

Quinn's P.O.V.

"Are you sure a week is fine? I can hold out for a month or two. I can buy you time." Frost asked.

"A week is fine. I don't need anything other than my room. Starting from tomorrow, please expect me to be not here at day. Now can you please leave me? Sorry if I'm rude, but I still need to do something." I asked as I smiled and looked at him.

"Sure. Tell me if you need anything. I and Celestine will be open arms." He replied. Then, he left the room.

I sighed. Did I really need to act cool in front of him? Did I even look cool in the forst place? I don't know why, but I still have to fight. My first day is hell. HELL. I don't even have the time to be in peace other than an hour ago until know. Anyway, I still have to train.

I think working out is still a thing here. Maybe it adds points directly? I don't know, but I hav to find out. And the only method to do that is to train. But before that, I need to check my Status. I thought of Status, and a transparent screen popped out of thin air in front of me.


[HP: 100]   [MP: 50]   [Job: Unknown]

[Exp: 000.00]   [Level: 2]

[Name: Quinn Joules]    [Age: 20]

[Strength : 10]    [Regeneration: 10]

[Magic Power : 100]   [Mana : 50]

[Agility: 10]   [Vitality: 10]

[Endurance: 10]

[Skills: <Golem Creation>, <Archer>]    [Ability Points: 5]

<Golem Creation> [Level: 99] [Mana Consumption: None] [Coldown: None] (Active) - Can create Golems out of a part of a body. Created Golems has the same attributes as the normal one. The owner can do anything with it as long as the Golem can do it.

{Golems}: Luminos - A Moonlight Wolf that once was a Vampire Wolf.

<Archery> [Level: 1] (Passive) - Ability to use bow and arrows at ease. As this skill levels up, the ability to use the said weapon will be strengthened.

Hmm. There's a new one? Endurance? I guess that's how much I can hold out for long. It seperated from Vitality huh? The author sure did mess that up. Anyways, I only have two skills, a (Passive) and (Active) one. I need to have more skills. Either (Passive) or (Active), I need to have more. I might sound greedy, but if it all for survival and doing the right thing, I HAVE to do everything, be it playing dirty tricks or anything, I'll do it.

I also notice that I have 5 Ability Points. I need to add that now. Since I'm an Archer, I might invest it into [Agility] or [Strength]. I don't need to add points into anything, especially [Regeneration]. I can always create potions. Gosh. Even in my pst life, I always wanted to brew potions.

Going back to the topic, I really need to add this up now. No-one knows what might happen later. If I have a chance, I have to grab it immediately. That's why it's a very wrong move when I didn't immediately paid attention to this.

Anyway, if I add my points to [Strength], my accuracy wouldn't change, but it obviously would increse the strength. Duh? However, if I add my points to [Agility], I do think that would increse not only my Accuracy, but also the Firepower. That's only a hunch though.

Additionaly, it also increases not only the distance covered, but also on how fast I react to danger. But there's one thing that's bothering me. [Endurance]. Maybe it's dumb of me to think that I'm bothered by this, but no. At least, that's what I think. If I increase my [Endurance], I can train more longer. Eh, maybe it's not that big of a deal. I'll increase my [Agility] for now. For now.

"Add all my Ability Points to [Agility]." I stated.

Suddenly, the numbers changed in the [Agility]. The once was 10 points was now 35. Somehow, I feel... lighter. And I can hear and smell more clearly? That is unbelievable, yet somehow dumb if you look at a Scientists viewpoint.

"So have you decided into anything master? A week is kinda rough, but if its you, I can already see success." Luminos suddenly stated, yawning.

"You flatter me too much. A—...! Hang on a second? You are in your big form earlier. How can Frost not notice you?" I asked.

"Well, things happened. He knows what happened between us, that you're my master and I'm a Moonlight Wolf, so yeah." He nonchalantly replied.

"Is that so? Well, at least he didn't make a fuss." I said.

"....Yeah." He replied.

"So you heard everything right? A week from now on, I will be in intense training. However, I don't have ay License. How can I train? I also can't get in and out of this Town owing to me having no License, like I said." I stated looking at Luminos.

"Or, you can just sneak out?" He again nonchalantly said.

"You're kinda rude. Earlier today, you were like a butler, but now? However, that's a brilliant idea, so I'll take that." I said, raising one of my eyebrows.

I laid at my bed, thinking about the endless possibilities. But, I think that I have an idea. A great one, on top of that. I wandered through my mind. This is going to be tough, but that's just how life is. As hard as it seems, I have to live no matter what.

If that's what my destiny desires, I'll take it. If I fail, I can grow. If I somehow achieve victory, I'll also grow. And that's a part of life as well. Win or lose, I have to live, even if there's a great risk. I sighed, and then went downstairs and ate dinner wih Frost and Celestine with some chit-chat.

Then, I went to my room, showered, brushed my teeth, and then laid on my bed. I closed my eyes with my mind completely blank. Thus, my journey continues. (Seriously? That one again, author?)