

Hello guys, I'm just going to say that I'm alive and that I didn't drop the fic. The project that I mentioned in the last cap took more of my imagination and time than expected, to the point that this and the Empire of Heroes fic are practically forgotten, anyway, I will try to post the cap of that fic tomorrow, or later, next to the Empire of Heroes.

And the project I commented on, I already started posting here, it's called Naruto: The Uzumaki Salamander, I posted this fic on a Brazilian website and had great feedback, I've already made 35 caps, but I'll add one per day, already it sucks to put the portuguese fic to english, not to mention that i'm currently looking for a job and there were some things to do, since my college will turn into December in the sixth semester and go straight to the seventh, without the right to vacation because of the pandemic.

Anyway, I apologize, but you can wait that I'll post another cap soon.