

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 3

### Chapter 3: The Revelation of the Starlit Bath

Narrator's POV

As the night settled over the celestial keep, a tranquil silence enveloped the castle. The inhabitants of Astral World had retired to their chambers, leaving the halls bathed in the soft glow of stardust. Astraylius Von Asterea, however, found themselves drawn to the solitude of the castle's grand bath.

The bath, a marvel of Astral World's architecture, was a serene pool that reflected the cosmos above. It was here that Astraylius sought a moment of reflection, away from the expectations of their lineage.

Lumina, ever the loyal companion, sensed her master's need for tranquility and offered her assistance. She knew the bath was a place of cleansing not just for the body, but for the spirit as well.

As they entered the water, the surface shimmering with starlight, Lumina discovered something she had not known before—Astraylius was genderless. In the society of Sonaria, where beings were often defined by their roles and identities, Astraylius transcended these norms.

Lumina's eyes widened with understanding, and a smile graced her features. To her, Astraylius was not defined by a category or label, but by the essence of their being—a child of the cosmos, free from the constraints of traditional forms.

Astraylius met Lumina's gaze, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. There was no need for words, for their bond was deeper than the physical, rooted in the cosmic dance of creation and existence.

Together, they bathed in the starlit waters, the night air filled with the harmony of their shared silence. It was a moment of pure connection, a testament to the trust and acceptance that had grown between them.

As the bath concluded, Lumina draped a celestial robe around Astraylius's shoulders, the fabric woven from the threads of nebulae. They stepped out into the cool night, their path lit by the luminescence of their bond.

The revelation in the bath had only strengthened their relationship, for Lumina saw Astraylius not just as a master, but as a kindred spirit, a fellow traveler on the journey through the stars.

And as they entered to their chambers, the castle of Astral World whispered with the secrets of the universe, cradling its inhabitants in the embrace of the cosmos.

Astraylius's POV

As I entered the room Lumina decided to take her small fox form and i layed on my bed and she sleeps on my side as we both falls asleep.

In the Morning

As I waked up i found out that Lumina is sleeping naked hugging me like a baby.

As she woke up she kissed me on my cheek and hugs me more tightly.

Astraylius : Lumina what are you doing.

Lumina : Showing my affection towards you my Master.

This makes me feel very happy and we decided to take a bath.

After the bath

I decided to talk to Mom and Dad and I told them that I'm talking a male form for being comfortable with other beings as they agreed.

I changed my body structure to a male of my age this makes me little uncomfortable but i have to adopt my new form and i can feels the lust of Lumina towards me but she hides it from me and we decided to hunting some monster for her training.

Narrator's POV

After a heartfelt discussion with Archon and Aerish, Astraylius embraced the identity of a male, a decision that was met with support and love from his parents. With this newfound understanding of himself, Astraylius turned his attention to Lumina, his mischievous and loyal companion.

Determined to hone her abilities and prepare her for the dangers that lay beyond Astral World, Astraylius proposed a challenge—hunting the formidable monsters that roamed the untamed regions of their world.

Lumina, with her eyes alight with excitement, accepted the challenge eagerly. She was ready to prove her worth and stand alongside Astraylius as an equal in battle.

Together, they ventured into the wilds, where the air was thick with the promise of adventure. The forest was alive with the roars and growls of creatures that had never known defeat.

Astraylius and Lumina worked in unison, their movements a dance of precision and grace. Astraylius, with his cosmic powers, would weave spells of containment, while Lumina, swift and agile, darted around their foes, her tails a blur of motion.

Each monster they encountered was a lesson in strength and strategy. Lumina learned to anticipate their movements, to use the environment to her advantage, and to find the perfect moment to strike.

As the days passed, Lumina's skills grew exponentially. She was no longer just the fox of Samsara; she was a warrior in her own right, her spirit as fierce as the flames of a supernova.

The training culminated in a battle against a leviathan of the deep—a creature whose scales were as tough as the bedrock of Sonaria. Astraylius and Lumina stood before it, undaunted by its size or power.

With a roar that shook the heavens, the leviathan charged. Astraylius raised his hands, summoning a barrier of stardust, while Lumina leaped into the fray, her tails weaving a pattern of destruction.

The battle was long and arduous, but together, they emerged victorious. The leviathan lay defeated, and Lumina, panting and exhilarated, knew that she had surpassed all expectations.

Astraylius placed a hand on her head, pride evident in his eyes. "You have done well, Lumina. You are no longer my servant; you are my partner, my equal."

And so, Lumina's training was complete. She had become a force to be reckoned with, a true companion to Astraylius on the path that lay ahead.


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