
Infinite Source Mage

In the mystical realm where power reigns supreme, a once-mighty mage finds himself stripped of his greatness. Reincarnated as a young boy just after 7 years of his unknown cause of death, and then in a humble village, his path to glory begins in the most unlikely of places. With no parents to guide him and only an orphanage to call home, he sets on a goal to find the mysterious journey to reclaim his rightful place as the most powerful mage. ~~~~~ gender: male age: 9 (will age through chapters) hair colour: White (might change) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Ajwoohin · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs


Marc sighed, his voice tinged with a hint of regret, "We caused chaos in the kingdom and just left like it was nothing..."

Juro quickly moved to hush Marc, placing a finger against his lips, "Shhhh, let's not spoil their mood hehe."

Hayla spun around to face Marc, concern etched on her face, "Is something wrong?" Marc scratched his head, a sheepish grin forming, "Nah, it's nothing. Anyway, we should get going. We've got quite the journey ahead. By the way, where exactly is the Enchanlet Kingdom?" Hayla mulled over the question, her brow furrowing. "I'm not sure," she admitted.

Both Bell and Marc exchanged puzzled glances at her response. Bell finally spoke up, curiosity in his voice, "How did you and Ayla end up here? Weren't you traveling in a carriage?"

Hayla's eyes brightened with realization, "Aha!"

Bell looked puzzled, "Huh?"

Hayla continued, excitement shown in her tone, "I remember now! We used a teleportation gate along with the carriage."

Marc's eyebrows shot up, "Teleportation gate?"

Juro chimed in with an informative tone, "It's a highly convenient method for royals to journey between different kingdoms."

Marc's surprise was palpable, "Ehhh, Really? So something like that exists?"

Venchia hesitated, her voice tinged with uncertainty, "Um, I'm not sure if this will be of any help, but I've actually been through a teleportation gate before. It's a bit of a different story though. The gate was located in a church back in my hometown. There was this pope, see, who would pick out people, mostly girls, and convince us that we had this incredible gift from God. He manipulated our minds and got us to follow him. The church had this teleportation gate, and the pope would advise us to enter. So, we did. But instead of arriving in the heart of the kingdom, we ended up underground. That's where I lost consciousness, someone hit me from behind."

Ve looked up and saw the sad expression her mama was showing. "Mama…" Ve hugged her.

Hayla: SNIFF, SNIFF (⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠෴⁠ ⁠༎ຶ⁠)

Bell cleared his throat and said, "Ehem… Anyways, thanks Venchia. The information you told us is useful, don't worry."

Juro: "Hmmm, now that I think about it, I do remember some adventurer guilds have teleportation gates. They're useful for adventurers to travel through kingdoms and lands if there's any emergencies."

Bell thought to himself, 'My old powers would have been really useful right now… Back then, I could have cast an instant teleportation spell on all of us… With my old powers, I could have traveled through continents without breaking a sweat… Damn it… I need to regain my powers back…'

Juro: "Hmm, well, let's continue walking for now. It's still a very early morning to stress out about it anyway, hehe."


As the seven of them continued their path on finding any lead of the Enchanlet Kingdom, in the early morning, Suddenly, two earth dragons soared above them, their majestic presence leaving the group in awe.

Ve: "Mama! Look!✨"

Venchia: "Oh wow… It's my first time seeing dragons…"

Marc said, "WOAH!✨ They look so cool! Hey! Hey! Juro! What are those dragons?"

Juro: "Those are earth dragons. Legend has it that they were the very first dragons to grace this world. They're considered the guardians, protectors of our realm. Or so that's what it said on some book I read ."

Bell: I'm surprised u read books

Juro then bonked Bell's head.

Bell: ಠ⁠﹏⁠ಠ💢

Hayla's voice carried a sense of admirable, Woa… They're so majestic looking… This world is really beautiful. I can't believe dad has been making us stay up all our lives in the kingdom. Right, sis? Hmp! I'm going to ask dad to let us explore the world more when we get older. Right, sis?"

Ayla nodded, a warm smile on her lips.

Gazing at the breathtaking landscape, Bell sighed softly, his thoughts weighed down,

' Beautiful, huh… Hah… It is both beautiful and ugly… I just hope they don't get to experience the ugly side…'

Marc: "Bell, Bell, Bell!"


Bell: "Hm? Oh, uh, sorry. I dozed off."

Marc: "Ehhh?! How could you doze off when you just saw two frickin' dragons fly past us!"

Bell looked at Marc's enthusiastic expression and saw that Marc hadn't given up on anything, even though he had been through so much.

Bell: "Pft…"

Marc: "Oi??? What's so funny??? Eh??"

Bell: "Pft, it's nothing. It's nothing… Hah~ The fresh air is needed to cool off."

Marc: "What? Man, you're getting me confused."

Bell: "Pft, let's continue walking. We might even spot a small village."

= = =

The seven of them continued their walk while talking to each other. And after a couple of minutes, both Bell and Marc's stomachs grumbled in need of food. "Eugh…" Both of them felt embarrassed.

Juro's hearty laughter rang out, "Ahahahhahh! ."

Marc: 💢

Hayla tried to ease the situation, "Well, I can't blame them. I'm feeling a bit hungry too, hehe."

Ayla: "Me too."

Ve: "Ve hungry!"

Venchia: "Hmm, I can't spot any villages near yet. Only some forest."

Juro said, "Hehe, that's good enough!"

