
Renounce Yourself

"Renounce yourself. Become one with Satan. Feel the energy flow, the power reside. You are not who you once were. Your powers will become infections, never-ending, you will live forever. Reside yourself. Renounce yourself. Become one with Satan. Loose all that you love. Lost in a forever binding contract. The world will flow through your palm, your blood, your skin, your soul, you will become on with eternity. So will you renounce yourself?"

The five hooded men and women all stood around the floating Bryan. His robes shinning across his bare skin contrasted against the dim candlelight. He closed his eyes. The blood of the sinner pouring across his body.

"Do you accept this pact?"

"Yes!" he accepted.

"Do you relinquish your previous pact?"

"Yes!" he accepted again.

He started to float higher into the sky, toward the eclipsed moon. The hands of the damned, of the dead, they reached out to him. Their souls passing through him, giving their life to him, making him immortal.

His mark of the Dark Witches then burned to a crisp, being replaced by a horse, a horse with wings, a mark of the eternal, of the immortal.

"Will you become whole in your pursuit of the meaning of life, of the meaning of death?"

One of the hooded figures pulled out a Necronomicon of Immortality.


Bryan accepted the final pact. And as of the ritual, his name was fully etched into the book, written in the blood of his life.


The book was shut.

"Now you are of the Immortal Horses."



Bryan fell to the altar below, his robed-up half-naked body was covered in blood. He looked up to the sky above, the red eclipsed moon as it slowly turned back to blue. Aria stared straight. Her gaze entirely focused on the Immortal Necronomicon.

"Am I...? Am I Immortal?" he asked himself.

"You are now immortal," said all of the hooded figures in unison.

"One of you give me a knife!" he commanded.

One of the hooded figures walked over and gave a ceremonial knife to Bryan.

He grabbed it. Holding it up to the dark-lit graveyard. He closed his eyes.

"I am immortal!"

He stabbed himself in the stomach.


Blood pouring out, all over the grass, everywhere... He fell forward.

"Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhhh..." he screamed out in pain before suddenly coming to the realization.

The pain hurt, but it didn't feel like death, his eyes were going blank, but he couldn't die.

He touched his stomach, over and over again.




He stabbed himself over and over again. The blood pouring across the altar, across the roses, across the moist dirt, under the blue moonlight.

Aria couldn't wait any longer.

The time was neigh.

She pointed at the hooded figure holding the Immortal Necronomicon.

Gravity Spell: [Reverse Push x5]

She sacrificed some of the skin on her stomach and hit the Necronomicon with a blast of gravity.

She increased the gravity of the Necronomicon to where she was, allowing for it to be pulled toward her.


The hooded figure lost his grip.


Everyone watched as it flew across the graveyard, across the altar, across the field of roses, and over Bryan's bloodied head.

They all watched as she caught it.

"Aria what are you doing?" asked Luna who stood next to her.

Bryan looked at Aria, his shocked eyes, "Aria, what are you-"

"She stole the Immortal Necronomicon!" screamed out one of the hooded figures.

Aria pointed out her hand, all of her fingers, "get back!"

Gravity Spell: Gravity Spell: [Weighted Pressure x50]

Gravity Spell: Gravity Spell: [Weighted Pressure x50]

Gravity Spell: Gravity Spell: [Weighted Pressure x50]

Gravity Spell: Gravity Spell: [Weighted Pressure x50]

Gravity Spell: Gravity Spell: [Weighted Pressure x50]

She cast her magic on all the figures, on all of their bodies. She sacrificed the rest of the skin on her stomach and some of the fat in her belly.

The five figures fell over, their bodies under intense pressure. Pushing their bones, their heads, their skins, their muscles, all until-


Each one of them poped, one after the other. Blood everywhere, guts everywhere, bones everywhere.

But as soon as they died, they started coming back to life.

"Shit their all Immortal." She looked closer, "but they're weak, they'll come back in a minute or so."

Next, she turned to Bryan as he stood up, his face angered at Aria.

