

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 57

Chapter 57: Imana's Past

In the moon's silvery glow, Astraylius stood on the balcony, his thoughts as vast as the star-strewn sky. The night held secrets, and he sought solace in its quietude.

But then, as if summoned by cosmic forces, Raphealine appeared. Her presence was ethereal—a blend of celestial grace and ancient power. Her white hair shimmered like moonlight, and her golden eyes held the wisdom of eons.

Astraylius, despite himself, admired her. She was not just Empress of the Seven Heavens; she was a force of creation and destruction, woven into the very fabric of existence.

And Raphealine, her gaze meeting his, felt something stir within her. It was more than attraction—it was recognition. As if they had danced across galaxies together, their souls entwined in cosmic choreography.

The night held its breath, and the stars leaned closer, curious witnesses to this celestial encounter.


As suddenly Imana joined the talk but Raphealine gets scared and traumatized again. Astraylius inquired about her by asking her this makes her only fainted like a little girl.

Astraylius carried her like a princess in slumber as Imana opened the door of Elysia's room as Astraylius placed Raphealine beside as her as they both leaved the room and goes to the garden.

In the stillness of the night, the garden of the Mansion whispered secrets through its rustling leaves. Astraylius and Imana walked its paths, their steps light upon the dew-kissed grass. Lumina and Eclipse, companions of different origins, lay entwined in slumber, their bond transcending the barriers of nature.


**Astraylius's Admiration:**

Astraylius watched the sleeping pair, a smile gracing his lips. "Such peace," he mused, "in a world of chaos."

**Imana's Melancholy:**

Imana's gaze lingered on the tranquil scene, her heart heavy with unspoken truths. "Astraylius," she began, her voice a mere whisper, "my past is a labyrinth of shadows. Can you love someone you do not fully understand?"

**Astraylius's Vow:**

Astraylius turned to her, his eyes reflecting the moon's glow. "Imana," he said, his voice resolute, "my love for you is as infinite as the stars. No revelation can diminish it."

**The Embrace:**

Imana, moved by his declaration, embraced Astraylius. Their kiss, deep and full of emotion, was a promise—a vow of love that transcended time and space.


Under the celestial tapestry of the night sky, Astraylius and Imana found solace on a secluded bench in the garden. With the gentle rustling of leaves as their symphony, Imana beckoned Astraylius to rest his head upon her lap. As he complied, a serene calm enveloped them, and Imana began to unravel the threads of her past.


**Imana's Tale:**

As she stroked Astraylius's hair, Imana's voice wove a story of epochs and empires, of love lost and wisdom gained. "My past," she murmured, "is a journey through the stars, a dance with destiny that has brought me here to you."

**Astraylius's Listening Heart:**

Astraylius listened, his eyes closed, absorbing every word. The warmth of Imana's touch and the sincerity in her voice anchored him to the moment.

**The Garden's Embrace:**

Around them, the garden seemed to listen, the night blooming flowers releasing their fragrance in honor of the tale being told.

**The Bond Deepens:**

As the night waned, Imana's story drew to a close, and in its ending, a new chapter of their shared destiny began to write itself.

In the stillness of the night, Imana revealed her truths to Astraylius, each one a thread in the fabric of her enigmatic existence.


**Imana's Ten Cosmic Truths:**

1. **Beyond Divinity:** "I am not an ordinary Goddess," Imana confessed, her voice a whisper among the stars. "I am something else, something more."

2. **Paradoxical Existence:** "I exist in a state beyond existence, a paradox transcending logic and reality," she continued, her eyes reflecting the infinite cosmos.

3. **Unique Being:** "There is no other like me. I am singular across the vastness of time and space," Imana stated, her presence an echo of solitude.

4. **Ancient Power:** "I am the second strongest entity of all time, my strength eclipsed only by one," she declared, her aura pulsing with unseen force.

5. **Primordial Origin:** "I existed before the concept of 'before' was ever conceived," she revealed, her past shrouded in the mists of creation.

6. **Supreme Existence:** "My existence is superior to all, even cosmic beings and gods," Imana proclaimed, her confidence unshakable.

7. **True Name:** "My real name is Eternia," she unveiled, sharing the core of her identity.

8. **Paper World Deity:** "I lived in a paper world, a thing which only white," she reminisced, a hint of nostalgia in her tone.

9. **Avatar Form:** "This body you see is merely an avatar, a fragment of my true form," she explained, gesturing to her physical manifestation.

10. **Unrivaled Combatant:** "I have battled entities like Raphealine and even Elysia. I am undefeated, a testament to my might," she said, pride lacing her words. "Yet, the Cosmic Serpent poses a threat, and only the Star ranking power can defeat me."


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