

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 46

**Chapter 46: The Living Phenomenon**

Astraylius and Elysia, having left the comfort of the mansion, ventured forth to seek the wisdom of the Doctors, the learned ones who held the keys to understanding the mysteries of the universe.

Upon their arrival, the Doctors greeted them with a mixture of reverence and curiosity. "Welcome, Astraylius, Child of Gods, and Elysia, his esteemed sister," said the lead Doctor, his voice echoing through the halls of knowledge. "What brings you to our doorstep this day?"

Astraylius stepped forward, his demeanor calm yet commanding. "We seek insight into the phenomenon that stirs within the Astral World. Speak to us of its nature," he requested, his eyes searching for truth.

The Doctors exchanged glances, the weight of their knowledge a heavy cloak upon their shoulders. "The phenomenon you speak of," began one, "is not an artifact, nor a weapon, nor the script of ancient lore. It is a living being, a consciousness that defies the boundaries of our understanding."

Elysia, her intellect as sharp as her brother's, probed further. "A living being? Then it possesses life, information, and consciousness as we do?" she inquired, her mind racing with the implications¹.

"Yes," another Doctor confirmed, "it is a vital entity, one that shares the common thread of life that binds all living beings. Its existence challenges our perception of life and its manifestations."

Astraylius absorbed the revelation, his thoughts turning to the cosmic serpent and the Prophecy of the Emperor of Cosmos. "If this being is alive, then it must have a purpose, a role to play in the grand design," he mused aloud.

Elysia nodded, her gaze fixed on the horizon of possibilities. "And we must be ready to meet it, to understand its intentions, whether they herald salvation or Destruction.

In the vast expanse of the cosmos, Elysia and Astraylius, joined by Prince Astral II and Vennesa, stood at the precipice of a daring endeavor. They had resolved to capture the enigmatic phenomenon within a different dimension, a realm apart from their own, to safeguard their world from the unknown.

Yet, as they prepared to embark on their interstellar quest, they found themselves without a vessel to traverse the celestial sea. Undeterred, Astraylius and Elysia called upon their divine heritage and, with a flourish of cosmic power, conjured a vessel unlike any other.

Before the awestruck eyes of their companions, a ship took form, its design inspired by the dragons of legend—a colossal pirate ship with scales that shimmered like stars and a hull forged from the essence of space itself. Adorned with countless weapons, each capable of harnessing the raw energies of the universe, the ship stood ready to sail the astral tides.

Prince Astral II and Vennesa marveled at the creation, its grandeur a testament to the might of those who had brought it into being. "This ship," Prince Astral II exclaimed, "is a fortress among the stars, a beacon of our resolve."

Vennesa, her eyes reflecting the ship's majesty, added, "With such a vessel, we shall navigate the unknown and return with the wisdom of the ages."

Together, the four ascended to the deck of the dragon-shaped leviathan, their spirits alight with the thrill of adventure. As the ship broke free from the planet's embrace, it sailed into the void, its course set for the heart of the phenomenon.

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