
Infinity's edge

With no hope of awakening a Spark, Tonny had abandoned dreams of becoming a Hero. All he craved was a quiet life, yet school bullies relentlessly pursued him. A close shave with death, triggers a pendant his Father entrusted him. The pendant grants him a spark with limitless possibilities. He emerges a time weaver, reborn like a phoenix from the ashes. The path ahead teems with promise, but adversaries scheme to subdue him into a loyal retainer or sever his ascent. Yet, he shall rise.

Dennis_Bimpong · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs

A Shave with Death

Thud Thud Thud

The forest floor trembled beneath the heavy footsteps of four silhouettes as they pursued a lone figure. The dense rainforest, typically teeming with life, was now a deadly trap for Tonny. His chest heaved, his breath shallow, and his body burned with a fire that even the cool wind couldn't quench. Sweat drenched his skin, offering little comfort in this desperate race for survival.

Tonny's eyes darted around, searching for an escape route. The trees seemed to close in on him, their branches like skeletal fingers reaching out to snatch him. He knew he had to think fast, or he'd become their next victim. With a surge of adrenaline, he ducked behind a giant tree, his mind racing for a diversion.

He hurled a stone in the opposite direction, hoping to lure his pursuers away from his hiding spot. The silence was deafening as he waited to see if his plan would work. The seconds ticked by like hours, and just as he thought he'd succeeded, a twig snapped behind him.

Tonny's heart skipped a beat as he readied his rifle, his finger trembling on the trigger. He peered around the tree, his eyes locking onto Tyler and his three friends. They had stopped in their tracks, their eyes scanning the area, searching for their prey.

The silence was oppressive, heavy with tension. Tonny's breath caught in his throat as Tyler's gaze narrowed, his eyes boring deep into his soul. It was as if he could see right through the tree, straight into Tonny's terrified heart.

And then, Tyler's lips curled into a cruel smile. "You can't hide forever, Tonny," he taunted, his voice dripping with malice. "We'll find you, and when we do..."

Tonny's heart raced as Tyler's words trailed off, leaving the threat hanging in the air like a guillotine's blade. He knew he had to act fast, or he'd become their next victim. With a deep breath, he took aim at Tyler's legs, planning to incapacitate him and make a break for it.

But just as he tightened his finger on the trigger, a blow struck his scalp, sending him crashing to the ground. He felt a searing pain as his head hit a rock, and his vision blurred. As he struggled to clear his head, a boot pressed down on his chest, pinning him to the ground.

Tonny's eyes fluttered open to see one of Tyler's lackeys standing over him, a cruel grin spreading across his face. Tyler rushed in, his eyes blazing with fury, and planted his boot on Tonny's chest, adding to the weight that was crushing him.

"You're a hard man to find, Tonny," Tyler sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "But now that we've got you, you're not going anywhere."

Tonny's cries of pain were heard loud and clear, music to their ears. They delighted in his suffering, and the lackeys took videos with their smartphones, laughing and jeering as they recorded his agony. The punches continued, breaking Tonny's nose and teeth, leaving him regretful of his very existence. Powerlessness consumed him, fueling a desire to become strong and protect the weak.

Tyler towered over Tonny, rifle in hand, his sneer twisting his face into a malevolent grin. "Any last words for Mommy, Tonny?" The silence was suffocating, heavy with the weight of impending doom. Tonny's eyes locked onto the rifle, his mind racing with a desperate plan, but his thoughts were cut short as Tyler pulled the trigger.

A deafening pang echoed through the forest, and blood splattered in the air like a gruesome work of art. Tonny's life force ebbed away, his limbless body trembling in agony. The wound gushed blood like a fountain, threatening to dislocate his arm. Tyler's eyes gleamed with sadistic pleasure, his finger itching to pull the trigger again. "Call your mom a fucking whore," he taunted, "or this time, it'll be your head."

Tonny's response was barely a whisper, but it was enough to enrage Tyler further. "Never," he mouthed, his eyes flashing with defiance. Tyler's grin grew wider as he took aim at Tonny's chest. Another pang echoed through the forest, and Tonny's lifeless body slumped to the ground.

Tyler's face contorted in a grotesque parody of a smile as he pressed the gun into Tonny's hands, staging a suicide scene. He snapped a photo with his phone, his grin stretching from ear to ear. With a hurried glance around, he departed with his friends, leaving behind a trail of blood and destruction.