

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 41

**Chapter 23: Shadows and Revelations**

The union of Prince Astral II and Vennesa had been sealed under the watchful gaze of the cosmos, their marriage a beacon of hope as both Empires continued their diligent research into the enigmatic phenomenon of an Ancient civilization. In the midst of this pursuit of knowledge, Astraylius felt a pull towards the familiar comfort of old friendships.

He set out to visit Diggory, his stalwart Dwarf friend, and the majestic Dragoness Lythiria, a gift from the Dragon Goddess of the Ecosystem, Yvelina. However, upon arriving at their known abode, he was met with an unsettling silence. The base, usually brimming with life, stood deserted, leaving a trail of questions lingering in the air.

As Astraylius waited, the sky darkened, and a formidable presence sliced through the stillness. A large black dragon, scales glistening like obsidian under the waning light, descended from the heavens. Its eyes, a piercing shade of crimson, locked onto Astraylius with an intelligence that belied its beastly form.

**Astraylius's Resolve:**

Astraylius, though taken aback, stood his ground. "I seek my friends, the Dwarf Diggory and the Dragoness Lythiria. Do you know of their whereabouts?" he inquired, his voice steady despite the awe-inspiring creature before him.

**The Black Dragon's Message:**

The black dragon's voice rumbled like thunder, yet carried a clarity that resonated in the air. "They have ventured into the heart of the Enchanted Forest, seeking answers to the riddles of the Ancients. A perilous journey, for the forest is alive with more than just trees."

**The Call to Action:**

Astraylius's heart quickened. The Enchanted Forest was known to be a labyrinth of mysteries, its paths woven with magic and danger. "Then I must follow," he declared, determination etching his features. "For friendship and the pursuit of truth are the twin stars that guide my way."

**The Dragon's Offer:**

The black dragon bowed its head, a gesture of respect. "I am Nocturne, the shadow guardian of these realms. If it is your wish, I shall bear you on my wings to the edge of the Enchanted Forest."

Grateful for the unexpected ally, Astraylius accepted. As they soared through the twilight sky, the Empire below them a tapestry of lights, he knew that this journey would test the bonds of friendship and the courage of those who dared to seek the whispers of the past.

**The Arrival:**

Upon reaching the forest's boundary, Nocturne landed gracefully. "Beyond here, I cannot follow. The magic of the forest accepts only those it deems worthy," the dragon intoned.

Astraylius nodded, his gaze fixed on the verdant expanse before him. "Thank you, Nocturne. May the stars watch over your flight."

With a final glance at the retreating form of the black dragon, Astraylius stepped into the Enchanted Forest, the air humming with ancient spells. The path ahead was shrouded in mystery, but his resolve was as clear as the starlit sky above.

The Enchanted Forest was alive with whispers of ancient magic, its labyrinthine paths a test to any who dared traverse its depths. Astraylius, with each step, felt the weight of the years that had passed. His mind wandered to Lythiria, the Dragoness who had grown from a hatchling to a magnificent creature under the care of diggory—a living legacy of the Dragon Goddess Yvelina.

As he ventured deeper, the forest revealed its heart—a clearing where the air thrummed with power. There, amidst the intertwining roots of age-old trees, lay Diggory, his body battered and his breaths shallow. Astraylius rushed to his side, his hands glowing with the healing light of Ananta Devata, a sacred energy bestowed upon him.

The light enveloped Diggory, mending bone and sinew, until, with a deep inhale, the Dwarf's eyes fluttered open. Recognition dawned, and shock etched his features as he beheld his old friend.

"Astraylius," Diggory gasped, his voice a mix of relief and sorrow. "I... I have failed. The legacy... Lythiria... she's gone."

Astraylius's heart clenched at the words, his mind refusing to accept the possibility. "Gone? Tell me everything, Diggory. What befell Lythiria?"

Diggory's gaze turned distant, the memory painful. "A dragon, unlike any other, descended upon us. Four wings, a tail as crimson as the dying sun, and eyes that held the purple twilight. We fought, Lythiria and I, with all our might. But the beast was relentless."

He paused, the effort of speaking evident. "I was struck down, and darkness took me. Of Lythiria's fate, I know not."

Astraylius's jaw set, a steely resolve taking hold. "Then we must find her, Diggory. No matter the cost. Lythiria is more than just a dragon; she is a symbol of trust between Astraylius and Yvelina."

Together, they stood, the bond of friendship and shared purpose unbroken.

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