Kojiro and Sakura stay at the Zelretch workshop for the night.
The next morning, Kojiro does some quick maintenance to his tool and begins to cook some breakfast. When the food is ready, he places it on the table before going to the bathroom and taking a quick shower. As he walks in front he showers, he sees Sakura waking up and sitting on her lap is a fluffy creature that Gaia gives to her as a 'reward' to him for destroying the Greater Grail.
Kojiro looks at Gaia and Alaya opens up a portal to their domain. However, before Gaia walks through the portal she walks to him and picks up Cath Palug from her head and gives it to him.
"Errr, Thank you? But why?"
He sighs a little as Gaia continues to look at him with her eyes.
"For what?"
"Destroy Abomination"
"I see, Thank you"
He looked up to the squirrel-like creature in his hand before sighing once more.
"Is Fou-chan coming with us?"
"Look like it"
"Fou Fou"
Kojiro hands over the squirrel-like creature to Sakura and walks to Zelretch and says.
"Can I really have the Primate Murder as my pet?"
"Gaia gives it to you personally so it automatically becomes your familiar. As for Primate Murder… Well, Gaia still has a dozen of them in her domain so if you worried there is no more Primate Murder then you are wrong."
"I guess that's good but I thought Primate Murder's main mission is to kill any human it sees?"
"In here, yes. However, because Gaia gave the ownership of Fou to you then he wasn't bound to Gaia hatred for Humanity anymore. Basically you are a Fou-kun master that will obey all your commands just like Fou-kun obeys all Gaia commands."
"I see"
"Yup, it was a rare thing you know?"
"Gaia never gives her blessing anymore, the last person to receive her blessing died a long time ago."
"The last person receiving her blessing is the one that successfully got the First True Magic, The Denial of Nothingness."
"Why the other magus don't know about it?"
"Because the Blessed one didn't want the other to know about him. So the only one that knows about him is the blessed one is the sorcerer himself, Gaia and also me"
~End of Flashback~
Kojiro shakes his head as he looks at Sakura that walks to him with Fou resting on her head.
"Good Morning, Sukura and Fou"
"Morning Nii-chan"
"Fou Kyuu"
He let Sakura take a shower while Kojiro walked to the kitchen once more and took some coffee from the coffee maker and sat down on the chair before taking a sip of the coffee. While drinking his coffee he sees Zelretch get out of his workshop and walk to the kitchen and take some coffee from the coffee maker and sit in front of him.
"So this will be the last we meet huh?"
"Yes or maybe not. I don't know if I will come back here once more"
"Hah, if you come back here, make sure to go to the Clock Tower to meet me."
He looks at Sakura that walks to the Kitchen with Fou in her hand looking around the room with interest. As Sakura sits down on the chair, she begins to eat her breakfast. Kojiro also does not forget about giving Fou his food as well. Kojiro and Zelretch also begin to eat their breakfast and enjoy the silence.
When they finish eating, Kojiro opens up a portal to his place and gets ready to go home. However, before walking through the portal, he extends his hand to the old vampire.
"Thank you for your hospitality Zelretch''
The old vampire grabs his hand and gives it a firm handshake before saying.
"No problem, it was a fun experience with you guys here"
Kojiro suddenly opens up his Pocket Dimension and takes out a motorcycle he created using some spare parts he had yesterday. He slowly pushes the motorcycle at Zelretch and says.
"Here, I give it to you. This thing can run up to Mach 2 and have an energy generator that can fuel this thing for a year if you use it non-stop. The energy generator will recharge itself if you leave it under the sun."
He looked at the motorcycle before he petted it with his hand and stroked it gently before saying.
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, take it."
"Thank you"
When they say their last goodbye, Kojiro and Sakura walk through the portal. When they walk through the portal, Sakura looks around in wonder while Fou jumps from Sakura's shoulder and begins sniffing the house.
After sniffing around the house, Fou walk toward him and jump up to his shoulder before liking his face with its tiny tongue. He then began preparing to open up his cafe.
"Nii-chan, What are you doing?"
"I am preparing to open up the cafe. Do you want to help?"
They begin preparing to open up the cafe. Sakura helps him by placing the pastry on the counter while he cooks the home specialty. Lucky Kojiro opens up a portal to his home at 6 am, so they have two hours before opening. When they are ready, Kojiro switches the sign and they are open for business.
Kunou walked along the road while humming happily. This is the day she can explore the city and meet her favorite person besides her mother, Kojiro Nii-chan. She still remembers getting kidnapped by the Stray Devil. The helpless feeling and the fear still lingering until this day. However, because of her Nii-chan, Kyoto became the safest place against the Stray Devil in the world. Even her mother let her play around the city after she finished her study.
When she gets closer to her destination, Kunou begins to smell a heavenly smell coming from one of the buildings. As she followed her nose, she arrived in front of a two-story tall building and read the sign above her saying 'Leblanc Cafe'. When she signs, Kunou immediately gets inside the cafe. He looks around and sees many people drinking and eating their breakfast.
Kunou looks at the customer and sees there are many Youkai eating their breakfast while chatting with the normal human. She walks to the counter and sees Nii-chan flirting with a young lady.
'Mou, don't Nii-chan know that mother is his mate.'
She climbs the sit and raises her hand and says.
"Nii-chan Nii-chan!"
He looked at her and smiled before saying.
"Hello, Kunou. What can I do for you?"
She immediately says the item she wants.
"Wait for a second, okay?"
"Sakura, Can you take some matcha cheesecake and chocolate lava cake?"
"Yes, Nii-chan~"
Kunou froze after hearing the girl calling Kojiro, Nii-chan. She looks at her Nii-chan making her drink while she is busy looking at the girl taking some cake from the kitchen. When Sakura gives Kunou the cake, she says,
"Hello, My name is Kunou. Who are you?"
"Ah, Nice to meet you. My name is Sasaki Sakura"
"Are you Kojiro Nii-chan, Little sister?"
"Yes! Nii-chan saved me from the bad guy before he adopted me as his little sister."
"I see"
Kunou looked at Sakura serving another customer with a smile on her face. Sakura and Kunou have the same experience getting saved by their Nii-chan from the bad man. Kunou decides that she will make a friend with her fellow sister. For a long time, she dreamed about getting a sister and now she can get a sister even though they are not blood bound.
The advance chapter can be found here:
Or if you want to give me some coffee