standing before the class he iterates over the historical points with an undeniable authority that keeps the class in order brokering no nonsense.

The Professor explains that the founder of Academy, Headmaster Yarvin, was an Elder of the Kasper Sect and a direct descendant of the founder of the Kasper Sect. This gave the Kasper Academy a certain pedigree when it was first established, but over the course of thousands of years, its prestige has slowly decreased. While it is still considered a great place to learn from the professor eludes that the current state of affairs leaves much to be desired. This is mainly based on the academy's performance and the Kasper Sect's internal competitions that take place each year. When asked about these competitions the professor brushes off the question informing us that we will learn more in the next class.

Jakron is fully engrossed in this class. While the Professor Lamonts theory class is also interesting, when it comes to cultivation what is learned personally is better than something that is just heard.

Quickly the class ends and the excitement in the class noticeably increases as everyone heads to the training grounds. As Jakron walks with his roommates, he notices the proud and arrogant young man from the first day of class looking his way. Jakron found out from Hale earlier that his name is Deran Glawsor. He comes from a local aristocratic family. While aristocratic can be conceited in their opinion of others because of their heritage, most contain themselves. This isn't a world that is kind to others. From the stories that Jakron hears from Hale, in particular, it is a yearly occurrence that complete families will get wiped out because of some previous slight.

To Jakron that partially sounds brutal, but when he thinks about how chaotic his emotions are he gets goosebumps. If he can't learn to control the foreign elements in his soul, he might one day act in the same unbridled manner.

Arriving at the training grounds the class is greeted by a massive mountain of a man standing at seven feet tall with mighty muscles rippling across his body as he greets the class with a completely bald head.

"I'm Master Bain. I'll be your Combat Instructor. First, everyone that is in the half-step Initiated Realm move to the left and everyone that is in the Initiated Realm move to the right." Master Bain said with a gravelly voice.

Moving to the right Jakron is only one of four students in the Initiated Realm. Together with Jakron are Deran, one of Deran's seemingly lackeys, and a young woman. Jakron hasn't met her yet, but he can barely stand the provoking looks that Deran and his lackey are throwing his way.

"Ok, we are going to do a ranking tournament today. Normally it would be a lot more formal, but for the first time, we are just getting it done quick and dirty. Remember that this will determine who gets the most resources and contribution points. You can make up for what you don't accomplish here with missions, but that will slow down your cultivation," Master Bain informs us with his stoic tone.

Quickly Master Bain splits up the half-step Initiated Realm experts into a quick single elimination bracket. After he finishes with them Master Bain walks over to the Initiated Realm students.

"I heard one of you beat Rickard. Who was that?" Master Bain questions.

As the other three students look Jakron's way, he answers, "It was me Master Bain."

"Impressive. Hopefully, your class has some promise"

After that quick interaction Master, Bain split the Initiated Realm experts into groups. Jakron versus Deran and the girl versus the lackey.

As all the students enter their respective arena, Master Bain speaks, "We are going to do this as quick as possible. There will be five minutes of rest before each fight. So the quicker you end your fight the more you can rest. Ready. Fight" Master Bain bellows to all the students.

Before Master Bain even finishes Deran has rushed at Jakron. With the vast increase to Jakron's soul, he doesn't even have to concentrate on Deran's movements. He can visualize everything in his mind. Curious of the strength that Deran can produce, Jakron only blocks as Deran delivers a front kick to Jakron's chest. Surprised Jakron is forced back five steps to stabilize his body. Looking at Deran's mocking smile, Jakron can feel his rage bubbling up.

"Pathetic. I thought you would provide at least a slight challenge," Deran berates Jakron while smiling with a pleased grin.

Using his powerful soul Jakron continues to try and control is quickly escalating emotions. Deran quickly darts towards Jakron while performing a flurry of kicks. Not wanting to take another hit, but still curious at what Deran can do Jakron dodges the kicks with ease. Jakron's dodging only infuriates Deran as he tries harder and harder to connect. Finally, the fury and embarrassment overwhelm Deran.

"Eat this!" Deran's shrill screams at Jakron as his voice cracks in his rage.

Unsure of what will be different Jakron dodges all the same. This time as Deran's foot arcs by Jakron's chest a fiery explosion ignites off the tip of Deran's foot. The explosion quickly catches Jakron off guard and sends him flying backward with a large hole in his student uniform. This wouldn't have even scratched him if he was still utilizing the Shimmering Robe, but because Jakron doesn't want to be discovered with it he isn't actively using it.

"Haha! How do you like the taste of my technique? I picked it up yesterday and already have a basic mastery of it," Deran laughs hysterically, "Are you done? I'm afraid if this continues you might be permanently inj…" Before he could even finish a massive force slammed into his head driving him into the ground. A mouth full blood erupted from his mouth. Disoriented Deran opens his eyes.

A demon's face full of rage and hate is staring back at him with blood red eyes.

"ROAR!" Jakron thunder's at Deran only inches away from him.

