
infinity terror anime work

Plot - "Want to know the meaning of life? Want to live... A real life?" The world changes when you click YES. In God's dimension, you have to keep getting stronger, keep evolving to survive one horror movie after another. Do you kill everyone in your way to reach the end as a lone king? Or fight along with your comrades and survive through the support of friends? Everything was just for staying alive. Until you find the secret of God's dimension. Who is the real enemy? In a new experiment to push mankind to evolve, God has decided to send people into the worlds of manga, anime, light novels, visual novels and video games. Compared to horror movies, such worlds shouldn't be as terrifying and should be easy to return from, but... You would be very, very mistaken ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Disclaimer fanfiction for self reading and learning English From royalroad.. not mine..

ilham_rizki · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
113 Chs


Chapter 2 - 1, H.O.T.D


Then after her parting words- Aqua left, just like that. And she faded into the crowd of panicking students who will soon be all turned into zombies.  

I... No, the seven of us were left here alone. The only experienced veteran of these missions has left us and we had to make a decision, and fast. This is the world of H.O.T.D and the plot was moving forward at this moment.


Shin: So what should we all-

Man A: L-lets get out of here!

Fat Man: Damm it, I can't believe that bitch just left us here to die. I hope she gets bitten!

Women A: Yeah. We should find a place to hide out.

Shin: Wait everyone. We should first...


But no one waited for what I had to say.

Of us seven newbies, the other three man and the other women left and joined the crowd. This included the other male teenager close to me in age. They ran together with the crowd to try to escape the school, but it was no use, right? The students and teachers were surely being turned into zombies at this very moment. Also, even if they escape the school... just what is out there for them?

This is a world that has just welcomed the apocalypse.

A zombie armageddon.

What hope is there to just escape?

No matter how you look at this, meeting up with the main characters of H.O.T.D and completing God's mission is the surest way to stay alive. Once they all get their act together and are armed with weapons and tools they all become a badass fighting force to be feared. Long as you can keep up with them, then honestly you are pretty much safe from sure death.


Hikari: ...y..ey...hey...HEY!

Shin: Huh? What is it?

Hikari: You were just standing there and weren't responding to me was all. I wanted to know what you are going to do now. Won't you join them and try to find a place to stay safe?

Shin: What, and die? They all just completely forgot about our mission in their panic just because Aqua left us. I bet you anything that they are going to die within the hour. What about you? Why didn't you join them?

Hikari: For the same reason. Besides, I don't do well in crowds and have a hard time trusting others. Really, high schools that are filled with students like this are the worst. I am glad that I opted to not go to high school next year.

Shin: I think higher educational planning is least of your problems now. If this world follows real world time, then by the time you get 50,000 points to leave here, you may be too old for high school.

Hikari: Well, that is one good thing about all this. My name is Hikari. In the real world I am a middle school dropout and... Programmer I guess, right?

Shin: Why are you asking me? So you are into computers?

Hikari: To say the least, though what I do is illegal... and got me on 10 country's most wanted list.

Shin: ...That is, interesting. To bad your talents won't be much help here.

Hikari: Is that right?


It was.

In H.O.T.D, all networks have gone down or are too flooded with activity to be used, and within the week all machinery will be permanently disabled by a HANE (High-altitude nuclear explosion). It is a real shame, but if Hikari survives this mission and depending on the location of the next mission, she will become a real asset. Long as we don't end up in an edo period manga she will have her chance to shine.

But what is most important is that Hikari isn't stupid.

Not only did she not lose her cool, she also knows that she can't survive alone. The reason being is that she is a girl. Not a tough/scary girl with magical enhancement, armed with sci-fi infinite ammo weapons, who is a former marine like Aqua, but a normal girl. Not only that but she look like she doesn't work out, she looks to be a indoors type of girl. Hikari is smart and talented, but she can't survive this type of physically demanding mission like H.O.T.D alone. Yes, she can't survive alone, so she approach me, a male who can protect her and may be somewhat capable, who can at least remain somewhat calm in this world of horrors.


Shin: Do you know the plot and story of H.O.T.D?

Hikari: Not really. I am not a male who gets turned on from watching an anime about women with unrealistically large breast and slim waists running around. Boys are disgusting to like that stuff.

