
Chapter 528 : Battle!

"Any last words?"

The middle-aged man smiled at the group.

Sato and the others kept quiet as the air between the two groups became stifled and tense.

"I thought so." The man smiled before putting his palms together in a prayer stance. 


The middle-aged man let out a low drawn shout as his figure straightened and the wrinkles on his face began to tighten up. At the same time, his aura began climbing up while a wave of savagery and darkness began emitting from him.

"What do you take me for?" 

Sato said as he dashed towards the man with Katsuo right behind him. 

In his tactics book, only a fool would wait for the final BOSS to complete its transformation. The transformation period could be said to be the weakest point and the best window of opportunity in a battle. Only a dimwit would let such an opportunity go simply because he was awed by the process.

[[Black Flame Slash]]