
Infinite Realities: Re

When a normal day turns abnormal, Kaleido Mora finds himself stranded in another universe wrought with danger and death. Now armed with nothing but his newfound gifts and talent, Kaleido must traverse this strange world with no real goal in mind. From a normal teenage boy, Kaleido slowly delves deeper into the madness of the world around him as he becomes more and more of an old monster. With schemes and plots running for millions of years, how would a "normal" boy survive and thrive in this world ran rampant by Gu? But as he grew in power and learns more of the nature of the multiverse, would he really be content by just returning to his original one and live a peaceful, normal life? _____________________________________________________________ AN: I know, I betrayed you guys again by dropping FBM Rewrite, but I don't really care. Anywho, welcome new readers of moi. While I'm not the best around this place, I'm certainly not the worst. You can say I'm just good or above-average in terms of writing skills, so you can at least expect a pretty decent story. To entice you guys a bit, the world for Volume 1 is Reverend Insanity which is kind of cool, and I'll try my best to write a good story for you guys! Please be sure to save this story to your library if you find it interesting, and maybe even give some power stones and comment your thoughts if you feel like it. Anyways, WOW! This new synopsis feels a lot more mature and gentlemanly compared to before. Just a quick side note, your author is a raging homosexual from time to time, so of course this novel's mc is also bisexual. Hey, might as well self-insert a little part of myself into the story, right? _____________________________________________________________ Other socials for some unknown plan (be sure to drop a follow): Twitter - @NoNameDeityWN (Started writing in December 18, 2022 – 388th day of writing)

NoNameDeity · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
51 Chs

Ch 20 – Unique Book

"Fuckkkk," Kaleido grabbed his bulging stomach in pain. His belly was filled to the very brim with food, and he felt like any slight movement of his body would cause his stomach to rupture and explode.

Taking in shallow breaths, Kaleido closed his eyes and muttered with a small grin, "Still worth it though."

Staying still for a short while, Kaleido finally gathered enough strength to move his legs to stand up. While it was still uncomfortable to move around with his full stomach, it wasn't as uncomfortable compared to before.

Ignoring the gazes of the other customers in the restaurant who stared at him as if he was a baboon eating luxurious food like a boor, he strolled out of the restaurant with slow steps in fear of accidentally tripping and having his already aching stomach hurt a lot more.

He felt lethargic and exhausted, sleepy even. Noticing this, he sighs and thought, 'Perhaps I shouldn't have eaten so much for breakfast. Now I'm already sleepy.'

Shaking his head to drive the drowsiness away, he walks out of the restaurant and steps onto the bustling but less crowded street. By the time he walked out of the restaurant, nearly an entire hour has already gone by, but that was the price of savoring and devouring food that was enough to feed an entire family all by himself.

The more he walked, the more he felt stupid and regretful about his past actions. Unfortunately for Kaleido, he doesn't have the ability to travel the river of time upstream and change the events of the past.

As he walked and wandered around the city, he arrives at what appeared to be a park and sat down on a random bench. While back on Earth, Kaleido loves to be inside and hated to be outside, in this world, he instead enjoyed spending time outdoors.

'Maybe this is a change brought by the differences between Earth and this world. While on Earth, there really was no rhyme or reason for me to go outside, but in this world thriving with the breath of life and nature, it feels like a breath of fresh air whenever I wander and explore the city. Besides, those trees do be looking fine…' Kaleido stared at the greenery around him with a small smile.

Back on Earth, whenever he had the chance, he would inspect random trees and feel at ease whenever he does so. He was quite fond of nature and plants, so to have a city where a tree can be found nearly everywhere, along with plants and greenery, made Kaleido actually want to go outside on his own accord.

But as he was peacefully enjoying his time inside the park where soft gusts of wind made him feel fresh and cool, a random man suddenly sat right beside him on the bench he was sitting on. 'Ugh, a person.'

