~17 June 2008~
Kojiro looked at the floating star with wings in front of him. He doesn't know what happened, but somehow, that old vampire successfully converts Sakura into a real magical girl. Not only that, but the Kaleidostick Zelretch given to Sakura is also the most annoying one, Kaleido Ruby. Zelretch also gives her a set of class cards to Sakura for her to use. However, it was not the worst thing that an old troll did…
"And you say that your sister has been activated?"
"Yes~ Sapphire should be awakened by now~."
"And her master is Kunou."
"Haaaaaaaa, That old bastard."
"Nii-chan language!"
"Sorry, sorry."
Kojiro begins to rub his nose as a headache starts to hit him. He then starts to remember the old vampire walking toward Sakura with a mischievous smile while he explains to Gaia and Alaya that Ophis will not destroy the earth and all its creatures, including humans. He curses his carelessness. However, what makes things worse is that he still cannot convince Yasaka that Zelretch is an Irresponsible old vampire. He hates Zelretch's smug face when they get ready to go home.
"Anyway, Sakura"
"Before you use Ruby, I need you to train first. I want you to fully master at least one of the cards before using it in public. Your training will start tonight after we close the cafe. You will practice using Saber-class first, and Berserker lasts. Understand?"
"Yes, Nii-chan"
"Good, I need to prepare to open the cafe. You can go to Yasaka palace if you want, but remember to bring Fou and Lilith."
"Can I go to Kunou's place?!?"
"Yeah, but as I said, bring Fou and Lilith with you. They will be your guardians."
After hearing it, Sakura then immediately walked upstairs, followed by Ruby, who said.
"I still don't believe Kojiro-san is owning the Primate Murder."
"Primate Murder? Who?"
"Errrr, You don't know who Primate Murder is Sakura-san?
"No? Should I?
"I see, Fou-kun is known as Primate Murder."
"Fou-kun is Primate Murder? Hmmm, I don't think it's true. Fou-kun is a sweet and fluffy good boy."
Kojiro ignores their conversation and begins to cook some curry for his cafe. He hopes that both Kunou and Yasaka are okay with Sapphire making a contract with Kunou. He also hopes that Kunou never meets the local Magical Girl, Levia-tan and Mil-tan. Those two will never let Kunou go and always pester her for collaboration.
Sona hides her face inside her hand in the hope that he never sees her sister again or at least for a few days.
Yesterday, Sona decided that she and her peerage will follow her sister Serafall Leviathan to go to the Youkai Palace and have another meeting with the ruler of Youkai. When they arrive outside the palace, the guard says that both Yasaka and her daughter Kunou are currently training in the training ground. As they come to the training ground, Sona's face becomes pale as she sees a magical want with a golden star on top of the handle. She immediately covers her face in embarrassment as her sister screams like a little girl when she sees the magical staff.
Sona can feel his head begin to release steam because of how embarrassed her sister behaves right now. As Kunou says something, her costume begins to change into a cute blue and black magical girl outfit and white cape and boots. She also wears a strap on her left leg to hold what looks like a card.
After transforming, Yasaka looked at them with a smile before saying.
"I'm sorry for not greeting you, but as you can see, we are currently busy with something."
Sona decides to walk toward the leader of Youkai and bow to her.
"I'm sorry for disturbing your activity."
"Ma~ It's okay, this is not something really important."
"I see, then I feel relief about that, but I would apologize in advance."
"For what?"
"For my sister's behavior. As you can see, my sister has a weird taste ...."
Sona looks at her sister Serafall who gushes over Kunou while saying that she should appear in her TV show.
"... My sister is a huge fascination toward the magical girl and seeing Kunou-sama transforming into a magical girl in front of her. She will beg for Kunou-sama so she will appear inside her TV show."
"I see, I often forget that Serafall-dono appears in a children's TV show in the Underworld."
Sona and Yasaka then walk toward Kunou, who looks a little bit afraid of Serafall, who begins panting and has a red face while looking at Kunou and her magical wand. Seeing her and Yasaka come near them, Serafall wipes her doll before bowing a little at Yasaka and says.
"I'm sorry for my behavior, but I never met a real Magical Girl in my entire life, especially the one that has a magical costume that can be summoned in an instant."
