'Where am I?' Titania thought to himself as he crawled out of the mass that looked like a cocoon. He had to squint to see where he was as the darkness from the cocoon made it hard to adjust to the fast appearance of light. He felt the sudden cold air hit him, sending shivers down his spine and it didn't help that he was covered in the fluid from the cocoon. He saw that he was in a white room but was tinted a brownish color from the spores that coming from the mass that was his cocoon.
Soon after he begins to move around his stomach made a lurch and vomited on an empty stomach. The burning sensation spread from his stomach to his throat and exiting his mouth and nose.
After he was sure that he was empty he wiped the fluid and snot off of face with the back of his hand. After making sure he lifted his heavy head and saw a group of people clad in lab coats typing notes on their tablets feverishly and one person dressed as a general with many badges on his chest.
He saw one of the researchers step forward and place his hand on the glass and smile at him. He tapped something on his tablet while keeping his attention on Titania. The researcher asked him a question through the speakers in the room.
"What is your name?" The researcher asked.
Titania locked eyes with him and responded with a croak as his throat still burns from the vomit, his mouth trembled not because he was scared but because he was trying to form a smile, "My name is Titania, nice to meet you."
Titania tried his best to make his voice clear as possible and was nice to the researcher as he believed that first impressions were very important regardless of what the situation is. For who knows, they might be helpful later.
The researcher tapped on the tablet again, cutting of the speakers in the room. He turned around and seemed to be giving orders to researchers. After a moment the crowd of researchers dispersed but the researcher seemed to grabbed a researcher and whispered something to him. The researcher then nodded his head and left. The researcher that gave the orders then faced the general and the two seemed to talk for a moment and then left but not with the two secretly glancing at Titania for one more time.
'Wait the military uniform looks familiar,' Titania said, he that he wasn't home anymore or even in the same world, 'Where have I seen it?' He brained stormed
After the researchers left something appeared before him, a panel with a notification on it.
Unique birth event occurred
"Aww shit I know where I am," Titania said to himself with a mixture both excitement and fear. He was excited because thought what he did back then was the end of it, the final stop but for there to be an extra chance, where he was sole in control, was what he needed.
Everything now set to zero. His previous life null and void, no longer holding him back. No longer must he worry about his grades, social life, or such chains that bounded his ankles and wrists for they are broken. The chains that weighted down his mind are released for they have been undone. Free to make every decision and bear its consequences. Now such a life lived in his memories only to help him in his journey.
To be himself and only but himself.
Such feeling was intoxicating to his mind.
But then the fear set in, he knew of the new world or universe that he was in. This place that Titania is now in was a videogame back on earth called Soviola.
The main reason for his fear was that he didn't ever play the game.
However, this fear was dulled down bit. While he didn't play the game as his parents told him that it was a waste of time and money, that didn't mean he watched others play the game. Titania watched many players that streamed their gameplay to the even if two streamers were doing the same content. He went on many forums talking about the story, but he remembers two that were very special to him. The two forum were complete studies of quests, both public and secret, even one timers, and also their rewards.
While Titania didn't play the game he unknowingly gave himself a guiding hand to help him. He knew which way the game will go and how to work it.
He stared at the panel in front of him and read it.
[Unique birth event occurred!]
'I got lucky,' He thought to himself. Unique birth events rarely happened to players, these events gave various rewards, some giving free weapons right off the bat, having a powerful npc as a backer, or in rare cases even strengthening the players main class of their choice. With this event these players got a head start compared to the others.
'But wait,' Titania thought to himself, 'What does that makes me, a player or npc?" It didn't really matter to Titania as from what he could see so far it didn't make a difference.
He tossed himself to the side and laid on his back. He started at the interface for a while, a faint smile could be seen on his lips. Titania tapped on the panel in front of him to collect the rewards from the birth event.
Unique birth event!
Rewards: 1 talent, connection with the Imperial Misty Serenity Republic, partial access to 1 research facility
Warning! Due to unique birth you have lost the choice of a main class!
