

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 43

**Chapter 43: The Forging of Bonds and Blades**

The first light of dawn crept through the curtains as Astraylius awoke to find Imana, his wife, clinging to him in peaceful slumber. With a gentle kiss upon her forehead, he rose, drawn by the rhythmic sound of hammers echoing from the forge.

There, amidst the sparks and flames, stood Diggory, his hammer falling with practiced precision upon the anvil. The sight of the Dwarf forging a weapon so early stirred a playful jest within Astraylius. "A father's impatience knows no bounds," he teased, watching Diggory's cheeks flush with a mix of embarrassment and pride.

"I've nothing to hide from you, Astraylius," Diggory admitted, setting his hammer aside. "Lythiria may not be of my blood, but she is my daughter in all the ways that matter."

Curiosity piqued, Astraylius inquired about the weapon taking shape under Diggory's skilled hands. "A Dragon Slayer Greatsword," Diggory revealed, his eyes alight with a craftsman's fire. "Forged from Cosmic Jades, treasures once unearthed by Lythiria herself."

As the forge's warmth enveloped them, Diggory began to recount the tale of Lythiria's growth—from the moment he entrusted her to Astraylius's care to their last day together. His words painted a vivid portrait of a dragoness whose spirit was as fierce as her love was gentle.

The hours passed, unnoticed, as the story unfolded. Eventually, the weight of memories and the heat of the forge took their toll, lulling both men into a deep sleep amidst the tools of creation and the echoes of a bond that transcended time and blood.

As the first rays of the sun kissed the horizon, Astraylius and Diggory awoke, their spirits renewed by the promise of the day. They descended upon the breakfast table with a hunger befitting the grandest of feasts, their laughter echoing through the halls.

With the meal concluded, Astraylius stood, the air around him shimmering with celestial energy. With a flourish, he unfurled his Godly Cosmic wings, a breathtaking tapestry of the universe's very essence. Diggory watched, awe-struck yet unsurprised, as the divine appendages stretched across the room.

"I knew it," Diggory said with a knowing grin. "You and Imana, gods among us. It was clear as the stars in the night sky."

Astraylius smiled, a glint of pride in his eyes. "Our true nature matters little. It is Lythiria who commands our focus now," he affirmed, his wings retracting into the ether from whence they came.

Diggory nodded, his thoughts aligning with his friend's. "Aye, Lythiria's fate is the thread we must follow," he agreed, his voice resolute.

Together, they stepped out of the mansion, leaving Imana and the two servants to watch over their home. The world outside awaited, its mysteries and trials ready to test the mettle of gods and mortals alike.

The grandeur of the Council's chamber stood testament to the ancient power it housed, its vaulted ceilings echoing with the whispers of eons. As Astraylius and Diggory made their entrance, not through doors but through the very roof itself, the assembly turned to witness the arrival of the guardians of Lythiria.

In the center of the trial room, Lythiria stood, her scales glinting with the wisdom of her lineage, awaiting the commencement of the discussion that would decide her fate. Upon seeing her mentors, her heart swelled with affection, and she leapt towards Astraylius, her dragon voice rumbling with joy as she licked his face in a display of draconic fondness.

Diggory watched the reunion, a twinge of jealousy quickly overtaken by the warmth of happiness. When Lythiria embraced him, he understood her words, a language shared between them since her birth. It was a bond forged in the fires of care and companionship, unbreakable and pure.

Astraylius, observing the depth of their connection, felt a surge of pride swell within him. Yet, amidst the emotions, a realization dawned upon him—Lythiria, though but five years in age, bore the physical majesty of a fully-grown dragon. Her stature, her grace, all spoke of her rightful place as the heir to the Dragon Goddess.

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