Shin: But that is what makes it great. If not for its hiatus it may have become one of Japans greatest works ( Damm hiatus! ). Also, I don't see why you are complaining. You're not exactly bad looking and are plenty slim, you know.

Hikari: ...I don't think this is the place for you to be picking up girls.

Shin: I wasn't. So... do you plan on joining me?

Hikari: That still sounds like you are picking me up, but yes. I unfortunately don't know the plot of H.O.T.D, so I can only rely on you. Also... I will need some help dealing with the zombies. I can give you advise since I am smart, so... please don't leave me here alone.

Shin: Fine, but since I don't want to die as well, if you become too much of a burden to me, then I won't hesitate to leave you behind. I am no hero of justice or that good of a guy, so prepare yourself for the worse.

Hikari: Thank you Shin. I won't let you down.



I have now acquired my first comrade/follower. Now it was time to think about what comes next.


Hikari: Where shall we go from here? Like I said I don't know what the plot is.

Shin: Well, we have three choices to choose from. The main characters right now should be split up into three groups. The Takashi ( MC ) /Rei group, Saya/Kohta group and the Saeko/Shizuka group. Aqua said that it was unlikely that the plot has changed much, but since we loose points when they die we should still see to it that nothing bad happens. Besides, I would feel much safer with those super-teens of high school students having my back.


From what I remember, the main character Takashi should be heading towards the roof and avoiding the crowds by going through the administration building. The akward team of Saya and Kohta group will soon be moving to the wood shop room. Saya's goal is to have Kohta, a military geek, make weapons for them to survive with. Saeko should be heading to the infirmary and will meet up with and protect the school nurse, Shizuoka.

I told Hikari what is currently going on, and after a few seconds she quickly came to a conclusion. That was quick and as expected from a glasses girl character.


Hikari: We should go after the main character Takashi. Although there should be a low chance of a change in the plot, having one of the main character die is a huge risk for us and among them, Takashi who is negative 1,000 points can wipe us out if he dies. There are only the two us, so we can only go after one group since we are sticking together. We shall follow after him for the sake of securing our safety.


It was an accurate decision and one I agreed with. There was also something that I wanted to try out as well since I heard about the missions. I didn't argue with her, not only since I agreed but because we didn't have the time as well.


Shin: Then lets go. If we wait too long the zombies will begin to appear.

Hikari: Alright then. Let's go!



Hikari and I quickly pushed through the hectic mad rush of students to reach the administration building. While holding on to Hikari's hand ( Her face flushed red, so she must not be used to male contact ) so she wouldn't get separated from me in the crowd, I pushed, shoved, punched and kicked with the best of these high schoolers to get where we needed to go. Hikari was glaring at me afterwards realizing that I was having a lot of fun back there hitting and kicking other people, but it couldn't be helped.

Hitting other people like in battle manga isn't something you can do every day in real life without becoming a thug or criminal. Even by becoming a cop you could be prosected/sued for excessive violence. Also, since they weren't real people and all, NPCs, so what does it matter? Aqua herself said as much herself and although I don't like it, her way of thinking isn't wrong, and sooner rather then later we are going to be fighting humans, not just zombies. That is at least true in H.O.T.D where a lot of the survivors have lost their minds and go crazy with violence.


Hikari: So... So where are they... the main characters?

Shin: They should be around here... Do you want to take a break? You were forced to keep up with be back there in all that chaos.

Hikari: I-I am fine. Besides, you said we didn't have much time before they are attacked by their first zombie.


That was correct.

Soon, or if it hasn't happened already Takashi, Rei and Takashi's best friend who dies in the first chapter, Hisashi, will run into one of their teachers that has been turned into a zombie. They survive unharmed, at least the main characters do and afterwards will realize that that going down stairs is a bad idea and will head to the roof. I told Hikari as much on the way here, so she knew that we didn't have time to waste if we we going to try and help Takashi survive ( Although in the original plot he doesn't die as the MC ), but just looking at her told me that she was already reaching her limit physically. I had no intention to abandoned her despite what I said, but...


Shin: Alright, but try to rest when you can. Also, in this world the zombies are referred to as THEM.

Hikari: Is that really important?

