
Chapter 36 Cyril's Soul

As Cyril fainted his mind wandered his soul. "This is pretty bleak." Cyril said to himself as he looked around the blueish grey landscape. To him this space seemed vast and infinite like the mutliverse yet was as small and minute as an atom.

Cyril aimlessly moved around till he found a house. The house where he lived now. In front of it he could see a younger Cyril with Roy and Blythe running around in the garden. Soon it disappeared though and was replace with another memory. Then another and another.

"These aren't my memories." Cyril said sadly to himself. "This isn't even my body." Cyril continued as he looked around soon he found a crystal. It shined an array of colours, it was like a rainbow.

Without thinking Cyril touched it and soon a voice sounded. "Listen this is all I can do for you but after that your memories will be sealed and I warn you ... you're... only.....!" the voice faded as it was being cut off.

"WHAT THE F*CK! You're telling me I had wishes or something and I didn't pick anything cool? I am literally only getting by, by gambling my life with training pills and like my first type which was a bit lucky." Cyril said to himself in anger as he slapped himself on the face.

"Dumb *ss why did you pick such trash wishes. Wait what did I wish for actually?" Cyril said while thinking. After a while he had deduced what he could have wished for.

"First things first I probably wished for my memories. As well now that I think about it I could have wished to be autopiloted all the way to before the start of this sh*t. My third wish I am not sure but if I had the need to be autopiloted then amn't I really Cyril? Or was my wish something else and I am thinking about this in the wrong way?" Cyril said while looking confused and thinking of the possibilities.

While he was talking to himself suddenly the voice sounded again "What a poor child he doesn't even understand what monsters he has to face. At first he'll probably think he's at the top but then the cruel reality will kick in. Just another one I guess though at the end of the day."

"Ahhh he must have been referring to what happened with Maxwell or Alexa. I already understand that I am too weak but ain't he a bit harsh." Cyril said to himself as he continued thinking.

Soon his consciousness faded again as he blanked out. Waking up to find himself on the cold grass. In front of him there was a dead girl and around him were his allies. A bit into the distance he could see Ares being carried by Cerberus and the other kids from Cerasus Secondary watching from afar as they came back.

"It seems we won." Cyril said softly as he lifted his head and looked into the sky. "It seems we've been recorded. That's probably for the best though." Cyril continued.

Everyone was still in shock. "YOU'RE OKAY!" Jack said while going in to hug him. "Oi I don't swing that way!" Cyril said as he dove to the side. "Wow I didn't know Jack and Cyril liked each other that way." Drake said. "Indeed!" Aaron replied with.

Off to the side something mystical was happening. Quinn's Mudkip was evolving. Soon everyone head it saying "Marshtomp Marshtomp!" while hugging Quinn.

"Hopefully no one bothers us for the time being." Ares said as he came sprawled on Cerberus. "Yes with us out of commition if anyone such as Alexa were to attack us we're screwed." Cyril said as he rested his head on Oswald.

The others soon came and celebrated with the rest. Although Ares and the rest weren't too happy that they left them they also understood they would have done nothing and Cyril told them to run.

Soon Cerasus Secondary was joyfull celebrating their victory. Forgetting what troubles would come next.

Oh what a happy ending. I should just end the novel here. Lol I am joking okay don't worry. As well adding foreshadowing here and there to sprinkle a bit of mystery. Hopefully you guys enjoyed the chapter and are more intrigued now. Well till next time happy reading and, bye!

Dragonic_Daocreators' thoughts