

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 48

Chapter 48: Vinasha Devata Powers and Astra Dress

The crew gathered at the head of the ship, their eyes fixed on the vast expanse of space that stretched out before them. Suddenly, Elysia, with a grace that defied the vacuum around them, leapt from the ship. As she floated amidst the stars, a transformation began. Her attire shifted and shimmered, morphing into the legendary Astra Dress, a garment of power and myth.

The crew watched in awe as Elysia, now adorned in the celestial gown, glowed with an otherworldly light. The Astra Dress, said to be woven from the fabric of the cosmos itself, enveloped her in a radiant aura, its patterns reflecting the constellations that surrounded them.

Astraylius, his heart still a tumult of emotions from his encounters with Luminaria and the memories of Imana, found a new sense of wonder in his sister's transformation. It was a moment of pure magic, a reminder of the mysteries they were out there to explore.

Elysia, now the embodiment of the Astra legacy, turned to her companions, her eyes sparkling with the same stars that adorned her dress. "Fear not, for the Astra Dress grants me the vision to navigate through the darkness," she proclaimed, her voice carrying the melody of the universe.

The crew's shock turned to admiration, and a renewed sense of purpose filled the ship. With Elysia's newfound power, they felt ready to face the living phenomenon that awaited them, the black hole that was both a threat and an enigma.

As they resumed their positions, ready to continue their journey, Elysia floated back to the ship, her Astra Dress trailing stardust in her wake. The adventure was far from over, and the crew of the ship knew that together, they could face any challenge the cosmos threw at them.


**Astraylius's Perspective:**

The captain stood, transfixed, as Elysia's lance cleaved through the darkness, annihilating the black hole in a single, effortless motion. "It was like breathing air for her," she declared, her voice resonating with a strength that belied the simplicity of the act.

Astraylius felt a mix of awe and fear. The power his sister wielded was beyond comprehension, a force that could reshape the cosmos itself.

**Luminaria's Perspective:**

Luminaria's heart raced with excitement. The destruction of the black hole, a feat she had believed impossible, was executed with such ease by Elysia. She turned to Astraylius, her eyes wide with wonder. "Your sister is truly remarkable," she said, her voice tinged with pride and a hint of envy.

**Astral II and Vennesa's Perspective:**

Astral II and Vennesa, still entwined in their embrace, were jolted by the shockwave of the collapsing singularity. They shared a look of disbelief, their previous encounters with black holes nothing compared to this. "She's done the unthinkable," Vennesa whispered, her eyes reflecting the remnants of the shattered phenomenon.

**Elysia's Perspective:**

Elysia, floating back towards the ship, felt the surge of power recede, leaving her with a calm clarity. "To wield the Astra Dress is to command the breath of the universe," she mused, her smile a silent acknowledgment of her newfound place among the stars.


Elysia, her form still radiating with the remnants of the cosmic energy, addressed the crew with a solemnity that commanded their full attention.

"The Astra Dress is not merely a garment," she began, her voice echoing through the ship's hull. "It is the embodiment of our Astra's peak potential. As we grow in strength and mastery, so too does the power that cloaks us."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in. "My Astra, Vinasha, is primordial—ancient and unrivaled. It has reached its zenith, thus granting me the Astra Dress you see before you."

The crew listened, rapt, as she continued. "Each Astra has its rank, its unique path to ascension. Astraylius, your Ananta Devata is mighty, yet it seeks further evolution. It yearns to reach its pinnacle, just as Vinasha has."

Astraylius nodded, his eyes reflecting a newfound resolve. "Then I shall not rest until Ananta Devata awakens fully. We all have our paths to tread, our own peaks to reach."

The crew murmured in agreement, each member contemplating the journey of their own Astra.


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