
Infinity: Rising of the Soul Weavers

Peace is such a wonderful illusion, but it is just that... an illusion. Planet Earth had just recently recovered from a devastating invasion attempt where countless portals were mysteriously created out of thin air, spawning monsters and aliens alike. Even though humans had various superpowers, so did the monsters. The clash between the two sides was brutal, leading to a global crisis that was the end of many. Raven O'Bannon, a sixteen year old girl, was trying to overcome the incident, just like any other. But unfortunately for her, the cage of lies holding her reality together was all shattered apart the moment her little sister died. As if triggering a chain reaction, Maya's death was followed by many tragedies and that kept on flipping Raven's world upside down. First, she had to learn that she's no human, but rather, an alien. She belonged to a race that preyed on souls and could barely survive otherwise, hence the name given to them: The Soul Weavers. Secondly, she was then exposed to the fact that she was the young princess of her race. However, being royalty wasn't good in her case since that meant her subjects wanted her head on a stick. After some investigations, it became apparent that her father, the king, was responsible for destroying their planet and wasting many lives. Obviously, this didn't set well with the elders that now wanted the royal blood as a smoothie. Lastly... no wait, of course it doesn't stop here... One after the other, tragedies just keep on attempting to break poor Raven who was only trying to live her life normally. Follow her along her journey to learn of her thoughts, emotions, and goals. How will she defend against an entire race wanting her dead? What will she do as a demon war threatens to destroy what's left of her sanity? Will she survive the journey with her heart pure white, or will it be dyed black as she let the darkness within take control? *** Arc 0 - The Beginning of a New Era: Countless portals suddenly explode in the air, releasing monsters all around the globe. They wreak havoc, spill blood, and destroy everything like there is no tomorrow! Arc 1 - The Aftermath (Nemesis): The story of two girls who are bound by hatred and envy. One has everything while the other has nothing but a broken mind and a shattered heart! Arc 2 - An Angel's Sin (Heaven's Fall): While diving into the depth of a war between the ancient rulers of the Demon Realm, our protagonist is met with an unknown enemy that has quite the grudge against sinners! Arc 3 - (coming soon) *** NOTEs: The first 88 Chapters are will be part of Arc 0. And let me tell you, they're not perfect (gets better after Chp12+). If you feel like you're not sure about the book yet, I advise you to start with Arc 1, which will be the official start for this novel. However, if you feel like you're patient enough to read through lackluster chapters then, you might as well try Arc 0, it has a lot of good background events (such as the portal incident mentioned in the synopsis) that you might enjoy. I can promise that you'll find it worth the read:D The book is tagged "Yuri" but it won't be focused around that aspect much. Instead, it'll be more centered around fantasy. Alternative synopsis is in the first chapter. *** Chapter ave. length: 1500-3000 words. I'll be publishing daily, but depending on what my school (university) requires, that might change. P.S. I'm so chill, feel free to comment your ideas and thoughts. Also, it's my first book, have mercy on me! Enjoy:) *I do not own the book cover. All credits for original owner.

DioisBAd4dM · แฟนตาซี
382 Chs

First Exposure - Part 2

* Longing Sword Art Online Ordinal Scale (by Yuna) *

AN: Correct! Same song again! lol I kinda like it, and it's perfect for the current theme!


"Third objective: exterminate all danger. In progress..." muttered the kid with the same cold monotonous voice, before he started gazing around.

"Immediate danger detected. Forced dungeon transfer.

"Analysing current dungeon corruption." At that, an azure ring like structure appeared around his ireses. The tiny ring resembled a perfect circle with countless tiny sword like beams along it's perimeter, pointing towards its center. The beams themselves didn't touch at any point.

The azure ring around the dark purple ireses gave Camilla the feeling of being dissected, the moment the kid's eyes landed on her. But it only lasted a second, as he wasn't interested in her, but scanning the whole area.

"Dungeon corruption reached 89%

"Rate proceeding at 2% per minute

"Estimated time to cancel corruption of dungeon: 7 minutes.

"Possibility of successfully cancelling corruption: 0%

"Searching for other solutions

"Running simulation number 1


"As time is tightly limited, no possible solutions found...

"Recommended course of action: prepare for dungeon spacial transfer.

"Starting preparations..."

Camilla couldn't help but widen her eyes in shock at the spectacle.

Even though he was talking to himself like a robot, the healing magic circles remained functional, almost as if they have an automated system to control them.

Same for the array that was turning shadows against their owners.

No monster could harm the boy, nor the fallen girls.

"I don't think even I can do that myself..." she muttered to herself.

"F*ck it, I might as well go ask him what the hell is going on. I doubt reinforcements are coming any time soon anyway." She sighs tiredly, "I've never seen such a portal, and I can't understand what's happening. Why is it still expanding? Heck, if I didn't know better I'd say it's an alien monster that'll swallow us alive!"