Yasaka smiles at her before saying.
"It's fine."
"If it's okay to ask, what kind of training Kunou-chan do? Does she want to train to become a powerful Magical Girl?"
Sona can see Yasaka hesitant to say the training her daughter will do, but after a few seconds, she can see Yasaka nod at herself and says.
"Do you want to stay and see?"
"We can?!?"
"Yeah, but please stay far away from the arena, okay?"
"Will it be destructive?"
"Hmmm, I guess. That is why please stay away."
Serafall then takes Sona and her peerage away from the arena and then sits down on the bench far away from Yasaka and her daughter. After they arrive on the bench, Yasaka looks at Kunou and begins the countdown.
"Ready Kunou?"
"Yes, Mother"
"Very well. 3… 2… 1...."
After the countdown reaches one, Yasaka suddenly disappears from her position and appears in front of Kunou and punches the little girl. However, before Yasaka fist could touch Kunou, an almost transparent barrier appeared and blocked Yasaka's attack.
When her fist fails to hit Kunou, Yasaka immediately leaps away, and she can see Yasaka moving her finger at a fast speed that she almost cannot see what kind of form she has with her finger. A second later, Yasaka places her finger in front of her mouth and says.
"Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu"
Coming from Yasaka's mouth is a massive fireball. As the fireball flies toward Kunou, the little princess immediately takes a card from her tight and then places it on her wand. Her wand shines for a second before suddenly a golden spear and golden shield appear in her hand, replacing her wand. When the fireball almost hit her, Kunou raised her shield high and blocked the fireball.
Sona looked at Kunou in surprise at her great timing. Not only does she switch her weapon at the right time and she is also able to maintain the invisible barrier around her body, Sona then looks to her side and sees her sister look at Kunou with a serious face that makes her uneasy.
"Nee-sama, what are you thinking? Please don't force Kunou-sama as your sidekick in your TV show."
"Hm? Oh, it's not that"
"So, what is it?"
"That shield and spear… I have a feeling that I meet someone using that spear and shield… But where? Hmmm"
Sona then looks at Kunou, who begins to attack her mother using her spear while also blocking all the incoming attacks using her shield. Sona looks at Kunou's weapon and tries to remember if she knows the name of the weapon Kunou uses to fight her mother.
After thinking for a minute, but the answer never comes out from her memory, Sona decides to give up and watch the spar between mother and daughter. The fight lasted for another ten minutes. In the fight, Yasaka only uses elemental attack and hand to hand combat while Kunou uses her spear, shield, and the same weird magic Yasaka uses. After ten minutes of sparring, Yasakad decides they have enough and walks toward them. She also sees Kunou change her wand back to its original form.
"Sorry for the wait."
"It's okay, Yasaka-dono. We are the ones that disturb your morning training."
"Thank you. Now, if you, please wait for another minute. I need to take a bath because…."
However, before Yasaka could finish her sentences, another person arrived while shouting her sister's name.
"Leviathan-sama! Leviathan-sama!"
Sona and her sister look at the person who flies toward her sister. As they look at the person, Sona knows that it was one of Leviathan mansion guards.
"What is it?"
"There is an emergency, Code Red. Your presence is needed in the Underworld."
"Very well."
After hearing the message, Serafall looks at Yasaka and says,
"Looks like we can't have a nice conversation, Yasaka-dono. My presence is needed in the Underworld."
"It's okay. We can have a conversation later."
"Thank you. Can I have permission to teleport?"
After saying that, Sona felt the magic around the castle shifted a little as her sister disappeared from the palace, and the magic became normal once again. He doesn't know what is happening, but she hopes that it was nothing.
Serafall arrives inside the war council room. As she comes, Serafall can see many people already come inside the room, including her father and the other clan head. When he sits down on the table for Maou, She looks at Sirzech, and Ajuka then says.
"What's the situation?"
Both Sirzech and Ajuka nod at each other, and suddenly, the projector turns on, and it shows three abominations on the screen.
"This is the Endbringer, that is the name many magicians and devils call them, the stray devil that absorbs so much of chaotic energy that their body begins to change completely. The first one is the Behemoth. Behemoth, also known as the Devil killer, is the first stray devil that changes. He has incredible strength and durability, regeneration, and dynakinesis, the ability to manipulate energy in all its forms. Creates shockwaves, lightning, thunder and delivers massive impacts, and can kill anything within a radius of about 9 meters, allowing him to roast devil from the inside-out, also known as the kill aura."