Shin: Not sure, but in later chapters it is implied that saying THEM, instead of zombies or the undead is better for the characters mentalities. I am unsure if it is true, but causing unneeded stress on this worlds characters should be avoided, because honestly high school kid shouldn't be able to just get used to this world as quickly as they did.

Hikari: They also shouldn't be able to use bats to blow zombies away into the air, metters away at that too, but I understand and it is the same with us. Even if we are told that we can die here and it is probably true, but because we are in the world of fiction, I think we can manage somehow. I mean, if this was our world and all of this happening then I don't think that we would be able to stay this calm.

Shin: I know what you mean. Also, we don't have to live in this godforsaken world for the rest of our lives either. We will just be here for two days and God has given us directions to follow. We are much better off then the main characters of this world who are just trying to survive. Also, have you seen the American tv show The Walking Dead? Now that's a messed up group. Surviving without aim and surviving with purpose and aim are quite different after all.

Hikari: That sounds very deep, Shin. Were you an aspiring poet in the real world, or was that a line from one of your gross manga and anime?

Shin: I was definitely no poet and I have been into manga and anime so long as I can remember. Those words might have come from somewhere and also... Don't call manga and anime gross! It is the world's greatest culture and is loved by many, both men and women, young and old. Apologize to the god of animation right now!

Hikari: Sorry, I already have issues with the one that brought us here, so I kindly refuse. So moving on, where are- 

???: Run!!!

???: Wh-No!!! Don't come any closer!!


Echoing within the halls were the panicked voices of high school students and by the sound of it they weren't just dealing with the violent crowd of students trying to escape the school. Also, this timing...


Shin: That voice? Damm it is already starting!

Hikari: What is it?

Shin: That voice just know was the one of the main characters Rei Miyamoto. I know that VA's voice anywhere. It is coming around the corner down the empty hall.

Hikari: ...That is creepy, but I guess otakus like you are good to have around here.

Shin: Save that crap for later! We are leaving... Hang on!

Hikari: What!?


I didn't give her time to voice any objections and picked her up into my arms, princess carry style and ran. Hikari's face was unbelievably cute as she was embarrassed, and any other time I would be excited at such a manga like development, but now wasn't the time. Carrying Hirkari, I ran down the hall at full speed and after turning the corner... I saw them. I actually could see the three of them in the flesh.


Takashi Komuro

Rei Miyamoto

And the friend who gets turned into a zombie later on, Hisashi, full name Hisashi Igou, Takashi's best friend and Rei's current boyfriend.

Rei had just struck one of THEM, their former teacher who had turned, right in the heart with her makeshift spear made from a broken broom. She was confident that her skills as a member of the sojutsu club could take care of this enemy, but failing to know the differences between living human beings and an undead, her spear failed to kill him and she was soon pushed against the wall.


Hisashi: Rei! Hurry and pull it out!


Hisashi took the enemy by surprise by coming behind and restraining him with his unprotected hands and arms. He thought he had the enemy under control, but... he didn't. What would happen next if nothing was done is...


Shin: Damm! Hasn't this guy ever watched a horror movie or two before. That is far too risky? 

Hikari: Shin?


After placing Hikari down, I quickly ran towards the fight instead of doing what I should have done and allowing the plot to continue as is. I knew Hisashi was supposed to die here, which I mean he will be bitten by one of THEM and would soon turn into one himself on the roof of the school after they survive this scene.


Shin: Really what was wrong with me? Hey, give me your bat?

Takashi: Huh? Who are you? Hey!


Not waiting for a response I had already taken Takashi's bat as he was distracted by the abnormality of it all, as his friends were fighting for their lives against a zombie. I quickly moved closer to the fight and just as I raised the bat up above me, the zombie that Hisashi had captured in his grasp had freakish turned its head 180 degrees as if it was normal. It was about to bite into his arm and lockin his fate to become one of THEM.


Shin: Like I'll let you!


As quickly as I could, I dropped down the bat on top of the undead's head... And what happened next was just like that one game at the beach. Its like when you are at the beach with your friends and you play the water melon game with the stick, and you successfully split it open... With all its red inner fluids for all to see and splattered everywhere.


Shin: ...Eh?
