

Yearthian Technologies main research lab.

"DAMNIT! Where in the hell did our package go?"

The head of Yearthian Technologies, a rival of Omega Industries, was in his office going over what appeared to be maps of the Sahara Desert.

He was contemplating his next course of action. They had been searching all over the Sahara for the last year, looking for a package from their homeland. Most researchers were not fully human but hybrids of human and a race known as the Yearth or Yearthians. They had basically no relation to their original race due to breeding the blood out, but they still had the transmitters passed down generation after generation. It allowed them to send and receive transmissions.

The last transmission they had sent explained how they were currently losing their funding to another tech company. Which would cause them to lose their foothold in the American Government. Their government connections allowed them a lot of money, resources, and freedom to continue to grow their families. All they had to do was create a new procedure or device for the government every couple of years to keep them happy. This was easy because their home race was so advanced, they weren't even in the same dimension, they were thousands of years farther than the human race. So, what was garbage tech to Yearthian Technologies was in fact life changing for Earth.

The response from the High Commander of Yearth was to send them some basic soul crystal to create something for the humans. This would secure their foothold in the country as well as crush the competition. Soul crystal even being around non evolved persons will increase their vitality, strength, speed, and intelligence over time, so the possibilities are endless with it.

*Knock, knock, knock. * Came a very light rapping on the door.

"Come in." James Avery, the CEO and Head of Research at Yearthian Technologies, answered gruffly.

"S-sir, we have some news." A militarized looking man was skittishly standing in the doorway.

"Well, what is it?" James asked condescendingly.

"Omega Industries, they made a claim to the package almost a year ago." The soldier answered quietly.

"FUCK!" was all James could reply with. His face had gone pale, and his heart was racing out of his chest.

"Th-there's more." The soldier no longer wanted to tell James the rest.

"What? What else could there be?" James was beyond angry. He was absolutely fuming.

"Well, our inside man reported that they have been experimenting with the crystal this whole time and are ready for a human trial with one of their studies."

"Do they have a subject?" James was a little hopeful.

"Yes, a uh, one second." The soldier was flipping through a file in his hands, clearly searching for the name of the test subject. "Yeah, here it is, um, Evan Freeman is his name. He is a small-time investor who has actually made a lot of money for Omega in the last few years."

"Hire someone to take care of him, I need the body back, and don't damage the product in him. Also, I want our black ops outfit to find the rest of the package and deliver it to me." James had the information now, so implementing a plan was easy. Omega Industries are full of scientists not soldiers, stealing the rest of the package should be easy. As for taking care of Evan, a hitman or assassin should do just fine for that, I mean people disappear every day.

Omega Industries

Three months in rehab had been great to Evan. He assumed that it would be 3-months of hard work and pain like he had always heard, yet it was actually easy. He was fully healed after a month with basically no scaring, his hair had grown back at a fantastic rate, and the best part was the exercise basically just gave him a great physique. He should have been let go after a month, but they wanted to keep him the whole time just in case something unexpected happened.

'Wow, three months and I look great.' Evan couldn't help to think while staring in the mirror. He was never a fat guy, but he had never had a 6 pack either. Usually pretty in shape just never worked enough to look like an athlete, he was just on the better side of average and a slim face. Now though, he was slim with washboard abs, a thick chest, and powerful arms. His legs were like logs, thick with power, yet slim enough not to be bulky.

'I am excited to get out of here though. Apart from this looking in the mirror there is nothing fun to do here.' He was tired of "resting" all the time and was ready to start his new life. 'I'm done with stocks and investing. I have enough money. I just want to enjoy my life. Maybe find someone, settle down and have a family. Before that though, adventure, I want to really feel like I'm living.'

"Mr. Freeman, how are you feeling today?" Tiff, his rehab therapist, was finally here.

"Ready to get out of here." Evan had been waiting for an hour to leave.

"Ouch. I thought you liked us here." Tiff joked with him, a cute sly smile plastered on her face and flush cheeks. She was clearly flirting.

"You are fine. Everyone else on the other hand." Evan made a face, disgusted, like if he had just drunk a glass of sour milk.

Tiff laughed a little harder than usual.

"Well, sign this and you're a free man then." She handed Evan the clip board with his release forms.

"Thank God." He quickly grabbed it and signed, trying to leave as soon as possible.

"Oh, Evan, gimme a call if you need anything." She coyly offered him a slip with her number written on it.

"Thanks, but I feel great, maybe just come out to dinner with me sometime." Evan was too socially inept to realize she was hitting on him yet took the initiative to ask her out.

*Rolls her eyes* "That would be great, just give me a call and we'll set it up." She knew he was oblivious, but didn't realize how oblivious 'til now. She thought she made it pretty clear that she wanted a date.

"I'll call tonight." Evan was feeling pretty smooth right now. It was the first time he had ever asked a girl out. Yeah, he had other girlfriends, but they always asked him out, never the other way around. He was a very wealthy guy who wasn't old and looked pretty good. It was safe to say that women had been throwing themselves at him for years. Before college he didn't have the confidence to talk to a girl, let alone ask one out.

Evan walked out of the door with his duffle bag in one hand and the other holding her phone number. The biggest smile he had ever had was posted on his face. He felt like it was the first day of the rest of his life.

He was walking by the alley on the way to the parking garage where his mother and father were waiting, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Before he could turn around, he was pulled into the alley.

A gun was in his face. He was petrified. He just survived cancer and now he might die because someone wanted his money?

"I'll give you my wallet, just please don't shoot." Evan was pleading, he didn't want to die after all he had gone through.

"I don't want your wallet." The mysterious man said as he was pulling a 14-inch blade out of the sheath around his belt.

"Wha-what do you want?" Evan's voice was shaking he was so scared.

"Your head." This was the last thing Evan heard. He saw a bright flashing light from the blade, felt a weird pain on his neck, and started to watch the man turn upside down as if he was rolling.