Kaleido subtly moves away from the person beside him, not caring if he were to offend the man. He wielded powers capable of destroying entire villages with a swing of his arm, so why should he care about what others think of him?

Feeling that the distance was appropriate, he completely ignored the presence of the man beside him and continued observing the beauty of life all around him with a subtle grin that almost no one can notice.

But as time passed, the drowsy feeling overcame Kaleido once more out of nowhere, and now that he was calm and more comfortable compared to before, he was slowly unable to control his eyelids that continuously became heavier until they closed shut. Seeing this, the man beside him swiftly moved without restraint and grabbed the light brown pouch on Kaleido's waste.

"It's this heavy?! It must be more than a hundred gold coins at least!" the man muttered in elation and hastily untied the pouch from Kaleido's robe and grabbed it in hurry.

As he stood up, he grabs the light brown pouch and muttered, "Hehehe, to think I would find such a cash cow from that restaurant, who knew that the fortune teller from before would really give me a fortune! With a simple sleeping powder diffused into the wind, I was able to knock out this young master and steal his money!"

He speedily ran away from the scene of the crime, he felt his heart thump, and excitement coursed through him. And when he opened the pouch and saw the absurd number of gold coins within it, he can't help but nearly yell in glee. Holding in his joy, he turned his head back to see if the handsome young man he forced to sleep was still sleeping soundly, when all of a sudden, his eyes bulged in horror.

In the far distance, Kaleido can be seen standing with his hand reared back, and his eyes cold but calm.

'12 degrees to the right, about 30 meters forward, the wind is going to the right so I should aim it a bit to the left…' Kaleido swiftly calculated in his mind as his heterochromatic eyes dilated.

Even as a normal human, Kaleido was beyond extraordinary. With his spatial and temporal awareness alone, it would allow him to have a crude form of future vision, but with the help of his immense thinking speed, then perhaps he might even rival computers in the future! Add into the fact that he has high healing speed and metabolism, along with all sorts of hastened factors to his body, then he may very well be superhuman!

Like an arrow released from its string, the pebble he randomly picked from the ground flew as he swung his arm in an explosive manner.

The thief in the distance saw the pebble rapidly approaching him and tried to move to the right to dodge, but a small gust of wind directed the pebble directly to the head of the thief, hitting the back of his head as a loud thud was heard from the point of impact.

The thief fell down to the ground, unconscious. Wearing an indifferent gaze, Kaleido slowly walked towards the thief and prepared to retrieve his pouch of gold coins, when out of nowhere…

"Halt, criminal scum!"

Turning his head towards the source of the voice, Kaleido saw a young man around 16 years of age appear. He has spiky orange hair and eyes, wearing a tight-fitting orange robe on his body. From his body, Kaleido can sense the aura of a Rank 2 Gu Master!

"I'm Lo Hei Ro! It seems that you are trying to rob this poor man of his money!" Lo Hei Ro pointed with a gaze that seems to shout: "Caught you!"

Finding himself in this unexpected event, Kaleido remained calm like a block of ice and responded, "But this man right here was the one who-"

"Enough! It seems that you want to use your status as a Gu Master to bully the weak, eh? Then let me return the favor to you!" Lo Hei Ro rushed forward without listening to Kaleido's explanation.

From his two palms, fire burst out and coated his hands. From his legs, flames formed and gathered, pushing him forward like a rocket.

Face with the sudden attack, Kaleido remained unfazed and rotated his body to the left, dodging the foolish lunge of Lo Hei Ro. But Lo Hei Ro wasn't done yet as more flames spewed out from the soles of his feet and he changed direction towards Kaleido once more.

Unfortunately for Lo Hei Ro, Kaleido's immense thinking speed and spatial awareness provided him with impeccable dodging prowess. Any of his attacks, whether they be sudden or straightforward, Kaleido avoided them all with ease.

"Huff, puff! Punk, aren't you a man? Then stop dodging and come fight me!" Lo Hei Ro puffed his chest in anger.

