That day, Kojiro didn't know what happened to his body as it moved on its own. While he can see what is happening, but all of the experience is like seeing a movie that is blurred, He can't see the details, but he knows what is happening. He didn't want to feel like that again. He didn't like not being in control over his own body.
Sadly Kojiro can't have a lovely peaceful week as another pest comes to Kyoto once more. This particular enemy is the easiest enemy he has over the week as this man has the body of a giant lizard.
Currently, Kojiro, Yasaka, and Kunou are enjoying their day in the park.
Two days ago, After dealing with Russel the Crimson and helping the Karasu Tengu squad reach the palace, Kojiro got invited by Yasaka to her office. Inside her office, Yasaka says her thanks to him.
"Thank you for helping my people."
"It was nothing."
"No, I can't just accept that. You say the same thing when you defeat Lung the Dragon. I… We can't just accept all your kindness and contribution in defending Kyoto without payment."
"I…." Kojiro looks at Yasaka, who has a pleading and hopeful expression. "Just… Just send me some money."
"We can't…"
Before Yasaka can say her sentences, Kojiro says.
"Please accept that offer, I'm helping you guys on my own will and not hope for any reward."
"I-I understand."
Yasaka then writes something on a piece of paper and gives it to her servant in the front door before sitting down on the chair once more.
"You know, Kojiro-kun. Many people will want some kind of reward."
"I'm not most people. I am honestly quite content with my lifestyle."
"Really? You don't want anything?"
"Well I don't say that I don't want anything, the thing I want right now is enjoying life."
"I see."
"Yup, As for money well… My cafe is doing great so far. I don't need any money."
"I see, you are a weird person, Kojiro-kun."
The room then becomes silent as they are enjoying each other's company while drinking some sake. After a few minutes, Yasaka decides to break the silence by saying.
"Hey, Kojiro-kun"
"If you don't want any reward, then can I give you something different?"
"Hmmm, please tell."
"How about I give you myself?"
*Cough* *Cough*
"Yasaka, please don't joke around."
"I'm serious, you know."
Before Kojiro could answer, The door of the Yasaka office was forcefully opened up, and Kojiro looked at the door to see Kunou.
"Kojiro, You are here!!!"
Kunou then tackles him and hugs him tightly with her tail wagging excitedly. Kojiro then releases a relief breath as he sees Yasaka pouting in the background. They spend the night eating together and relaxing in the garden while watching the moon in the sky.
The next day Kojiro spent his Inspired Inventor charges on Simulation (2/500), Anti-Magic Weapon (5/300), Light Armor (3/75), Pocket Dimension (3/800), and Penetration (4/100).
He decided to increase his sword Penetration power once more, and while at it, He also increased the Anti-Magic effect on his weapon. He also tries to create gloves and enchant them with both a combination of Magecraft and Anti-Magic Armor & Weapon. Right now, his gloves can punch through a magic spell or even a reinforced body or object.
For the rest of the day, He spent his day serving the customers inside his cafe. He continued to spend his day as the ordinary cafe owner. When he is about to close the cafe, Yasaka and Kunou arrive at his cafe and spend the night enjoying a cup of coffee and tea for Kunou.
The next day Kojiro wakes up earlier and spends his charges on Simulation (3/500), Anti-Magic Weapon (6/300), Light Armor (4/75), Endurance Training (3/115), and Penetration (5/100). After spending all of the points he has, Kojiro gets up and takes a quick shower then has some breakfast. He does not spend his time upgrading his equipment or creating another device because he already promises Kunou to bring her to the park with Yasaka.
Kojiro walks toward the palace and sees in front of the gate is Kunou and Yasaka already waiting for him. After a quick greeting, he places Kunou on his shoulder as they walk toward the Park, where they will have some picnic.
After preparing the place, Yasaka began to put out the food from the basket while Kojiro played with Kunou.
As they enjoy their picnic, He hears some hissing sound coming from their back. Kojiro immediately summoned his sword and stood between Yasaka and the sounds. A seconds later, he sees a reptilian head with its mouth dripping some corrosive liquid.
"Ned the Crawler…"
I look at Yasaka that slowly gets back from the monster with Kunou on her hand. He looked at the monster in front of him. Crawler resembles a black six-legged dinosaur-like beast the size of a van. His entire body is covered in scales, spines, and bristling hair, where thick armor plating doesn't protect vital areas. His mouth is large and fish-like, filled with mis-sorted fangs. Eyes and eye spots run along the entire length of his body. From the knees of his foremost pair of legs, three smaller pairs of limbs resembling human arms emerge.
"GiVe ME MoRe!!! StRoNg EnEmY!!!"
Without any warning, Crawler began to charge at them, and a second later, Crawler appeared in front of Yasaka and Kunou while raising his legs. However, before Crawler can hit them, Kojiro cuts Crawler's leg.
"MoRe MoRe!!!"
In a blink of an eye, Crawler's leg has already regenerated, and He can see that the armor on Crawler's skin is getting thicker. The crawler then looked at him and began to charge at him at a speed that should be impossible with the current size of his body.
He dodged the attack from the Crawler and cut one of his legs with his sword. Sadly, Crawler's leg is regenerated once more and continues his attack. He didn't know how his Anti-Magic attribute did not work against Crawler, but he speculated that Crawler's ability is not because of Magic.
"Crawler's known weakness is his core that is located in the middle of his body!"
Hearing Yasaka's words, Kojiro appeared to the side of Crawler and swung his sword then cut Crawler's body in half. He can see Crawler's core in a brief moment before Crawler connects his upper and bottom body once more. Knowing what to do, He creates some distance between them and prepares to use his Noble Phantasm. Seeing Crawler is getting closer, he says the true name of his Noble Phantasm.
"Hiken - Tsubame Gaeshi"
After using his Noble Phantasm, Kojiro sees the core, and before Crawler can regenerate, he stabs the core and destroys it. He saw the head of Crawler on the ground as it was the only body part that successfully regenerated before he destroyed the core.
He feels a tugging feeling on his back and sees Kunou hugging his waist with her tails wagging behind her.
"You are like SWISH and then SWOSH, Lastly you are like, 'Come' and then SWING the monster is defeated. IT WAS AWESOME"
Kojirou smiles at her and picks her up in his arms as she tries to explain how awesome he was fighting Crawler.
"Who are you, Kojiro-kun?"
"Hmmm? I'm Sasaki Kojiro"
"No, what I mean, who are you? You just defeated a Satan-Class being single-handed that even Amaterasu-sama have trouble dealing with, but here you are."
"I'm just an ordinary man that knows how to use a sword."
The advance chapter can be found here:
Or if you want to give me some coffee