

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 4

### Chapter 4: The Cosmos Beckons

Narrator's POV

As the twin moons of Astral World rose in the sky, marking the passage of time, Astraylius approached his sixteenth year. The world he knew had expanded, from the familiar halls of the celestial keep to the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Alongside him, Lumina and Elysia had grown as well, each embracing their destinies within the Astral World.

Astraylius, with Lumina ever at his side, delved into the mysteries of the Astra's powers. Under the tutelage of his parents, he learned to harness the energy that coursed through his veins, the Ananta Devata's power that allowed him to reach into the fabric of reality and weave it anew.

Elysia, the Vinasha Devata, became his guide through the cycles of destruction and rebirth. She taught him the delicate balance required to wield such power, the responsibility that came with the ability to end and begin anew. Together, they explored the limits of their Astras, their combined forces a testament to the potential of their lineage.

The cosmos was an open book to them, each star a word, each galaxy a sentence in the story of existence. They traveled through astral currents, witnessing the birth of stars, the death of planets, and the eternal dance of gravity and light.

Lumina, once a mischievous fox of Samsara, had become a creature of the cosmos as well. Her seven tails flickered with stardust as she adapted to the life of a celestial being. Her Astra, though not as potent as that of her companions, was unique in its cunning and agility. She had become a protector, a friend, and a beacon of light in the dark expanse of space.

Together, they encountered beings of pure energy, entities that defied description, and monsters that challenged their might. Each encounter was a lesson, a step on the path to understanding the true nature of the Astra and the role it played in the tapestry of the universe.

As Astraylius's sixteenth year dawned, he stood on the cusp of adulthood, his eyes reflecting the vastness of the cosmos. He had learned much about the world, the Astra, and himself. The lessons of his parents, the loyalty of Lumina, and the bond with his sister Elysia had prepared him for the journey ahead.

The cosmos beckoned, full of wonders and dangers, and Astraylius was ready to answer its call. With Lumina by his side and Elysia's wisdom in his heart, he stepped forward into the future, a future where he would shape the destiny of the Astral World and all who dwelled within it.

Astraylius POV

As I reached the age of 16 Lumina becomes obsessed and clingy towards with me but always spoiled and cares her.

After some days I was bathing with Lumina she randomly teases me and Seduce's me but today she suggested me to go to an academy finding more people's and wielders of Astra's. As she started rubbing my muscles but i continued to think. But she kisses me deeply making me shocked and she confess her love towards me but I told her that we both are Immortal beings so thinking about love life and etc.

Is worthless now this makes her very angry but she calms down and we both finished up and i decided to talk to Mom and Dad.

In the quiet hours of the evening, when the twin moons cast a serene glow over the celestial keep, Astraylius approached his parents with a resolve that had been simmering within him. Archon and Aerish listened intently, for they knew their son, the Ananta Devata, was on the brink of a new chapter.

"Mother, Father," Astraylius began, his voice steady and clear, "I have given much thought to my journey ahead. The cosmos is vast, and its secrets many. To truly understand the Astra that flows through me, I wish to attend the Astra's Academy."

Archon, ever the pillar of strength, nodded thoughtfully. "The Academy is the pinnacle of learning for those who bear the Astra. It is there that the greatest minds and mightiest warriors have honed their skills."

Aerish, with the wisdom of the stars in her eyes, added, "It is a place where you will be challenged, where your beliefs will be tested, and your powers will grow. But remember, my son, the lessons of the Academy are not just about power—they are about responsibility."

Astraylius listened, his heart swelling with gratitude for the guidance his parents had always provided. "I understand the weight of the path I choose. I seek not just the mastery of my Astra, but the wisdom to wield it for the greater good."

Elysia, who had joined the conversation, smiled at her brother. "The Academy will be fortunate to have you, Astraylius. And while you learn from them, they too will learn from you."

The decision was made, and the family embraced, knowing that this was but a step toward a destiny that would shape not just Astraylius, but the very fabric of the Astral World.

In the days that followed, preparations were made for Astraylius's departure. The Astra's Academy awaited, its ancient halls brimming with the promise of knowledge and the potential of the future.


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