Marc: "Eh?"

Juro: "Alright! Time for your next training, Bell and Marc! Mhm!"

Bell and Marc's simultaneous reaction reflected their disbelief, "Ehhhhh??????"

Bell: "Hold up. What do you mean training???"

Marc: "Yeah! What do you mean?! I'm dying from starvation here!"

Juro: "Hehe, then you both better get ready!"

The seven of them moved into the forest and Juro identified a suitable spot—a riverside with a patch of grass on the sides. "Alright, everyone, let's take a breather here," Juro announced.

Marc: "Wait, what about food???"

Juro just had a big grin on his face before handing Bell and Marc a small dull dagger. "Go get some for us! Tehe…"


Bell: …

Staring at the blades, Marc and Bell exchanged skeptical glances. Their skepticism quickly turned into action, as they tried to lunge at Juro, only to be thwarted by his adept use of air magic.

Marc: "Tsk, that bastard…"

As both Bell and Marc wandered deeper into the woods, Hayla looked at them with concern in her eyes. Juro looked down and noticed her expression and then reassured her, "Don't worry about them. They'll be back fine." Hayla nodded before getting embarrassed again by her stomach grumbling.

Juro: "Pft… Alright, while they're hunting, let's see if we can catch any fish!"

= = = =

Marc: "Ugh… The more I go into the forest, the more that memory pops up of your arm getting cut off…"

Bell: " 💢Shut up and just tell me if you find anything."

Marc: "Hey, are rock frogs edible?"

Bell: "I don't know, but if you spot any, just take them anyway, just in case."

As they were wandering, Bell suggested an idea to Marc. "Hey, you go that way while I go this way. And if you find yourself in danger, just release some of your mana so I or Juro can sense it and aid you."

Marc raised an eyebrow, a mix of curiosity and frustration in his voice, "Huh? Alright."... 'Ugh, I might even give in to munching bugs at this point... I'm starving'...

Bell wandered off down a path by himself, finding a quiet moment to check his status. It had been long since he last did that.

He mumbled to himself, "M.O. system, show me my status and skill sets."

The system replied right away, "Affirmative."



Name - Bell Aize

Age - 9

Gender - Male

Race - Human

Attribute - Mix mana

Title - Sinner

Old Title - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆




Strength: 68

Speed: 60

Vitality: 77

Intelligence: 116







(Dark Regeneration)


(Dark Claw)

(Mix Mana Regeneration)

(Dark x Mana Leap)

(Wind magic - 24%) ✨


'Hmm, is it just me or has the system gotten a touch fancier? It definitely didn't look like this the first time it appeared... Oooo, my intelligence finally surpassed 100, hehe. Although, I'm sure that's quite low compared to my intelligence from my previous life... Sigh... Anyway, what's this new skill set? Wind magic? Eh? It's at 24 percent? Hmm, I'm guessing that's the degree to which I've mastered the magic. Eugh... If that's the case, darn, why's it so low? Huhuhu..ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ. I used to be capable of extracting oxygen from people with a mere use of wind magic. Now, I'm far too weak for that...'

Breaking out of his thoughts, Bell spoke to the system again, "Hey, system, do you know high my intelligence was in my past life?"

The system replied,

"Negative. Could not calculate user Bell's intelligence in the past life—"

Bell let out a sigh,"I figured as much... Well, I'm glad my growth is considerably faster than the average person's... I should go find Marc now. Alright, system, close."

⚠️(C̸̝͓͙͐͐͝ä̸͉͎́́̓u̴͔̻͚͆̈́̚s̵̫͚̘̓͌͋e̵̡͚̺̓̀͛ u̴͚͙͛̚͜͠s̴͔̠̔̓̚è̵̢̝̙͛̓r̵͓͚̙͆̚͝ b̴͖̼͚̓̚͝e̴̦͎̾͘͜͠l̸̟̼͓͑̿͝l̴͖͔̠͋̐͒ i̴̞̼̫̔͘̕n̴͉͇̠̈́͘͝t̸̘͓̼́̈́͊e̴̙͕͐̈́͠l̸̞̪͍̐̐͒l̸̢͍̟̈́̈́̓i̵̢̙̫̾͊͑g̴̝̠̞͋̔͛e̸͓̙͒͐͋͜n̴̦͊͊͘͜c̸̠͕͍͆͐̈́e̵͙͙̻̽͑̈́ i̸̟͚̪͌̕̕s̸̻̘̪̓̓̀ ú̴̟̞͑͝n̴̝͖̟̈́͘͝c̸͎̙͉̐̈́͊o̵̢̘͇̽̓̀u̵͍̟̝͋͌̚n̴̢̞͇̾͌̿t̵̟̫͚̓̽̈́a̵͉̫̪̾̒͊b̵͉̞͛͋̈́l̵̻͚͕̽͝e̵̞͕͖̒͋͑)⚠️



Name - Bell Aize

Age - 9

Gender - Male

Race - Human

Attribute - Mix mana

Title - Sinner

Old Title - 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑮𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑴𝒂𝒈𝒆




Strength: 68

Speed: 60

Vitality: 77

Intelligence: 116







(Dark Regeneration)


(Dark Claw)

(Mix Mana Regeneration)

(Dark x Mana Leap)

(Wind magic - 24%)



(Ishka Village) Population: 200+

(kingdom of Nielism) Population 1.2M+

(Enchanlet Kingdom) Population 50M+

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