Sensing the futility of reasoning with this dumb hero wannabe, Kaleido's eyes turned cold and killing intent slowly bubbled. Before the stupid hero can even respond, Kaleido lunged forward and pulled his hand back.

"That's more like it! Come!" Lo Hei Ro also charged forward, rearing his fist and copying Kaleido's actions.

As they were about to clash fists, Kaleido suddenly drop to the ground and rotated on the hell of his left foot, sweeping his legs across the grassy floor. As his legs swooped and kick Lo Hei Ro's legs, he found himself losing balance and falling to the grassy floor.

If Kaleido was the main character of a typical novel, then he would save Lo Hei Ro from falling by grabbing his robe and stopping his fall, and they slowly become the best of friends as Lo Hei Ro becomes his sworn brother. But this was reality, and Kaleido wasn't kind enough to bring mercy to fools.

Like a clasp of thunder, he stood up, and while Lo Hei Ro was still in midair, his legs chop down like a strike of lightning to Lo Hei Ro's chest.

"Kuwak!" Lo Hei Ro fell to the ground with a loud thud and he felt his chest and back aching with pain.

As he moved his blurry vision, he saw Kaleido crouched by his side and felt an indescribable fear at the moment. From his view, a hazy fog of crimson surrounded Kaleido as his killing intent caused Lo Hei Ro's mind to hallucinate.

Nearing the boy's ear, Kaleido said with a cold voice, "You're lucky that I'm merciful, if not, then you would have been dead already."

Standing up, Kaleido swept his gaze until it landed on the unconscious thief. Walking to the thief's body, he grabs his light brown pouch once more and left the park where two unconscious bodies lay.

'Now, it's time for me to finally buy some books! That fight did wake me up quite a bit, now I'm not that lethargic anymore.' Kaleido yawned and wandered the city and forgot about his recent encounters.

He was already used to finding himself suddenly facing conflict while doing nothing, and the more it happened, the more info he gathered about his invisible enemy.

'I really don't know who or what is trying to kill me, but I have a few hypotheses already. It might be fate, lady luck, or the god of this world. And from what I gathered and theorized, the reason why "it" is trying to end me is that I am a transmigrator, a being whose soul and body originate from another universe altogether.' Kaleido continued to walk while rubbing his chin. 'Maybe because of my unique origin and birth from a different universe with different laws, it may cause a conflict in this world as the laws that make up my body is influencing this world? Sigh, I really am lacking too much knowledge of this universe.'

'Does this universe even have atoms or such? Does this universe even have actual stars in the sky? Is this something related to that one novel where worlds aren't really words but something akin to their own universes? So many questions and I can't even answer any one of them.' Kaleido lamented his lack of power and knowledge, but that only made his desire for growth burn even brighter.

But just as he was hyping himself up for the future, Kaleido suddenly paused and turned his body towards a certain building.

'So this is the bookstore! Sigh, I still remember all of the books I pirated back on Earth.' Kaleido chortled as he reminisced about his past. 'Unfortunately, I can't pirate books anymore in this world and can only do it the old fashion way of buying books from stores or borrowing them from libraries.'

'Unluckily enough, the library is farther away from my current housing so this bookstore would have to do for now since it's nearer.' Kaleido walked into the bookstore and was greeted by a wide expanse of bookshelves and books.

Some of the books were normal, some were stories, and some were educational. Just one glance alone, and Kaleido saw all kinds of books in an instant. He had of course come here to deepen his understanding of the world, so he had some general guidelines for the books he wanted in mind, but seeing how many there were, he himself would find it hard to find the books he specifically wanted.

But a certain book instantly caught his eye, a certain book that seemed to hold mysterious properties as it called out to him.

"Legends of Ren Zu?"

AN: This chapter has 2089 words.

A lot will be revealed soon, and it would explain a lot of things, unfortunately, RI was cucked so I kind of needed to add something of my own creation to make this novel work.

If you like the story so far, why not save it to library, send power stones, and comment your thoughts.

(January 2, 2023 – 403rd day of writing)

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