His eyes opened widely after reading the warning notification by the system. A lot of the secret quests that Titania remembered could have been possibly removed or impossible to achieve. In the game the players had the choice of maining one of four classes.
The first class is the pugilist class. Players of this class would use their body as their weapon, some focused on their speed others on their strength, or their endurance, rarely would someone evenly spread their focus on the three bases. This is one of the most easiest class to master in the beginning of the game.
The second class is called the Esper class. This class was unique in a certain way, a player would be given one sole power at random and would improve it over time, such as the ability to control water or to enhance the user's speed or strength. This class was considered a 'static' class in many of the forums as the user power rarely changed. There were some cases that the Esper ability that the player and npc got would changed, called a mutation, which enhanced the ability in a significant way or in some cases change entirely.
The third class is called the Mage class. It was a class that focused on the use of magic and mana. It was a class that had many routes to go down and had many purposes. The down side of the class was that not everyone, outside of players, were able to become Mages as they were limited by what they called, magic talent, which was a persons connection to mana or magic.
The fourth class would be the Psychic class. This was a class that utilizes the mind as a weapon. With this class user's would be able to send mind blasts or attacks at an individual that went past amour and equipment. Players at higher levels were able to move mountains with a single glance. It had many possibilities and applications because after all the only limit was the mind.
The final class would be called Artificer class. This class focuses on the equipment the player had and granted the ability to create their own as well. This was considered on the hardest classes to use as it require a lot of effort and time to create their own equipment and it cost a lot of materials to master properly. This class was the least chosen among the players.
This was a problem for Titania as he didn't know what his class was. He assumed that the system replaced his main class with a random one or in the worst case scenario he wasn't able to get a main class at all. Before Titania could check his status to see what the situation was the doors on the side of the white room opened and a few researchers in mask came in and started cleaning the room.
One of the researchers looked down at him on the floor with a blank stare, he had some pair of scrubs in his arms. "Put these on, you are naked," He said in a tired voice, "And you are going to get cleaned later." He grabbed Titania arm gently and lifted him up on his feet.
Titania put the scrubs on his wet skin and walked out with the researchers. The scrub clinged to his body making the scrub he was wearing heavy. At the door he looked back at researchers as the others started collecting samples from the cocoon and the fluid leaking from the 'shell' before he could think or say anything he was hurried away into a different room.
The head research Beliz looked at the test subject for a short moment after he got his answer. He then turned around and began ordering the researchers. "Collect the test subject and prepare tests, and some scrubs," Beliz said in a firm, clear voice, "Collect samples from the mass and the fluid leaking and begin analyzing it."
"Yes sir, head researcher Beliz!" The researchers responded and the crowd dispersed doing what they were ordered to do but he grabbed one of the researchers, "Put him in a comfortable room" he whispered, the researcher nodded his head and left.
Beliz returned his gaze back upon the test subject who was laying on the floor. The general still standing by his side, "How old is he," Rad asks staring at the test subject. Beliz responded in a single breathe, "He is around eighteen years old."
'He is around my son's age,' Rad thought to himself, 'Maybe I should bring him with me next time I visit. I hope he doesn't bitch about it.' The general looked at the test subject once more then turned his focus back to Beliz. "I will be expecting a report on the subject that is being researched here" He stated in a clear, calm voice, "Also I will be putting in a request with the higher ups to be able to stay at the facility as an observer." Beliz nodded his head and responded, "Yes general." Rad then left the room leaving Beliz with his tablet and stylus in his hand.
Beliz stood at the glass window as he saw the the researchers came into the white room to collect samples and the test subject. As he saw the test subject be lifted up and escorted out of the room he gripped his tablet and stylus tightly in his left hand and after a brief moment relaxed, letting out a quiet sigh. Beliz then left the room recording the test subject to his office.
Hey everyone, I hope that you are having a wonderful day and that you are enjoying the novel so far. Remember to leave a review if you can, any feedback helps!