"You think I'm easy to bully! If I wanted I could squash you like an ant!" Jakron's emotions were out of control. Internally he knew he was losing it, but the fires of rage are consuming him. With bloody burned skin covering his chest, Jakron looks deranged with his contorted face. Chest heaving as Jakron exerts himself both physically and mentally. With inflated muscles, Jakron hovers over Deran bellowing and raging like an animal as he drives Deran's now unconscious body into the ground.

"Stop." Jakron hears a voice roll over him suppressing his emotions and causing his back to break out in cold sweat. This voice and the power behind it immediately squash the uncontrolled emotions raging through Jakron. Almost instantly Jakron calms down. Gathering himself Jakron quickly backs away from Deran. As his emotions fall under the control of his soul and his face finally smoothes back into a normal expression.

"This is just sparring kid. No need to get so serious. Next time I won't be so nice if you take things to far." Master Bain says while he looks at Jakron with an emotionless face.

"Sorry Master Bain. I lost my head," Jakron responds while hanging his head in shame for losing control.

Leaving the ring, Jakron watches as a few servants of the academy carry Deran to the infirmary.

Jakron looks at the other Initiated Realm fight only to discover that it is already over. It looks like she finished before Jakron. Resting Jakron and the young woman watch the other fight.

Jakron can see that his roommates are still doing well. Looking at the young woman he is surprised by her youthful vigor. She has short red hair and green eyes. Freckles dust her face and dimples dot her cheeks as she watches the other fights with excitement.

"I'm Jakron."

"Lily," she says while giving a cursory look before continuing to watch the ongoing fights.

Shrugging Jakron goes back to watching Derek, Hale, and Jacob. By this point, Derek and Jacob have won their fights and are waiting for their next one. Hale, on the other hand, is using his speed to pester his opponent. After a few more minutes Hale is able to finally exhaust his opponent and win his fight. Unfortunately, Jakron thinks Hale will have a hard time keeping this up with such short breaks.

After another minute, Lily and Jakron enter an arena for their bout. At the signal, Lily launches into a straightforward attack. This greatly surprises Jakron as he prepares to just block the attack.

As Lily launches a punch Jakron sees her arm glint off the sun like metal and the ground under feet ripple towards her feet launching her body even faster.

Quickly adjusting his block to two arms, Jakron is thrown backward. Tumbling backward Jakron is just barely able to stop himself from the edge of the arena. With great effort, Jakron was able to dig his feet and hands into the arena floor creating four small trenches forcing himself to stop.

Danger floods Jakron's consciousness as he nimbly leaps to his side as a small foot creates a five-foot crater where he previously was.

Quickly Jakron launches his own attack fighting seriously for the first time. Before he can even make it halfway to Lily a strong wind blows the dirt, sand, and debris from Lilly's attack right at Jakron. Afraid this is Lily's doing Jakron alertly pivots, but not before he catches a kick to the shoulder.

Jakron's dodging movement plus the kick send him spinning away like a top. Anger starts to leak from his consciousness as his control lapses.

Jakron feels like Lily's physical attacks lack creativity. She seems overly dependent on her overwhelming powers. Seeing Lily barrelling over towards him, Jakron prepares himself. As Lily launches another devastating punch Jakron slides with her punch turning his body. Latching onto her harm he pulls her arm forward while knocking her still traveling body off her feet with his hips. As soon as she is airborne Jakron pulls as hard as he can slamming her into the ground.

A massive boom rings or of the training grounds attracting everyone's attention. Dust and dirt fill the air and rubble flies everywhere as half the arena caves in.

"I lost," Jakron hears coming from the crater in the arena.

Jakron is slightly terrified. How tough is this diminutive girl? Jakron is sure he couldn't take such a brutal attack and stay conscious.

Slowly the air clears and Jakron can see Lily sitting up in the crater with a metallic luster covering her skin. The only thing out of place is her dirty clothes and a little bit of blood coming out of the corner of her lips.

"How are you so tough?" Jakron asks unbelievably.

"I have three affinities that I've been training with my family for years. Earth, wind, and metal. The metal makes me tough and I used earth to cushion the landing." Lily casually explains.

"Amazing" Jakron responds.

"So are you. Most people can't take my initial outburst. I'm impressed," answers Lily as she beams a smile at Jakron.

"Can you help me out? I'm hurt worse than I'm showing," Lily ask Jakron.

After helping Lily out they sit down and continue to watch the rest of the fights. Most of the other students in the class give them incredulous looks. Master Bain only give Jakron a small nod before ignoring him again.

Slowly the rest of the fights end. Hale was the first of their roommates to lose, but he is ranked in the middle of the class. Derek was next and he is in the top five of his group. Jacob, on the other hand, won the group. After getting their initial ranking the class is dismissed. With half the day gone but much accomplished the friends head to lunch while congratulating each other.

"Jakron," Lily calls, "can I eat with you guys?"

Enjoy. While I'm still using Grammarly to help with my grammar. I've learned over the past few days that if I get to focused into having proper grammar my speed drops to a crawl. So I think I'll back off of trying to be perfect and just write my novel for now.

If anyone finds an issue please let me know.

Thanks for reading and please send some power stones my way.


Kalrockcreators' thoughts