

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 47

Chapter,47: Luminaria joined the chat

The ship, a beacon of metal and might, cut through the void, leaving Planet Astraylius behind. Captain Astraylius, his hands steady on the controls, couldn't help but steal glances at the tender scene unfolding between Astral II and Vennesa. Their romance, a silent ballet performed in the zero gravity, was a poignant reminder of his own heart's yearning for Imana.

Elysia's violin, a haunting melody amidst the stars, played on, unaware of the sudden shift in the ship's atmosphere as the Entity materialized aboard. It was Luminaria, her presence as commanding as it was unexpected, her lips finding Astraylius's in a deep, fervent kiss that spoke volumes of a history shared and a future uncertain.

As she pulled away, her eyes locked with his, a pout formed on her lips—a playful rebuke for his absence. "You've traversed the stars, yet avoided the one who shines for you," she teased, her voice a gentle chide.

Astraylius, caught in the web of Luminaria's allure, felt the ship's hum resonate with the beating of his own heart. The Empress of Luminar clung to him, her intentions clear as the stars that guided their path.

As the ship approached the living phenomenon, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The crew, each absorbed in their own thoughts and duties, felt the gravity of their mission more than ever. Here's how the chapter unfolds:


**Elysia's Perspective:**

The revelation hit Elysia like a supernova. Luminaria, the radiant Empress of Luminar, was to be her brother's second wife? The shock was palpable, her violin's song faltering for the first time in years. She looked at Astraylius, her brother, her captain, searching his eyes for an answer.

"Why?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Astraylius, his gaze fixed on the swirling vortex of the black hole ahead, responded without turning. "Imana understands the alliances this brings, the strength," he said, his voice steady but distant. "But my heart is not a commodity to be traded."

Elysia reached out, her hand hesitating before pinching his ear playfully. "Since when did you become such a playboy?" she teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Astraylius managed a half-smile, the weight of command ever-present.

**Luminaria's Perspective:**

Luminaria watched the siblings, her heart a tumult of emotions. She had not expected Elysia's humor, nor the captain's melancholy. She moved closer to Astraylius, her hand brushing his.

"We are but stars in an endless sky, Astraylius," she said softly. "Let us shine together, even if the light is fleeting."

Astraylius turned to her, the depth of space reflected in his eyes. "And what of the shadows we cast?" he asked.

Luminaria leaned in, her lips inches from his ear. "Shadows are nothing but a reminder that somewhere, there is light," she whispered.

**Astral II and Vennesa's Perspective:**

Astral II and Vennesa, still entwined in their own world, felt the ship tremble as they neared the black hole. They looked at each other, their connection unspoken but understood.

"We are near," Vennesa said, her voice calm.

Astral II nodded. "The heart of darkness, where even light cannot escape," he mused. "Yet here we are, drawn to its mystery."

They turned to face the phenomenon, their hands clasped tightly. The black hole was not just a celestial object; it was a test, a question posed to the very essence of their being.


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