

The child of two cosmic beings Astraylius Von Asterea born as Extraordinary One as he grows his Adventure begins

beingafter4thwall · แฟนตาซี
83 Chs

Chapter 35

**Chapter 35: The Cosmic Serpent and the Trial of Unity and the letter**

After their return from the forest, Astraylius sought an audience with Emperor Astral to discuss the troubling increase in hunting within the sacred woods. The Emperor listened gravely, promising to investigate the matter further.

Later, as Astraylius retreated to the dorms, he discovered Luminaria and Imana engrossed in a video game from Luminaria's home world. At Luminaria's behest, he joined the game, only to find himself bested time and again, despite Luminaria's expertise and Imana's strategic draws that seemed to echo the depth of their connection.

As night descended upon the academy, Astraylius and Luminaria walked together, her playful attempts at seduction falling short against his unwavering affection for Imana. Their light-hearted banter was abruptly cut short by the appearance of a mysterious giant snake. In a fierce battle, Luminaria vanquished the serpent with her Eyes of Commandant.

The next morning, the incident was brought before the Principal, who insisted that such a creature could not have breached the academy's barriers. Yet, Vennessa, upon hearing of the encounter, sensed a deeper threat—a cosmic serpent capable of devouring even the void itself.

Imana, tapping into her omniscience, confirmed Vennessa's fears. The new threat was indeed a cosmic serpent, a devourer of worlds. With the Emperor choosing to observe from a distance, the fate of the Astral World rested on the shoulders of Astraylius, Imana, Luminaria, Prince Astral II, and Vennessa.

As the Astraylius gets a Letter from the Zheng Chen Explained about the Power of Mana and Cultivation, the concept of Mana Cultivation has taken root, bringing with it a new era of power and progression. The letter Astraylius received not only heralds the joyous union of his friends but also speaks of the evolution of their Astra's and the intricacies of Mana Cultivation.

**Mana Cultivation** is a process of refining one's internal energy to ascend through various stages of power. While the specific ranks can vary across different narratives, a common structure might include stages such as:

1. **Foundation**: Where cultivators solidify their energy and begin their journey.

2. **Core Formation**: Cultivators form a core within themselves, harnessing more power.

3. **Nascent Soul**: A stage where the soul becomes powerful and gains new abilities.

4. **Spirit Severing**: The cultivator's spirit becomes strong enough to influence the physical realm.

5. **Void Merging**: Merging with the void, cultivators can manipulate space and time.

6. **Immortal Ascension**: The final stage where one transcends the mortal limits.

With each rank, cultivators gain enhanced strength, speed, resilience, and the ability to manipulate the elements, heal, and even achieve feats like telekinesis and flight. The highest stages allow for control over reality itself¹⁴.

As for the evolutions of their Astra's, they signify a profound growth in their powers:

- **Zhang Chen's Void Star Dragon**: This evolution likely embodies the vastness of space, granting abilities related to void manipulation, stellar creation, and cosmic awareness.

- **Charlotte's Crimson Monarch**: As a Crimson Monarch, Charlotte may command fiery powers, with abilities that could range from pyrokinesis to phoenix-like rebirth.

- **Aurora's Inferno Kiss**: This evolution suggests a mastery over flames that can enchant or devastate, perhaps even bending the will of others or incinerating foes with a mere gesture.

- **Caelum's Zephyr Edge**: With this evolution, Caelum might control the winds, cutting through the toughest materials and summoning storms at will.

- **Lucius's Winter's Bite**: This form could grant Lucius control over ice and cold, freezing enemies in place or summoning blizzards.

The letter unfolds with the rustle of parchment as Astraylius reads the letter from his friends, each word a harbinger of joy and new beginnings. The letter speaks of unions forged in love and companionship, heralding the marriages of Zhang Chen and Charlotte, Caelum and Aurora, and Seraphina and Lucius.

Zhang Chen and Charlotte: Their marriage is a fusion of strength and grace, a testament to the enduring power of love. As they unite, their Astra's evolve, reflecting the depth of their bond.

Caelum and Aurora: Their union is a dance of wind and flame, a celebration of passion and freedom that resonates through the very air.

Seraphina and Lucius: Theirs is a marriage of contrasts, where the chill of winter meets the warmth of a nurturing heart, creating a harmony that echoes in the silence of snowfall.

The letter also reveals the advent of The Arts of Mana Cultivation, a new power that has emerged in the world. This ancient art allows individuals to harness the energy within and ascend through various ranks, each with its own abilities and capabilities:

Initiate: The first step on the path, where one learns to sense and gather mana.

Adept: A rank where control over mana is strengthened, allowing for basic spells and enchantments.

Mystic: At this stage, one can weave mana into complex spells and even imbue objects with magical properties.

Sage: Sages can manipulate the elements, heal grievous wounds, and have a deeper understanding of the magical world.

Archmage: The penultimate rank, where one's power can shape the landscape and challenge the might of dragons.

Ascendant: The pinnacle of Mana Cultivation, where one transcends the mortal plane and touches the essence of divinity.

As Astraylius reports it about Emperor and The principal and Luminaria are Imana as this continues the day and the Night falls and Dreams begins.

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