
Infinite Summon System

Ru Cimoń, is a 20 year old man, wanting the simplest thing in life, what is it? You may be asking. Peace and Quiet, to be as lazy as possible while still maintaining a good paying job. His plans were going great, until the events of 3 years ago when Magic was discovered. Magic became the pinnacle of human civilization and evolution, scientists have done a great deal of research to uncover the sudden existence of magic we all call ‘Mana’. People from all around the world would have some slight ‘connection’ with the mana that now exists in our world, while others can only feel it’s presence. Some would even come to be able to wield ‘Mana’ or ‘Magic’ giving these selected few people supernatural abilities, we called these individuals’Mages’. Some mages would be rare in each region, country, state, and culture. It would vary depending on how connected said individual was with mana. But, mages wouldn’t only be able to just wield a single type of power, if trained and honed. Mages would ‘Awaken’ to a type of power Unforeseen, pyrokenisis,, telekinesis, future sight, flight, etc. Each mage would awaken to a specific kind of ability natural only to them. Ru was one of these mages, although he wasn’t physically strong, fast, or even durable to be called a mage. He did have a secret, he has a unimaginable amount of mana, his connection with magic seemed unreal to him at first. But through the passage of time he managed to hide the fact he had so much mana. But when he turned 20, he awakened to an unfamiliar ability, suddenly a screen appeared in front of his face one morning, saying he ‘Awakened To A Rare Class’. He had the ability to ‘Summon’ super sexy, monsters, gods, celestials, etc. but there was one flaw with this power…..one major flaw indeed….. He didn’t want it at all.

Aldric_ · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Wake Up Call





The blaring alarm was abruptly silenced by a pillow hurled at it. Moments later, a groggy young man, Ru, groaned and rolled out of bed.

"Augh, Mondays are the worst..."

Ru stretched, yawned, and retrieved both the pillow and alarm clock. He glanced at the clock and his eyes widened in panic.

"Oh no, I'm late! I'm going to get fired for sure!"

Frantically, he dressed, brushed his teeth, and stuffed his belongings into his backpack. As he bolted out of his apartment, he muttered to himself:

"(Great, just what I needed. Ten minutes to get to work, and this traffic is a nightmare!)"

Ignoring traffic rules, Ru sped down the highway, narrowly dodging cars. His legs burned from the effort, but he pushed on—the company building was within sight!

He swerved through the parking lot of 'R-Cove,' a company dealing in magical relics like protective charms and healing spells. With only three minutes to spare, he raced through the halls and break room, barely managing to clock in.

"Ha... ha... close call..."

Sweat dripped down his face as he caught his breath. After a brief respite, he grabbed his ID card and headed to Section A, where he met his coworkers.

"Yo, Ru!"


A familiar voice called out. Ru turned to see Arthur, a man with short blonde hair and dark green eyes.

"Oh, hey Arthur. You're here early."

Arthur grinned. "Of course I am. I've got to keep up with your slack. How's it going?"

Ru shrugged. "Same old, same old. Just trying to survive another Monday."

Arthur chuckled. "Looks like you're still the same laid-back guy. Been almost a year, and you haven't changed a bit."

Ru tilted his head, confused. "Wait, what's that supposed to mean?"

Arthur leaned in. "Well, for starters, you're still a mess in the mornings. And I noticed you haven't awakened yet."

Ru's face fell slightly. "Yeah, I'm aware. I'm already 20, and still nothing. I'm starting to think magic might not be in the cards for me."

Arthur patted Ru on the back. "Hey, don't get too down. I bet you're going to awaken soon, and it'll be something awesome."

Ru tried to muster a smile. "Sure, if it means dealing with the 'Association of Mages' breathing down my neck. At least without magic, I get to keep my peace and quiet."

Arthur laughed. "True. The Association does have a habit of complicating things for mages. But hey, if you ever do awaken, you'll be one of the cool ones."

Ru chuckled. "I suppose. For now, I'm content with my regular gig. Less hassle."

The two continued their work, exchanging occasional banter.


Hours later, at 4:30 p.m., Ru finished up and prepared to leave. He quickly packed specific packages, ensuring everything was ready for storage.

"Phew, done. Now let's get out before someone makes me do extra work."

Just as he was about to clock out, Yuri Northwood, one of the managers, appeared. With her long black hair and silver eyes, she was known for her leadership and skill in controlling nearby magic.

"Hey Ru! Glad I caught you before you left. Got a minute?"

Ru turned to face her, feeling a bit apprehensive. "Oh, Ms. Northwood. What's up?"

Yuri's expression shifted from cheerful to annoyed. She reached out and pinched Ru's earlobe.

"OW! OW! OW! What the—"

"I told you to call me Yuri," she said with a smirk.

Ru glared at her, rubbing his sore ear. "Fine, fine! Just let go of my ear, Yuri."

Yuri released him, still grinning. "Better. Anyway, are you free this weekend?"

Ru raised an eyebrow. "Um, yeah. Why do you ask?"

Yuri's eyes sparkled with mischief. "I'd like to invite you to hang out with me and a few coworkers."

Ru's confusion deepened. "A hangout? What's the occasion?"

"Ah, that's a secret," Yuri said, winking.

"What? Come on, give me a hint!"

Yuri shook her head playfully. "If you show up, it'll all become clear. Trust me."

Before Ru could protest, Yuri waved and headed off. "I have to run. Don't forget to check your email for the details!"

Ru watched her go, feeling conflicted. He shrugged it off and went to clock out, then headed to his bike.

"Haaah. I wish she'd just be straightforward. Why does she always have to be so cryptic?"

As Ru pedaled home, uneasy memories of Yuri from middle school resurfaced. He shivered and pedaled faster.


Back at his apartment, Ru pondered Yuri's invitation.



His phone buzzed with notifications. Reluctantly, Ru got out of bed to check them.

"Speak of the devil, it's Yuri. And another message from the General Mages Corp. Why are they contacting me directly?"

He read the message from the General Mages Corp (G.M.C.), which specializes in identifying magic affinities and mage classes.

Rarely, certain classes offer benefits like financial coverage, access to the corp's medical institute, and select relics. The G.M.C. monitors individuals with magical potential to ensure they receive appropriate benefits.

Ru exhaled deeply, realizing his peaceful life might be coming to an end.

"…So much for keeping things normal."

Rolling around in bed, he tried to calm his racing thoughts. Tomorrow, he'd have to visit the G.M.C. to get registered.

"Even if I wanted to stay ordinary, I'm curious about what magic I might have."

He pondered the possibilities before dismissing the thoughts. The email from Yuri was still on his mind.

Ru opened Yuri's email.

["Hey Ru! I know it's late, but like we talked about at work, I'd really like you to join me and some coworkers for a hangout. I really hope you can make it!"]

- From Yuri <3< p>

P.S. Check the attachment. I think you'll like it!

"Hangout, huh? Maybe the attachment will give me a clue…"

He clicked the attachment and his face turned red. It was a photo of Yuri in a tiny black bikini, looking seductive.

"…She really hasn't changed."

Ru deleted the email, stretched, and lay back down. As he yawned and drifted off to sleep, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of magic he might end up with.

This is one of an older kind of series I worked on with a buddy, (got the okay that I can continue it for him in his stead, wanted to change a few things though :D)

Aldric_creators' thoughts