
Chapter 308 : Sato’s Decision

"So what is your answer, little man." The gigantic fiend looked down at Sato.

Apparently, it wasn't bothered about Sato's silence as it had much patience when dealing with this manner. It even reduced the amount of disdain it had on its face in a bid to get Sato to side with it. In its own opinion, Sato would help it after all, who would choose death over an opportunity to turn their life around.

"Hmph." Sato smirked.

"It seems like all the years you've been locked up here has resulted in you losing your IQ. They say wisdom comes with age but I don't you got any wiser in your time spent here alone." Sato mocked.

"What did you say?!!!" The fiend yelled as the chains holding it in place began to quiver as if they would break apart any moment from now.