
I am the Queen of Time-travel

Nothing gets more magical than this… -Asiahgirl. Naïve and adventurous Ava appears in a mythic world. A world she is destined for but knows nothing about. She is accommodated by a ruthless king and his only son is asked to train her in magic as she is only a beginner. She learns to be strong and independent, making new friends and enemies. Little did she know that she was only here to revenge and take back her place as The Phoenix, Queen of time travel. And she had to fight the strongest of all to take it back…

ASIAHGIRL_01 · Fantasy
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28 Chs

The Dream


"Dimitri, what do you see?" The dark haired man asked authoritatively, his broad shoulders straightened as he stood with his arms behind him.

"My lord, she is coming. The long awaited one" replied the older man clad in a hooded cloak. "Our enemy" he added raising his head.

"Then tell me where she is so we'll kill her before she does anything!" Dark hair ordered, tension building up in his nerves.

"I don't know yet, but you'll find her soon. Sooner than you might expect" the older man replied, head down.

"Then, I can wait" he simply said and turned away

He was not a patient man. He had waited for too long.

But he could wait.

A little longer.


Ava had nothing else to do. So, that made it the perfect time to play Sweet on the bench in the vast orchard and meditate with the beautiful tune.

The soft wind blew Ava's shoulder-lenght dark brown hair, her hazel eyes twinkling with delight as she played the flute

Her eyes were closed and Ava could feel the breeze get stronger with each note.

In an instant, she felt a presence around her and opened her eyes.

There stood a boy, blonde and almost half a foot taller than her.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" she was alarmed. No one else had ever come up here before. He couldn't be a neighbor because the house was atop a hill and was surrounded by a large orchard. Neighbours were far far away.

"My name is Aaron" he started, his sharp grey eyes looking at her "I have travelled very far to look for you. The whole mythical world awaits the prophesy"

Ava looked at him, perplexed.

"I am aware that you have been hiding since birth and I know how desperate you are to be free. Accompany me and you shall fulfill your destiny as the chosen one"

"What…are you saying?"

Ava soon took notice of a large dark hole behind him, a strong wind blew as it widened. He looked at the hole and then at her.

"Follow me, this might be your last chance" He moved inside the hole and slowly his body began to submerge in it. His eyes never leaving hers.

"Come" He said, his feet had been completely immersed in the darkness of the hole and like he had used a spell, Ava began to move forward.

She knew this wasn't right, he was a total stranger. Even if she was tired of this place, even when she wanted so badly to be free. She had promised not to escape and even so, this was not the right way.

But her body was doing the opposite of what her mind said, she came closer and closer. The wind created by the hole became stronger. And the stranger smiled. Her mind was to blurry to know if it was a wicked one or not.

"Come" Aaron said and she came, her mind now completely blank.

She took the first step into the hole and then the second.

And that was all Ava could remember.


"Ava!" Asher yelled that morning. He had searched everywhere for her. His was both worried and angry. How come she fled so silently in the night? Her room doors and windows were closed, the gates were untouched. How then did she leave the premises?

Ava had promised not to escape after what she did five years ago. She did not understand that there was so much to why he had kept her in the house for almost twenty years, and had forbidden her to step outside the orchard. He himself did not understand it all.

And now he had broken his vow to protect her from all harm, he would not forgive himself if something happened to her.

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