

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Will of Astra

**Astraylius's Perspective:**

The blast from the Phenomenon had been blinding, and as Astraylius's vision cleared, he was met with a sight that shook him to his core. A woman stood before him, clad in a red dress adorned with armor, a large red katana in her hand. "Master," she addressed him, her voice steady and sure.

Astraylius, still reeling from the shock, managed to find his voice. "Who are you? What are you?" he asked, his Dragon Gauntlet still raised defensively.

**The Woman's Perspective:**

"I am born of the Phenomenon, a manifestation of your Astra," the woman replied, her gaze locked onto Astraylius. "I am here to serve and protect you, as is my purpose."

**Imana's Perspective:**

Imana, who had followed Astraylius out of concern, gasped at the scene unfolding before her. The woman's presence was both majestic and intimidating. "Astraylius, what does this mean for us?" she whispered, her eyes never leaving the figure in red.

**Elysia's Perspective:**

Elysia, upon hearing the commotion, hurried to the chamber. The sight that greeted her was one of power and mystery. "Brother, what has happened?" she asked, her eyes wide with wonder and concern.

**The Elders' Perspective:**

The elders, sensing a disturbance in the Astra, convened quickly. "This is a turning point," one elder stated, his voice grave. "We must understand this new Astra's capabilities and the implications of her arrival."


The woman in red stood before Astraylius, her presence commanding yet serene. "Master," she said, her voice echoing with a power that seemed to resonate with the very walls of the chamber. "I am Ananta, your Astra."

Astraylius, taken aback by the sudden appearance and the declaration, steadied himself. "Ananta," he repeated, the name rolling off his tongue like a sacred mantra. "Why have you been brought before me?"

Ananta's gaze was unwavering, her eyes reflecting a wisdom as old as the stars. "The Phenomenon has given me form," she explained. "I am here to serve you, to ensure that the balance of the cosmos is maintained."

Imana, who had quietly followed Astraylius, stepped forward, her eyes wide with wonder. "How will you serve? What is your purpose?" she asked, her voice a mixture of fear and fascination.

Ananta turned to Imana, her red dress shimmering with an inner light. "I am the sword and the shield," she stated. "My purpose is to protect our master and to uphold the harmony of the universe."

Elysia, returning from her walk in the Royal Capital, entered the chamber just in time to witness the exchange. "Brother, what marvel is this?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued by the sight of the armored woman.

The elders, sensing a shift in the Astra's energies, convened in the chamber. "This is a momentous occasion," one elder spoke, his voice trembling with excitement. "An Astra has never before taken a form such as this."

Astraylius approached Ananta, his Dragon Gauntlet still pulsing with the energy of their encounter. "If you are to serve," he said, "then let it be known that my quest is for knowledge, for the protection of Imana and Rule the everyone."

Ananta bowed her head slightly. "Then it shall be so, my master. Your quest is now mine to share, and together we shall stride forth into the unknown, side by side."

**Chapter: The Revelation of the Tomb**

In the heart of the chamber, where the Phenomenon—or what they had believed to be a Phenomenon—rested, Ananta stood beside Astraylius, her form a testament to the cosmic power she wielded.

**Ananta's Perspective:**

"It is not a mere Phenomenon," Ananta began, her voice echoing with a gravity that demanded attention. "It is a Tomb, a resting place for an entity that is very much alive and aware of our world."

**Astraylius's Perspective:**

Astraylius felt a chill run down his spine. The revelation that they were in the presence of something—or someone—alive changed everything. "Alive?" he questioned, his voice betraying his unease.

**Imana's Perspective:**

Imana, who had been observing quietly, stepped forward. "What does this mean for us?" she asked, her concern evident. "Should we fear what lies within?"

**Elysia's Perspective:**

Elysia, ever the protector, moved closer to her brother. "We must proceed with caution," she advised. "If this Tomb's occupant is aware, we cannot predict its intentions."

**The Elders' Perspective:**

The elders, their faces etched with concern, nodded in agreement. "This changes our understanding," one elder said. "We must study this further, but carefully."

Sensing her master's discomfort, Ananta stepped toward the Tomb. With a swift motion, she struck it with her katana, the red blade singing through the air. The chamber held its breath, but the Tomb remained unscathed.

Astraylius watched, his heart pounding. Ananta turned to face the crew, her stance resolute. "My loyalty is to my master," she declared. "I will protect him and our world from any threat, within or without."

The crew looked on, the demonstration of Ananta's fealty a powerful moment that cemented her place among them.


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