
Infinitely World

When a god does a favor for a young man what will he do. Will he be a hero like so many would ay they would do or become the villain needed. From being nothing to royalty to ruling a kingdom how far will he go. He will make many enemies but keep you person he cares for dearly with him always.

The_Kings_Author · ไซไฟ
8 Chs

Helpful Bandits

I awoke to the sound sound of twigs snapping. I could barley make it out but it was to my right and a lot of them. I brush off some of the dirt from eyes and grab my axe quietly. I look to my right now and see a group of men with sword and bow about ten of them. I remember how real the ai is and think that perhaps they were just hunters. But from what I could tell they we're trying to sneak up to my camp. I look around for my wolf but don't so him. I walk backward while watching my steps getting behind a tree.

"I know I saw someone here." says one of men has he kick my campfire ashes.

"Search the area. A lone hunter is easy prey for the like of us." Say one of the bigger men who carries a long sword.

I try to back away but I was spotted.

"Hey there he is get him." As the man shouts arrows wiz past me barley missing.

If only I had been faster I might hav routes run them but this was clearly a fight I would not win. I stand behind the tree and shout out to them. "I was hopping I might come along some like minded folks."

To be honest I had never planned to be some sort of hero. If anything I want to make money but not do a lot of work.

"And what do you mean by that kid." Say the man who's seems to be the boss.

"I mean I wanted to try my hand at making lots of money like you good men here."

"Why should we trust someone like yourself. Who to say you don't betray us."

"Well for one I could use some help from the experts. But also who to say I can't help. After all I'm might good with an axe." I say as loud as possible.

"Step out from behind that tree and we can talk about your new job."

As I step out from behind the tree that big man blocks me with his sword.

"We don't need weaklings in this group." He says as his about to strike me down.

Luckily for me my wolf jumps from seemingly nowhere and brings the man down. My wolf doesn't bother to finish him and keeps running looping around the other bandits. I don't wait long and seize the opportunity to kill my opponent with one blow to the head. I look at my wolf's level and I notice how much it changed. My wolf was level seven now and tearing through these bandits like butter. He would use the trees as cover and his speed to take anyone near him down. I rush forward wielding my axe noticing most of the bandits are only level twos and threes. Only four of them remain as they throw their weapons to the ground. I was absolutely shocked. My wolf had just taken six bandits down including the boss.

"Please call that beast off we promise we'll be loyal." They shout as my wolf streaks past them one last time coming to my side.

"Why would I want you in my group now." I say with a small smirk starting to form.

"We know the best routes and can help with the simple tasks" they say with tears forming in their eyes.

I think it sheer would be nice to not have to worry about setting up camp and learning the forest.

"If you want to join back away from your weapons and drop your biggest bag." They did as a said and I put their items in my inventory. My inventory could now hold up to fifteen items due to the bag and my level. I started off by checking the bosses loot and I decided to switch my axe for his one handed sword. His sword did thirty damage and I use some of his cloths for extra protection. I tie the men up and have them sit around a tree while I start off to find food leaving wolf to guard them.

"Hey we promised to help and you leave us here to die" one of them shouts at me.

"I am coming back you know. As for tieing you up is for precautions. Prove your loyalty later." I shout back at them as I continue walking.

When I return I see none of them left. Properly too afraid to try and run is what I think. As I sit up the fire I notice only one of them was awake.

"So what you gonna do with us." He asks carefully

"Well I think that you could still help me considering there is no way for me to truth you."

"Kid I don't how we can help when we have nothing." He says.

"I'm doing take take your money and you going to lead me to your camp." I say as a plan starts to form in my mind. We talk about how to get to the camp as well as what I can expect from them. As I remember if I take down a bandit lord I can earn an ability to make contracts forcing them to obey my orders.

"So where does a bandit lord reside." I ask with a small chuckle.

"If you want to beat or boss then your gonna have to be better than this." The man whispers to me.

Late in the night we all fell and asleep and awoke in the morning. As we started off towards there camp we talk about our plans. Turns out they turned to robbing due to the Kings troops stealing and burning their homes. To think the king allowed his soldiers such command. Their camp was a small patch in the forest with raised wooden walls about four to five feet tall. All the leaves in the walls were cleared out. As for the loot here there was mostly some bows and axes. I ask them were they store there loot. But all they do is point at the ground under me.

"Sir it's buried under were your standing."

I let them dig it up and I counted twenty gold coins. About two hundred silver and didn't bother to count the bronze. Each gold coin is worth fifty silver. Each silver is worth twenty bronze. I started to chop the trees closes to the camp. As it turns out each tree I cut down gives some experience. I was now level ten at the end of the day. I hear a little voice go off saying to pick a class.

Pirate-=40% extra speed when in water. Upgrades to pirate captain.

Assassin-=20% speed boost. Smaller spread when aiming. Upgrade to fallen night.

Squire=plus 10 damage with swords and bows. Allows a order to soldiers. Upgrade to knight.

All that available until level twenty.

I couldn't believe it. If I wanted more options I had to level up more. It seemed each level required another thousand experience to level up. But if I waited longer perhaps I could get even better starter classes. I chose to wait it off and went I back to camp. The bandits ha doubt together a nice fire with what looked like a pig cooking over it. I take a seat next to them as I watch the fire when I hear them start speaking to me.

It seems only right we introduce ourselves you know.

"My name is Hinton." The smallest of the trackers say.

"My name is Oliver" say the one to my right.

"My name is Holster. The highest of their levels say at level four.

"And my name is Aleksander." Says who seems to be the ring leader of there small group.

"Might I inquiry what is name is sir." Says Oliver.

"My name is Night. My real name is lost to me and I have chosen to take to a trade mark." I say feeling uneasy. Should I really trust these four.