
Chapter 555: Subjugation Begins

"Here we are." 

A team of ten players stood round a lake, maintaining a 10 metres distance from it.

"Strange. There's nothing in the lake." Landon suddenly said.

As a [Cleric], he had a high sensitivity to beings with mana and living creatures. Although he wasn't as perceptive as a [Druid], he was still better than the others.

"That should be impossible? Right?" Lu Zhen asked.

"It's probably deep under water, away from your sensory range or it possesses a special ability that helps it cloak easily under water. If it's the latter, we should avoid an underwater battle." Seiichi said.

"Irrespective of which it is, we should avoid fighting in such an environment." Wu Shiyi corrected. 

"It would be to the monster's advantage and to our disadvantage."

"He's right." Sato added.

"Fighting close to the lake s already giving the monster an edge over us. Entering the lake would be the same as giving ourselves up to it; a suicidal move."