
Infinite Stratos: The Fugitive Second Male Pilot

I, Aruto Igarashi, reincarnated to another world and thought it was similar to my old world. However, I was terribly wrong..! What Mecha-suit are real!? Sign me up! AH? I can't ride it!? IS? more like badIS. SHIT? I'm really the second male pilot!? *RUNAWAYS* You won't catch me alive!!!

Haluo · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Chapter 16: My IS Academia (2)

[A/N: Hey guys, it's me the fraud. I'm not dead, but I got a little lazy after this small break from writing, lol. Yeah, sorry, this FF is not dead. I'll try to get back to my writing tempo.]


Chapter 16: My IS Academia (2)


On a planet far, far away from Earth. There was a dark and damp castle, and inside the castle was a futuristic laboratory. Advanced and futuristic tools cluttered the room, but there were people inside— it's better to say there were giant walking robots all around the place.


In this futuristic place and within the deepest part of the lab. Unlike the other mechanical figures outside the vats, a figure could be seen inside a vat. The figure was purely human, flesh, weak and blood.


An irregular among us…


The lead robot doctor silently approached the tank that was nurturing the human with a look of fascination with another robot beside him. "Lord Scream, the subject is almost ready to be born."


Lord Scream didn't immediately respond to his assistant's voice as he was lost in the beauty of his new creation as he managed to create life outside of the mechanical body. "Lord Scream?"


"Ah yes, sorry I was lost in our beautiful specimen." Responded Lord Scream as he took the report from his assistant's hand.


"Understandable, sir; this newborn is very incredible in our world. What should be his name, Lord Scream?"


"A name, huh? This can wait before our project gains consciousness." Replied Lord Scream, as his eyes never left this human from the vat.




A red flashing alarm blared in the room as many occupants ran everywhere to their posts. They now arrived at the last part of their project, where they would welcome a new being into their mechanical rank.




"I understand. Let's welcome this newborn as it should be."

Lord Scream received a remote from his partner with a big red button. He glanced at it and pressed the red button.




The vat where the human boy floated was now starting to empty from the liquid that nurtured the boy from within. The door of the vat soon opened, and at the very same time, the naked boy opened his eyes for the first time with much difficulty.


The young man opened his eyes for the first time and saw a tall, majestic figure towering over him. He tried to speak, but no word came from his mouth. He needed help making some speeches.


"Don't worry, take your time." Replied Lord Scream as he looked at the young man with a smile.


The young man looked at the mechanical figure with surprise as he understood it and nodded. So he took his time and practiced his vocal cords for a few minutes, as the rest of the scientist noted in their report.


"I… What… Who… A-Are… You?" said the young man as he managed to speak for the first time.


Lord Scream smiled as he heard the question. "Me? I am your father! And you are Aruto! Welcome to this new world, my SON!"


"Yes, Fath—"




"Stop!" shouted Chifuyu as she stopped the flow of the story and ignored the two whining she heard inside the room.


"What? Why are you stopping at the best part of my origin story? Weren't you the one who asked about it?" I asked with dissatisfaction. She cut me when I went to the story's good part.


"Origin story! Who do you think you are? One of those superheroes from those Mangas!" replied Chifuyu as she heaved as her chest followed.


Chifuyu said as she gave Aruto a nasty glare. "Give us an abridged version of your story and the REAL version of it."


I scratched the back of my neck in confusion. How did she know that I lied? Was she a human lie detector? It looks like I have to amplify my games.


I took a few minutes to revise my story and then started to talk to the people inside the room. "I'm an alien that was sent to Earth at a young age, but I got hit on the head when I arrived on Earth and got raised by my grandfather, who died in an accident by my brethren mechanical aliens as they came to Earth for the source of the fire but unfortunately for them, as I learned kindness from my grandfather, I turned against them and swore to protect the earth from the shadow and fight a never-ending war until the end of my lifespan that spans over thousands of years. I also created S.H.I.E.L.D to pro—"


"Okay, okay, okay, stop! I heard enough of your nonsense!" shouted Chifuyu as she massaged her forehead and glared at me. I was still confused at her interruption.


Wasn't she interested in my origin story?


"Little bastard…" growled Chifuyu as she was ready to throw hands at me until…


"Wait, what happened next? What about the group you created? SHIELD, right?" asked the school president.


"Huh? What do you mean?" asked Chifuyu, baffled, and so was I, as we whipped our heads at the student president with strange looks.