"Yeah, we do that already. Let's skip the useless information. We already know about this information about Behemoths…"
Before the foolish clan head can spout another useless comment, it gets shut up with a massive killing intent courtesy of Ajuka. She doesn't know what makes Ajuka pissed, but she can guess that he doesn't have any sleep for at least a week just like in the past, where he snapped at one of the nobles and almost killed the little shit.
When the clan head becomes silent, Ajuka begins his explanation once again.
"That is Behemoth, the second Stray Devil that becomes an Endbringer is Taniwha or his unofficial name, Leviathan."
Serafall unconsciously grits her teeth after Ajuka says the last word. It was a sensitive topic for Serafall as she still remembers that Taniwha can overpower her in manipulating water around the area. Lucky for her, Serafall still has control over ice, which makes her dignity still intact, and even then, she needs some time to create ice from the water Taniwha controls within his range.
"Taniwha has enhanced speed, enhanced strength, a watery afterimage that follows after his every movement, and macro hydrokinesis. His most notable feat was when he almost sank the entire country of New Zealand. If not for the group effort of both Serafall Leviathan and all the members of the Sitri clan, then the entire country of New Zealand would be no more. If that happens, then we can say goodbye to our race as the entire world will declare war against us."
Ajuka then looks at the third picture of the abomination.
"The last one is Ziz, but we are not here to discuss her at the moment. The one we discuss here is the second Endbringer, Taniwha. If my device is correct, then Leviathan is moving from the depth of the ocean."
After saying that, the entire room begins to explode as the people inside the room begin to panic. Ajuka then releases a 'little' bit of his mana, and suddenly, the whole room becomes silent once again.
"My device located him still on the bottom of the Mariana Trench. The REAL bottom of Mariana Trench. Which means Leviathan is currently 22 KM deep under the sea. However, that is not why I call you here. The reason I call you here is because of the target for the Taniwha rampage."
Ajuka looks at Sirzech and says.
"If my prediction is correct, then Taniwha should be targeting Kyushu, Japan."
"How accurate is this prediction?"
"78%. I calculate the way Taniwha moves his body around the deep sea, and the last thing he sees before he stops is toward Kyushu."
"I see."
"Yes, Then the question is, how to tell this to our ally, the Shinto/Youkai faction?"
The entire room becomes silent, and after a few seconds of silence, one of the clan heads says.
"We should tell them right away, BUT we can delay our troops so Leviathan can wreck Japan first making the Shinto and Youkai force weak before we come in and make our self like a hero-"
Before the man can finish his sentences, Sirzech releases a massive amount of demonic power to the air that can kill a low-level devil and even make the mid-level devil go unconscious.
"Shut up, or I will kill you and your entire family. I don't need a rotten apple in my council, and I will then replace you with the branch family of your clan. This is your last chance, and If you repeat something like this, I will kill you before you can even blink."
Seeing the clan head nod his head, Sirzech stops releasing his demonic power and her easy to breathe air once again.
"We will inform our ally about this situation. Serafall and Falbium will be the one to go to Kyoto and inform them about this incoming disaster. Ajuka and I will be the ones preparing in the Underworld. I will also try to call some help from the Norse faction and the Fallen Angel. Every man will be valuable in this fight. Ajuka, how long do you think Taniwha will reach Kyushu?"
"3 days."
"Good. Serafall, I want you to go to Kyoto once more and inform Yasaka-dono and also Amaterasu-dono to call an emergency meeting tomorrow morning. Inform her that this is an emergency meeting involving Leviathan."
"Good. Falbium and other clan heads will prepare their soldiers for the fight, but don't bring all of your family soldiers to the fight and leave about a half inside your territory. I don't want the stray devil to think the Underworld is weak when we fight Taniwha."
"Good, Dismiss! I need to discuss something with Ajuka."
Serafall got up from her chair and prepared to meet Yasaka once again, but this time it was not for pleasant conversation but to bring bad news.
The advance chapter can be found here:
Or if you want to give me some coffee