

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 37

After an intensive three-year training period within the time-dilated chamber, Astraylius, Imana, and Luminaria emerged with a host of new abilities and skills, honed to near perfection. Here are some of the capabilities they developed:


- **Celestial Manipulation**: Gained the ability to harness and manipulate cosmic energies, allowing him to create and control celestial phenomena.

- **Temporal Foresight**: Developed a limited form of precognition, giving him the ability to anticipate near-future events during combat.

- **Stellar Forge**: Created a technique to forge weapons and armor from condensed star matter, providing equipment with unique properties.


- **Divine Insight**: Enhanced her omniscience, allowing for a deeper understanding of the underlying truths of the universe.

- **Ethereal Step**: Mastered a movement skill that lets her phase through physical matter, making her nearly untouchable in battle.

- **Soul Harmony**: Learned to synchronize her soul's frequency with others, enabling profound empathic connections and healing.


- **Astra Command**: Perfected her control over her Astra Eyes, now able to command not just beings but also elemental forces.

- **Dimensional Rift**: Developed the ability to open small rifts in space, using them for instantaneous travel or as a defensive mechanism.

- **Worldweaver's Touch**: Gained the skill to temporarily alter reality within a localized area, bending the laws of physics to her will.

Together, the trio also created a set of **Mana Cultivation Arts**, which include:

- **Harmony of the Spheres**: A combined technique that utilizes their individual strengths to create a harmonious attack, defense, or healing effect.

- **Eclipse Cascade**: A powerful offensive maneuver where they channel their energies into a concentrated burst of power.

- **Astral Nexus**: A defensive formation that links their Astras into a protective barrier, capable of withstanding tremendous forces.

These new abilities and skills not only signify their growth as individuals but also as a cohesive unit, ready to face the challenges that lie ahead with newfound strength and wisdom. Their time within the chamber has irrevocably changed them, setting them on a path of greatness and towards fulfilling their destinies.

As the seeing progress of Astraylius , Emperor Astral takes it upon himself to impart the rigorous training and the profound knowledge of Mana Cultivation to Prince Astral II and Vennessa. The training is arduous, designed to push the limits of their abilities and prepare them for the responsibilities that lie ahead.

Astraylius watches with a sense of pride and contentment. The presence of his students, along with Imana and Luminaria by his side, fills him with joy. There is a deep satisfaction in knowing that he has grown strong, not just through the innate powers he was born with, but through the dedication and perseverance that have marked his journey at Astra Academy.

**Astraylius's Perspective:**

"Seeing you all embrace the path of cultivation with such fervor reminds me of the early days of my own training," Astraylius remarks, his voice tinged with nostalgia.

**Imana's Perspective:**

Imana, standing beside him, adds, "We have all come so far, not just in power but in spirit. The strength we have found within ourselves is our greatest triumph."


Astraylius: "To witness the growth of those we teach is to see the future taking shape before our eyes."

Imana: "Indeed, and it is a future that we have all had a hand in molding."

As the day comes to a close, the stars above Astra Academy seem to shine a little brighter, reflecting the potential of the new generation of cultivators. Astraylius, Imana, and Luminaria retire for the evening, their hearts light with the knowledge that they have contributed to the legacy of the academy and the Astral World.

A month had swiftly passed at Astra Academy, like the fleeting trail of a comet across the night sky. The once distant murmur of the graduation ceremony had grown into a chorus of anticipation and excitement. Astraylius, Imana, and Luminaria had not wasted a moment of the precious time leading up to this pivotal event.

**Astraylius's Progress**:

Astraylius had dedicated himself to perfecting the Celestial Manipulation technique, now able to call forth miniature nebulas that could shield or ensnare. His Temporal Foresight had sharpened, allowing him to anticipate his opponent's moves with uncanny accuracy during sparring sessions.

**Imana's Progress**:

Imana's Divine Insight had deepened, granting her visions that were almost prophetic. Her Ethereal Step had become a dance of transcendence, her form flickering in and out of the material plane with such grace that it seemed as if she were a spirit walking among mortals.

**Luminaria's Progress**:

Luminaria had mastered her Astra Command to a degree that she could now weave the elements into intricate patterns of destruction and creation. Her Dimensional Rifts were no longer mere passages but strategic vortices that could displace attacks and disrupt enemy formations.

Together, they had refined their Mana Cultivation Arts, with the Harmony of the Spheres becoming a symphony of power that resonated through the very foundations of the academy. The Eclipse Cascade had evolved into a devastating display of combined might, capable of leveling battlefields. The Astral Nexus now stood as an impenetrable fortress, a testament to their unity and strength.

As the final days before graduation dwindled, the trio found themselves reflecting on their journey. They had arrived at the academy as individuals seeking knowledge and power. Now, they stood together, not just as friends or allies, but as pillars of a new era that would soon dawn upon the Astral World.

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