"Wait, why are you also surprised? Didn't you guarantee that you would tell us the truth?" asked Chifuyu as she glared at Aruto with a smile.


"Ah, this…" as I scratched the back of my neck in embarrassment.


I took a deep breath and looked at Chifuyu, the president and the principal, with a severe expression. "I wasn't being sincere… I'm not an alien who came from another planet but a regular human from Earth. I know it's a lot to take in, but this is the truth. I'm sorry for lying during all this time…" I said until a flash of recognition passed through my head, and I locked eyes with Tatenashi Sarashiki.


"I see your trap now, Tatenashi Sarashiki…" I said and nodded in understanding. The adults in the room were confused as Tatenashi covered her lower face with her iconic fan.


"I don't understand what you mean by that, Student Igarashi."


I snorted in response to her deceptive words. "Don't play fool with me! Somehow, you discovered that my well-crafted story was fake, leading me to admit it myself."


"Well played," I said as he crossed his arms and looked at Tatenashi with a smirk.


'You can't be serious,' thought Chifuyu as she massaged her forehead in pain. They would have to be brain-dead to believe his so-called origin story.


For those confused, don't worry about it, so let me give you a small recap. Aruto was brought inside the room of the principal of the IS Academy.


Inside the principal's office was Juuzou Kutsuwagi, the part-time principal and full-time janitor. The last person involved in this secret meeting was Tatenashi Sarashiki, the school president.


They asked me for my background, and I gave them one. They didn't seem happy about it… well, mostly Chifuyu, as she was glaring at me hard.


"Hahaha, youth." Laughed Juuzou Kutsuwagi lightly.


Chifuyu also glared at the headmaster, who didn't take the situation seriously. "Headmaster, you are too careless. We don't have time for jokes."


"Now, now, now, Chifuyu. He was playing around, don't worry. Let me handle this simple talk with this gentleman." Replied the headmaster as he looked at me with a severe expression.


"You know why we are doing this, right? You are in a terrible spot, at least in Japan."


I frowned my eyebrows as I knew what he meant. "Yeah, I think I can guess it."


"You can understand that we simply want to help and protect you. Since you are a student of our school, we will be fighting for you. However, those higher-ups are stubborn mules and won't be contented with a simple refusal, so I will ask you again, but are you really not willing to divulge your special circumstance to us?." Said the tired principal as he kept looking at me in the eyes.


Soon, the headmaster closed his eyes with a sigh and spoke. "…Also, the Japanese government is willing to protect you if you volunteer to participate in some test within a protected facility."


Suddenly, the atmosphere went still, and Chifuyu became very angry. She would have exploded in anger and curses if she wasn't present around other people. Meanwhile, Tatenashi frowned and looked at me with some curiosity. I guess she was curious about how I would react to this message.


I wasn't dumb to think they were some "easy" and "simple" tests, but something even more horrible awaited me. Yet, I could gain some form of protection against people who want the secret of my ability.




Did they deserve it?


Are they seriously asking me this?


Are they this shameless?


I let out a dark chuckle as my mood turned terrible immediately. I didn't need some unknown and disgusting people to protect my life, as I was sure they would be ready to backstab me in the back when they had a chance.


I am my own best protection.


Government? They go fuck themselves.


IS? Sorry, but I will destroy your pitiful existence and stand at the apex of this world.


 "I will be fine, headmaster, and I honestly don't know much about my ability. So I'm sorry about it, and as for the offer of the Japanese Government." I said, then paused for a few minutes to think about what to do next.


I let out a shitty grin and thought about a foolish plan that might bite me in the ass in the future but the temptation and the grievance in my heart…


"As a matter of fact, I should respond to them, no? Pull up a recording device or anything since they want me so much I should answer them, no?" I said as the headmaster's eyes twinkled with amusement.


Tatenashi pulled out her phone and immediately recorded it, and even I was surprised by her speed. "Well damn, okay, I didn't expect that, but all right! I like your vibes, girl."


"Of course! As the student president of the IS Academy, I am to help every student in need after all." Responded Tatenashi with a smile and pointed her phone at me steadily.


"Okay, okay, I didn't know you were chill like that," I replied with an impressed face.


Sheesh, I like her fucking vibes so that I can fuck with that. Maybe my small stay at the Academy won`t be too bad after all if there.


Well, it's time to pop off, I guess?


