
Chapter 582: Welcome Back

"He's still not back." Xue Yan sighed as she stood by the edge of the lake. 

For over twenty four hours (RT) had gone by since Sato had left after they defeated the [Deep Sea Frilled Basilisk], and he had yet to make contact with anyone whether online or offline. When it had only been twelve hours since then, Fudo and Seiichi went to his house to check up on him and found out the situation Sato was in. 

At first, his grandparents and even his sister were worried, wondering whether something dangerous had occurred to Sato, because he never spent twelve hours straight in VR games. Luckily, Fudo and Seiichi were there to explain the situation to them and comfort them. A scenario like this, although rare, was not impossible in VR games. This was the very first time Sato had experienced this which was why the family were worried, but after Fudo and Seiichi's consolation, they were more calm, although still worried.