
Infinite Devour System

In the novel "Devotion", the reader follows the adventures of Kai Da Son, a boy who has lost his memory and finds himself in a strange world. He receives a message from a mysterious system that he must complete the worlds tasks. He thinks it's easy, but he knows the meaning of torment.

oronkx · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

What is happening

Beginning of chapter 17

Kai completes the training and enters the sword state

After a day of training, the percentage of proficiency becomes 3%.

Kai thinks in his head where does Irina go every day

Kai decides to rest for a while

And Irina comes and tells him I brought you food

While eating, Kai asks Erina

Kai: Why did you choose me?

Irina: What

Kai: If you had waited a little longer, maybe people stronger than me would have appeared. I only won by luck

Irina: I don't know, I felt like I knew you

Kai, even you don't know my name, and you tell me that you know me

Irina chuckled lightly

Kai, even you changed the conditions so that I could be your student, you made the conditions easier

Irina, okay, what's your name?


Irina Kai is a beautiful name

Irina, I have made the conditions easier because I don't know what to do. You are my first student. I am afraid that I will kill you from training. I am afraid that training will be too easy.

Kai in his head are you kidding me

Kai asks how did you learn, teach me as you learned

Irina stops her smile and tells Kai, I don't deserve to be anyone's teacher, and I don't know what to do. It's good that you have a sword bloodline, or you would suffer greatly from training.

I just want a disciple. I chose you because all of the participants were mere slaves to the nobles

When I looked at them I saw their eyes were empty and there was no soul inside them

But you are different. When you looked at me, I felt like you were looking into my soul

Kai in his head, Is this the feeling of using the analysis on a person?

Kai, what does it mean that I looked at your soul?

Irina with a wide smile means that you are a good person

Kai on his head (Are you kidding me)

Kai, is it appropriate for me to call you Irina?

Irina, but certainly treat me like your mother

Kai apologized, but I don't know who my parents are

Irina, I'm sorry, you seem to be a war orphan

Kai, I don't know (Kai decides to tell Irina that he has amnesia)

Kai, I just woke up a month ago with amnesia

Irina, I'm sorry, I don't use mind techniques, or I would have been able to return your memories

Kai what are mind techniques

Irina, there is a clan called Amon. This clan is considered one of the 20 most powerful clans in the world. Because of their techniques, there was a technique that could erase a person's memories, modify them, create false memories, and make him affiliated with the clan, and they could return his memories.

This is the only information available

Kai: Is it possible that they did this to me?

Irina tells Kai I don't know

Kai in his head, I will go in search of this clan

Irina, well, finish the training, and I'm going to do something

After another day, the mastery percentage finally reached 5%.

Irina appears in front of Kai and tells him congratulations, you became my student

Raya succeeds the mission

Raya tells Kai do you want to take the mission reward or complete the mission

Kai what didn't the mission succeed

Raya succeeded the mission but there is a second part of the mission

Kay, will the rewards be higher?

Ray yes

Mission name: Save Irina

Mission level: ???

Mission description: There is a huge danger coming, save Irina

Reward: system development, 10 thousand coins, ???, ???

Penalty for failure: None

Kai is in shock from the mission

Kai is there something wrong with the mission, how the hell if someone is stronger than my teacher how am I going to save her

Raya, there is nothing wrong with the task, this is the task

Kai, can I refuse?

Raya can't refuse

Kai in an angry voice, how the hell am I going to save my teacher if there is someone stronger than her

Raya I don't know Note don't risk yourself because if you take a risk I can't save you

You will receive the reward for the first part if you fail the second task

If you succeed, you will receive all rewards

Irina: kay kayyyyyyyy

Kai: Yes

Irina: What happened, you seem afraid

Kai: Nothing

Irina, well, I brought you a present on the occasion that you became my student

Kai opens the box and finds a beautiful blue scarf

Kai: Wow, that scarf is so beautiful

Kai wears it and feels tremendous power

Irina I made it myself

Irina and I remembered I have to unlock your power

After Irina unlocked Kai's energy

Kai: Finally my strength is back

Kai takes off the scarf and does the analysis

the name: ???

Type: scarf


1000 health

50 for all stats

the description:???


Self defense (protects the wearer from any attack)





Kai in his head, what the hell is this, is this a gift

Irina: Pay close attention to the negative effect of opening the bloodline seal, it will appear

Kai, don't worry

Irina, I'm going to prepare food for this occasion. Go to rest

Kai enters the hut, closes the door, and sits on the floor, thinking about what this task is

Kay, there is no need to think more, I will wait for what will happen, but wait, what if Irina attacks me, damn it, I should have gone with my teacher, but I can't do anything, and currently I don't know where the teacher is. I have to get information from the system.

Kai asks Raya whether the system is with others like you or not

Raya There are 3 types of order

1 incomplete system (such as Shin and Hybrid)

It means closer to technology, there is no case or things like this or sounds, and it has one specific function and is considered the weakest

2 complete system

He has consciousness, but he does not speak, he only has the interface, missions, and some functions

special system

This is very similar to me

A system that can speak and has full awareness and very many advantages

Kai is the next danger bearer of the system

Raya: I don't know, but you can't tell if the carriers of the system are stronger than you

Kai: Tell Raya, do I still have the question?

Raya yes do you want to use it

Kai: No, it is not appropriate to use it now

Well, do you have another question?

Kai: Did you bring this person to attack Irina?

Raya does not answer for a minute

Raya: No

Kai (more suspicious of the system)

Kay okay

Suddenly, Kai hears the sound of knocking on the door, stands on his feet, approaches the door, and puts his hand on the door. While opening the door, thousands of red screens appear in front of Kai, and a warning is written on them.

Raya run Kai

End of chapter 17