I cleared my throat. "What's up yall piece of shit? All of you better go fuck yourself and retire yall old-ass boomers. Eat shit, and don't think I'm just a dumb kid with some cool powers! I know your fucking plan already, like every third-rate villain does, okay? You are not that special or sublet fucking pussy. If you wanted my goddamn cooperation, then you better fucking pull up in person and not extend this fake ass cooperation with a middleman. Yall fucked me so bad since day one and expected me to crawl back to you and protect me? Bitch please, yall were the ones who attacked me first and let's not talk about that black IS after me, okay? Fucking prick expect me to cooperate? Jump off a fucking bridge already."


I exhaled as I felt a little patched. "All right, I'm done with my rant. You got this girl?"


Tatenashi gave me a thumbs-up in response, and I felt pleased. "100% Aruto!"


I hope you can send them this recording soon since I'm pretty sure they won't take a simple no from the headmaster.


"Don't worry about this, Aruto. Your… heartfelt sentimental video message will be sent by me." Responded Juuzou Kutsuwagi with a stifled smile on his face.


"Principal!" shouted Chifuyu as she witnessed this scene speechlessly. She was also dissatisfied with those old coots at the top, but to think that Aruto would be so bold in his refusal shocked her.


"Hahaha, don't worry, Orimura-san. They won't take it to heart but will understand Aruto's position and situation. Our top people are very reasonable and understanding human beings." Replied Juuzou with a straight face that made everyone roll their eyes.


Yeah, right, as if that were true


I snorted at the principal, and I didn't expect him to be also chill like that.


Fuck I might like my stay here if I find more chill people like them…


Anyways, was my video message smart?


Hell no.


 And it would definitely bite my ass in the future, but that's not something for present me to care about but for the future me.


And if they don't understand from my message that I was not scared of them, then…


They shall feel my wrath…!




- Chifuyu Orimura –


"Well, looks like we are done here." Said Juuzou Kutsuwagi as he stood up from his desk with Tatenashi in tandem toward the door.


Chifuyu observed the bewildered expression of Aruto, who was expecting more from this interrogation.


"Wait, that's it? Aren't you guys going to dig for more information from me?" asked Aruto in surprise.


Juuzou Kutsuwagi glanced at Aruto and snorted. "Would you be truthful if we asked you?"


"Well…" muttered Aruto as he scratched his cheek with embarrassment.


"We will simply wait for you to say it yourself or not. We are not that anxious, and you don't seem to be a psychopath, either. After all, this is your secret, and it's not our place to urge you to spill it to some stranger. We will wait, and if you are willing to talk, we will be there for you."


Aruto was silent as he digested Juuzou's words and soon smiled. "I appreciate it, old man. You are pretty chill."


"Hohohoho, chill? I should thank you for this compliment, Aruto Igarashi." Said Juuzou as he opened the door, but not before leaving something to say to Aruto.


"Oh, and I hope you'll be happy as a first-year student in our school."


"Wait, what!" exclaimed Aruto with wide eyes.


"Don't be a stranger, Aruto-kun~! If you need help, you can come visit the third-year class!" said Tatenashi as she left with a laugh.


"Wait, damn!"


'I guess it's my turn…' thought Chifuyu as she looked at the withering Aruto as he slumped on his seat.


"Stand up already, you big baby. You are in my class, so let's go."


"Oh, hell no! I can't go back to school again! As for IS? I don't care about them fake ass mech! I refuse to learn!" exploded Aruto in vigour as he gave Chifuyu a defiant look.


"You don't have a choice, Aruto. You are a student of our Academy and will learn everything as an IS pilot for the next three years with me, and I don't mind using force to bring you into class." Said Chifuyu as she cracked her knuckle.


Aruto quickly went into a fighting position as he heard her declaration. "I refuse! You can't force me to study! I'm already an adult!"


"Don't care, didn't hear it." Replied Chifuyu quickly as she approached Aruto.


"Goddammit! Don't push your luck! While my body is weak, it doesn't mean I won't hesitate to throw hands at you even if you are very charming and beautiful!"


"Charming and beautiful, huh? How sweet of you. I'll take care of you gently." Replied Chifuyu as her smile blossomed.


"LEEEEEEEROYYYYY JENKINSSSSSSS!" shouted Aruto as he charged toward Chifuyu with his hopes and dreams.






Chifuyu then dragged a defeated Aruto to her classroom.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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