
Resonance! III

The one to receive the Remnant Will and Destiny of Commander Feng had to be someone that was entirely opposed to what the Primordials did as if they stemmed from Primordial Bloodlines- things would turn problematic very quickly.

Noah held the Pure-Blooded Cardinal Royal Infinite Willow Tree Bloodline and Royal Human Bloodline…and yet this didn't seem to hinder the intent of the Remnant Will and Destiny of Commander Feng as it looked past it all and achieved Perfect Resonance!

It had resonated with his soul as the dying will of an existence that had nearly faded was able to find something so profound in Noah's soul that it utterly matched anything and everything it could have sought to perfection.

100% Resonance was a statement that said there was no other existence out there who could be better suited to receive this will- so what was seen within Noah to make this will grant such a high evaluation?!

<Wondrous Destiny…>