Unfortunately for her and everyone in that area, she wasn't half wrong. At this point, the rift, or dungeon, is almost ready to transfer whoever is inside into a specific predesignated area.

Even if they try to run away, they'll find a strong barrier blocking their way, that's why also reinforcements are hopeless.

"Hey, kid! Do you know what's going on? she yelled from outside the array. Even though she's an S ranker, she wasn't going to risk her life and go into that deadly array.

The kid looked at her, but didn't answer.

"Tch," she clicked her tongue, "he probably doesn't trust me". she thought as her orbs went into a shooting frenzy, killing monsters up and down.

"Preparations for dungeon spacial transfer standing at 78%

"Anchor point needed for an origin mark.

"Spacial transfer devices needed for anchor connection and spacial travel. Three targets. One possible ally." He muttered the last word and glanced at Camilla

"Uhm, there you go." She nodded. "I'm not a 'possible' ally though, I. Am. Your. Ally!"

The kid just ignored her and kept muttering to himself.

"Three transfer devices needed. Three spare transfer devices needed. One locked transfer device needed. One spare locked transfer device needed-

Suddenly his eyes turned red for a moment as he said, "Warning. Energy reserves as low as 11%

"Searching for possible energy sources...

"External energy low. Invalid

"World energy... thin. Invalid


"Internal artifact Avaia's Extreme Disguise Runestone detected

"Estimated energy reserves depleted by artifact: 23%

"Extracting Avaia's Extreme Disguise Runestone..."

At that Camilla opened her mouth in shock as a sudden flash of light flared, forming a huge blinding orb that forced her to shield her eyes.

The radiant beacon disappeared after a few seconds revealing that the figure of the boy was replaced with that of a girl.

'I can't keep up anymore!!' shouting Camilla in her mind as she stared at the girl in front of her.

She had the same features as the boy, but while Camilla had estimated he was close to 170 cm before, now the girl was standing at about 140 cm.

Although her body was still 'underdeveloped', she had twice the allure of the from before.

Replacing his blue hair, hers was silky long shades of crimson-purple. While the eyes stays the same.

However, the major similarly between the two was the cold expressionless gaze they each gave, and the dangerous vibe the emitted.

"Extraction completed" said the little girl while looking at the tiny glowing crimson runestone in her open palm.

Pushing the runestone slightly up from her palm caused it to stay afloat like a trained honeybee.

Camilla had enough for one day, but she couldn't help but stay focused on the little girl.

With her rather unique look and now oversized soccer uniform, one would think she was kidnapped and thrown where she doesn't belong. And the scene around her would only highlight that assumption.

"Energy recovered: 23%

"Total available energy: 34%

"Proceeding to create spacial transfer bracelets...

And at that, she waved her hands in from of her, as if pressing random keys on an invisible keyboard.

After a few moments, a black and silver future-looking bracelet in front of her could be seen forming out of an unknown gooey substance of the same colour.

"Nanotech Spacial transmission bracelet - 01 completed" she muttered in a hushed voice after the first bracelet was completed.

"Adding energy signature. Maria Bawlden." while the bracelet was good and all, it's no good if someone else can steal and use it before you do.

Repeating the process 8 times lasted about 2 minutes, which left her with less than 4 more minutes to spare before the forced dungeon transfer occurs.

'Damn it my mouth hurts but I can't even close it!'. "How the f*CK can you create sh*t from scratch?!" Camilla yelled as the girl ignored her

But she wasn't done yet. Extending her open palm upwards, she starting mending together her own mana that contained her special energy nanobots, forming a small black and silver gem.

As she placed the complete gem on the ground, two tentacles penetrated its surface and dived into the ground.

Another two started growing like a sampling.

'The f*ck? A robotic plant? I'd be really consider killing myself since I've already seen everything, but f*ck if that's right. I bet she'll pull something else from up her a*s' Camilla thought.

"Permanent spacial anchor complete." muttering the last word, she approached the girls and crouched by their side.

Seeing how their skin was healthy looking again, Camilla... placed one hand above her head, another down her jaw, and proceeded to close her open mouth.

With a snap of the little girl's tiny fingers, all of the magic circles disappeared.

Placing both hands on the forehead of each girl, she stared at them for a few seconds before starting to mutter again, "Healing fully complete.

"Proceeding with final preparations."

At that, she placed a bracelet on each of their hands, hers included.

Turning her attention to Camilla she stared for a second before throwing her a bracelet.

Needless to say, she didn't wait for permission to out that bracelet on.

Waving her hand, the little girl erased part of her array and gestured for Camilla to step in.

Sealing the array once again, she created a white barrier around them and the unconscious girls.

"Estimated time for forced spacial transfer. 16 seconds.




"6. 5. 4. 3. 2. Star-

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