"Luna, create a cage around Bryan," she commanded.

Luna looked back and forth, at Aria, at Bryan, at Damon's uncaring face.

"But... But... Why? Why are you doing this? Aren't we join- Why... Joining... Aria...? I... I don't know..."

"Uhhggg! Fine! Damon! You take care of him!"

Damon stepped up, his hands hidden in his robed pockets.

"Sorry Bryan, but I guess we'll have to throw down a bit. Unless you want to join us?" he asked.

"You... I knew it." He looked straight at Aria, "Damon, join the Immortal Horses, become Immortal with me. Leave this bitch, this evil witch. She's just using you! She's a murderer, a psychopath!"

Damon turned to Aria, he smirked.

"I wish I could... But it's more fun being an underdog."

He ran at Bryan. Bryan held up his knife. He slowly backed up as Damon swung forward.


He missed as Bryan stabbed the knife right into his eye.

"I'm sorry Damon... I didn't want to-"


Damon swung and hit Bryan with all his strength.




Bryan bounced off the ground, his face hit by Damon's incredible strength.

He looked up at him, his lifeless look of uncaring. The knife in his eye, right through his brain, right into the back of his head, but he was still moving, still alive.

"Your... Your Immortal!" he cried out.

"I've always been."

Damon lifted up his foot.


He slammed right into Bryan's head, crushing it, splattering his brains across the flowerbed.


The five Immortals in red robes finally regenerated. They all pulled out knives.

Aria pointed.

"I can't give up yet!"

Luna reached out, "wait Aria, don't, you'll-"

Gravity Spell: Gravity Spell: [Weighted Pressure x50]

Gravity Spell: Gravity Spell: [Weighted Pressure x50]

Gravity Spell: Gravity Spell: [Weighted Pressure x50]

Gravity Spell: Gravity Spell: [Weighted Pressure x50]

Gravity Spell: Gravity Spell: [Weighted Pressure x50]


Each one of them, each of their heads, each of their bodies. Crushed under Aria's gravity.

She fell forward, her legs and arms bleeding. She touched her stomach, she felt a hole in her body, an entire piece of her flesh missing.

"Luna, I went too... Far..."


She caught her. She looked up at Damon, at the Necronomicon on the floor, at Bryan who instantly regenerating.

Blood everywhere, death everywhere. She didn't know who to go to, who to help.

Aria was dying, her body bleeding out. While at the same time Damon was fighting with Bryan.

She didn't know wh to go to, who to trust. There was something up with Damon and now Bryan was immortal.

Damon pulled the knife out from his eye and tossed it to Bryan.

"I don't care about the fighting, but I do care about her."

He walked over to Aria and Luna.

"Da... Damon...?"

He picked up Aria from Luna's grasp.

"Luna... Where is the nearest hospital?" he asked her.

"Damon how are you...?" She stood puzzled, "your body... You were stabbed..."

Damon carried Aria across the graveyard.

Luna looked at the Necronomicon on the ground. She looked at Bryan. His face bloody, his arms mangled, he stood up, his knife pointed out.

Luna reached down to pick up the-



He threw his knife and sliced open Luna's hand.

"Luna? If you take that book, then the Immortal Horses will hunt you down and kill your friends. They will kill Damon and Aria and everyone you know. And they won't stop. They will not stop!"

She turned back to Damon, her fear for his life, for their life together, in peace, as lovers.

"Fine... But you better not interfere with us, ok! I... I l-"

"I know..."

She ran back to Damon.

She followed him through the graveyard, the moonlight shining on the two.

"Damon I need an explanation? Your body, I..." She looked at his skin, the holes in his head, "you were stabbed."

Damon sighed, "fine... I promised not to tell you but I don't care. I'm Immortal."

She looked up confused, "sorry what did you say?"

"I said I am Immortal."

"Immo... What?! Sorry, say it again?"



"Yes, now let's get going to the hospital. You are hurting my head with your questions."

"But... I don't..."

"Just shut up and find the nearest hospital, you dumbass!"